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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. It would be super duper awesome of you guys if you tossed in some ideas on how to customize my robot kougra, Benjamiinnn. I was trying to build on what I have but can't come up with much! NC is totally out for me, unfortunately. :(



    I think robot pets are a challenge to customize but I enjoy a challenge. ^_^ Even if you don't have any suggestions for my pet specifically, feel free to mention anything that you think would go well with any robot pet, or share customizations of robot pets that you feel are really well done!

  2. Ive heard that someone got warning for doing that. You are not allowed to send another user a message saying that their behaviour is against the rules. But maybe someone was just kidding.


    Anyway, do you know if anyone got into serious trouble with TNT for continuously quiting the game of KQ?

    Hm. I suppose it could fall under harassment as well, but TBH I've only done it maybe a couple times and have never been reported or warned for it. I feel like it's a lot nicer to give someone the benefit of the doubt and kindly inform them rather than straight up reporting them. :(



    I don't know if people have gotten in trouble for quitting because it would require a lot of proof, but aside from getting in trouble it can also just earn them a bad reputation and a lower completion rating (smiley faces), which means less players would want to play with them in the first place.

  3. Regarding the predetermined win, I just find it funny that there's an article on the recent issue of the Neopian Times that pretty much suggests doing that (among friends). I suppose the staff member(s) who reviewed the article did not know about this particular rule.

    Yeah, sometimes the Times can be a little contradictory. They've also published an article someone wrote about why quitting is a strategy, when it's fairly well-known that you shouldn't do it. Maybe it's just to show opinions and generate discussion, I'm not sure.



    I disagree, here's why: Aside from the "rule" being mentioned in an editorial (which, keep in mind, not everyone reads!), there is no other mention of it anywhere on the Key Quest page (or any rules, for that matter).

    I used to think it was a good strategy until someone sent me a neomail explaining that it's against the rules. I can't remember the editorial exactly, but I think it's a fairly logical rule because TNT had stated something like "if you wouldn't do it during a normal board game, don't do it during KeyQuest." You wouldn't simply refuse to take your turn during a game with your friends.


    That said, it's pretty difficult to prove that a player is doing it, so it's unlikely that you'd lose your account unless you were reported numerous times. I'd also hope you'd be warned about it before your account was permanently frozen!

  4. I didn't even know mandatory voting existed! :O That said, I don't think I agree with it. People have a right to vote, but that doesn't mean they have to exercise it.


    I think voter turnout would be a fairly decent gauge of voter interest in politics, and forcing people to do it might just mean that there's more uneducated or apathetic voters. Some people also feel that not voting is their way of making a statement about the candidates or a political system.


    I do like that people have mentioned just showing up and casting an empty ballot if you don't know enough about the candidates. I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with compulsory voting if people were well informed that they can cast blank votes, or even if there were an actual option on the ballot like "no vote" or "none of the above" so people aren't just voting randomly.

  5. Love both the colours! I actually can't get over the wings on both of them. :laughingsmiley: The wraith one is really wispy and vapour-esque as Spritzie mentioned. I also think the lighter spots on the strawberry wings look like little undeveloped strawberries, even though it wasn't intentional. And if you compare it to a real strawberry, I think the seeds are perfect. :)

  6. I genuinely hope so, too :) this is a dark time for politics in America, I would say.


    Here's a link to Julian Castro:

    I personally think he's outstanding because he's representing Texas (which is notoriously a red state, meaning very conservative) in a way that actually aligns with my interests and beliefs. I think that's just great to see.


    Another highlight was of course First Lady Michelle Obama! Here's a link to hers:


    I can't speak for the Republican highlights, as I'm obviously biased the other way, but I'm sure there are some in there somewhere. Hopefully someone else can add that perspective :)

    Thanks for the links! Like Rebecca, I live in Canada, so maybe I'll have to open up a safe haven at my house too should the republicans win. :laughingsmiley:



    It's very refreshing to see discussion here on economic-type issues. I definitely think that it's something people should focus on more, even though I'm not an expert on it myself. However, the States unfortunately seems to be really hung up on a number of social issues [just an outsider's perspective], and my fear is that these are the issues that might be targeted should the republicans come into power, no matter how sound their other policies might be (although I tend to lean left on most issues, anyway).


