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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. Love the stealthy, I hope they continue to pump it out like they've been pumping out eventide! That thing on his head is so awesome. I also adore the deep bluey/purple base colour they chose for that paint brush, a stealthy pet would be cool even without the clothes. ^_^

  2. I Googled the topic and found this, but I'm not sure how helpful it is. I think Rebecca is on the right track - look at historical examples for classic cases of tough people outlasting tough times. I'm actually not sure how you'd argue against the topic, though. :laughingsmiley:


    People go through tough times. Those that give up die. i.e. suicide. The tough people are the ones that survive in the end. Hence natural selection. -cough for people who believe in it cough-

    Sometimes people succumb to war, famine, disease, etc., not just suicide. I guess toughness could be physical or mental/emotional resilience, but I think the former (e.g. war) are better examples of both at the same time.


    I'd be wary of using natural selection in this type of argument (although I'm not sure what you mean by "believe in it"). Natural selection is based on reproductive success, so if someone has kids before they die, it's not really natural selection. I'm sure it still acts upon humans to some degree, but not in this example for the most part.

  3. I don't think there's anything I'd run into a burning building for :P , but the oldest stuffed animal I have that wasn't passed down to my sisters is DeadCat (he never really had a name and has since earned that one due to his haggard appearance). I got him for my 4th birthday, about 17 years ago.


    He's one of those cats that has marbles in it's head to sound like it's purring; his body used to be puffy but he has deflated quite a bit, and his fur used to be much closer to the colour of Simba from the Lion King, and some of it is missing lol.



  4. I never used to visit the money tree, but sometimes you can get some good stuff there. I've seen items that I never knew existed, which is always cool even if they're not worth too much.


    Most expensive things I've seen are codestones, but I remember one member here picking up a Rainbow Cybunny MP there once!



    Sometimes people flood the tree with cheap items from dailies, which I don't really get. They'll donate hundreds of sea ferns or something and it takes forever for new items to start appearing. Why not just discard them all and go for the rubbish avatar?! :O

  5. Have you told her that it bothers you? I can't tell by your post if you have - but maybe let her know what your beliefs are and why they're important to you, tell her that you respect her beliefs too, then agree to disagree. Ask if you can talk about something else.



    I'm not sure if I would suggest arguing because I'm not sure it's easy to sway someone that firmly planted in what they believe, but sometimes it makes a difference to someone if you point out something like "I try my best to be a good person, why would God punish me for that?" It might make her reevaluate things or at least tone them down a bit.



    It might also be worthwhile to look up resources that might change her views while still having a religious basis. For example, some people don't believe the bible condemns homosexuality at all. Even if that doesn't work, you could remind her that homosexuality is mentioned maybe six or seven times (may be worthwhile to find the actual number) while 'love', or 'loving thy neighbour', etc., is mentioned countless times. If you want to talk about the planet, maybe find some Bible verses where God calls people to protect the planet. It might not tone down the God-talk, but it could at least align your views and make it easier to listen to. :)

  6. I don't think my boyfriend even knows I play, but I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal if he did. He might think it's kind of funny, and I don't think he'd ever play it himself, but I'm sure he'd be supportive. :) We don't live together though, so he doesn't really have much of an opportunity to see me play it.



    I guess as long as you don't let it get in the way of your relationship or anything - I would never cancel or be late for anything IRL because of Neopets, and if I stay at my boyfriend's house for a few days we never use the computer so I can go for quite a while without logging on. Not saying anyone here is like that, but I know some people that have been addicted to video games (not necessarily Neopets, though) to the point where it's detrimental to their relationship, which is unfortunate. :(

  7. Wow! I love what you've chosen. It's beautiful!


    I can't even pick a single favourite but these would by my top choices, personally:

    - Charming Summer Garden

    - Flower Throne

    - Tunnel of Trees

    - Misty Shenkuu



    Do you have a particular character/personality in mind for her? It might help you narrow things down. :)

  8. I loooove Halloween. I'll probably go to a party of some sort, but not sure what I'm dressing up as. My roommates and I will also probably carve some pumpkins, roast pumpkin seeds, and buy some candy to give out. ^_^


    Though unfortunately, unlike when I was a kid, they have flippin curfews now and you can't trust the candy. How annoying is that?