    And as others have stated, I think Obama is just getting started. He needs more time to fully 'realize his potential' and I'm sure another four years would make a huge difference. :)

  7. Me again. Im annoyed at the moment. Ive got silent for sending this message to one of the users: Why have you left the game of Key Quest when I was one move away from winning?


    Is it really that offencive? Any "profanity, inappropriate language, or bad acronyms" I cannot find?


    Im sure there is some creepy understanding about it, though I still havent been enlightened enough to see it.


    Anyway, I needed to moan about it to someone.


    As others have said earlier in the thread, it's considered harassment. You should report the player and hope TNT acts on it rather than calling them out yourself - even if it's almost 100% likely that they cheated or played unfairly, it still sounds accusatory and could be considered rude. I don't think you deserve to be silenced over a comment like that, but I can also see why TNT would think it is justified.



    I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt, or sometimes I'll send them a very kind neomail to inform them of the rules, just in case they weren't aware that doing x is considered cheating. If they respond in a rude manner or openly admit to cheating I'll report them, but I'd never accuse them until I knew for sure.

  8. Sorry, Sony Hotel Transylvania has been taken off the site, we hope you enjoyed playing it! Why not play some of the other great games Neopets has to offer by clicking the button below!


    Oh, okay then..... haha.


    Perhaps I'm in one of the countries where it doesn't work :P


    I got the same thing. :( I never heard about the community challenge until now, so maybe they're still in the process of setting it up?



    In any event, the game still works for me - at least I can earn some NP! :)

  9. Wow, congratulations! Peophins are one of my favourite mutants - the colours are so beautiful. :)



    If you're an avatar collector, using a transmog potion will get you the 'Mutant JubJub' avatar. But if your heart isn't set on having that type of pet, you could always sell the potion and buy some other items you like instead.

  10. Do you mean like quoting? I have my notifications set up so I get a notification when someone quotes me...

    I think that's exactly what they're talking about, and OMG THANK YOU. :laughingsmiley: I don't think I've ever gone through notification options and so I never realized you could get notified when someone quotes your posts. That's wonderful.

  11. I believe the keys are overratted. I've some cases where the lead keys prizes beat the silver prizes in sellable value. I don't know if that is just bad luck though.

    I think there is a prize bank for each type of key, but silver is just a smaller subset of the gold key prizes, and lead is just a subset of the bronze key prizes.


    I don't mind 3 or 4 player games because even if you get a bronze key, there's a chance you'll get a book or stamp that are unique to silver/lead keys, rather than the 'junk' items common to silver/gold keys.

  12. I don't know who you are, but it's always sad to see someone leave! Best of luck with your other interests. ^_^ It's very generous of you to give away all your things!



    If you still have anything left over, I collect balloons, 'spotted' items, and 'uni' items, but would also gladly take any wearables or neopoints you'd be willing to give. :) Here is an auction lot. I certainly feel like a greedy kadoatie :laughingsmiley:

  13. Are university and college the same thing? I don't go to either.


    I always thought of universities as larger and with a broader scope of education (many different degrees available). Colleges are smaller, more technical, and have shorter courses (diplomas). I'm not sure if this is true or if it applies everywhere, though. I go to university! :)

  14. Would anyone be interested in doing win trades with me?

    According to TNT, predetermining the winner is not allowed. I'm not sure how they would find out if you didn't discuss it anywhere on the neopets site itself, but it's not a risk I'd personally take. =/



    I think sometimes people play to 5000 NP (max you can earn per game?) and then race to the door - but that might be against the rules too, and you also run the risk of someone's game crashing before the game ends and therefore wasting your time.



    Even if you just play KQ normally it's a super easy way to earn neopoints! :)

  15. I do feel kinda sorry for him... Especially because his fan base is made up of mostly 8 year olds and 80 year old creeps. Can you imagine that?

    I don't like him, or his music and like the post above mine, his fan base is made up of 8 year olds and 80 year old creepers


    According to Youtube, the demographics is actually predominantly males and females 13-17, and females 18-24. His fanbase is hardly a reason to dislike or criticize him, though. :laughingsmiley: People like what they like! ^_^

  16. I was afraid of that. The trouble (for me) with ebay is that you have to use paypal, which I don't like doing.

    I've come across some "pens" that aren't really pens but small bottles of nail polish with an ultra thin brush, but I haven't been able to find any proper pens.

    I've actually used toothpicks for designs, including small dots and fine lines! It can be a little difficult to control at first, but it's a good alternative if you don't want to spend too much money on pens. :)

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