    When I was younger, trick-or-treating usually wrapped up by 9:00 or so anyway because it's mostly really young kids.


    The "don't trust the candy" thing is also largely a myth, so I wouldn't worry too much. :) There have only been a handful of cases of people tampering with Halloween candy, and no one has ever been harmed as a result of tampering by a stranger - it's usually a family member targeting their own child and trying to make it look like they aren't to blame. Just throw out anything that's homemade, unwrapped, or has a torn wrapper, and you should be fine!

  9. Is it possible to make a screenshot when someone has over .. 1800 points? And report them? Because it's very frustrating and just unfair.

    This is what I would do. I think the maximum attainable score for that game is somewhere around 1800 points. Screenshots would be the only way to prove someone is cheating, though.



    I'm not sure if the other minigames have exploitable glitches, so any other high scores are probably just a really good player!

  10. Just to be clear, are we debating about whether religion fundamentally is wrong, or the way people's interpretations of religion has negatively affected society?

    I think whether it is harmful or not to society?


    Practically all religions that I know of tell the followers not to kill, steal, be a part of crime, etc. Do you think that, those moral ethics are wrong?

    But you could determine that those things are wrong without using a religious book. In addition, religious books often condone behaviour we would find wrong, or condemn things that we do all the time without a second thought.


    Religion can serve as a good moral guide, but it often doesn't - this leaves its followers open to cherry-picking what they believe is right (so they essentially derive their own morality, anyway), which is why there's so much controversy over religion in the first place.


    It could have been good for people in our earlier stages as human beings; it had laws, it promoted group cohesion, it acted as a way for people to understand and explain the world around them. But since we've grown as a society, I feel like it's no longer necessary - the controversy and harm it causes outweighs any of its benefits IMO, and we now can derive laws, a sense of community, and natural explanations from elsewhere.



    Many people dismiss religion on the basis of rational thought and greater scientific understanding, but the only reason I ever started to question it in the first place was because its harm has started to become apparent. The only reason I ever believed in the first place was because I was afraid not to. When my best friend came out to me as gay, he cried because he thought if he told our other friend, she would condemn him to hell. She's a kind and giving person, but there was an overarching fear that even good people can twist religion to in bad ways.


    “To terrify children with the image of hell, to consider women an inferior creation—is that good for the world?”

    -- Christopher Hitchens

  11. women jump, shoot, cut, hang themselves just as much as men. i want you to show me a reliable link that says women tend to intake chemical substances more so than other methods because they are socialized to be less violent.

    CDC suicide mechanisms by gender: http://www.cdc.gov/V...echanism02.html

    Also, while males are more successful, females actually attempt suicide at a higher rate than men do (I'm not sure if this would include multiple attempts by the same person though, which may skew the results).



    Yet another example of how sexism directed at women also hurts men.

    I think gender stereotypes go hand-in-hand, not that one is necessarily a byproduct of the other.


    People think men have to be x because only women are y.

    People think women have to be y because only men are x.


    You can flip it either way to make it sound like 'sexism' against one gender is harmful to the other. I think I'd argue that sexism is an application of gender stereotypes, not the other way around.


    In what ways is sexism still systemic? I can think of a lot of things I find sexist, but none that truly affect my ability to function well in society. I can vote, I can own property, I work two jobs involving manual labour and get the same pay as everybody else, I go to university (more females do that males, nowadays), there are extra scholarships available to me just because I'm a woman, etc.




    However, the only 'systemic sexism' I can think of that affects males almost exclusively is circumcision (in Western society). I don't want to turn it into a circumcision debate, but in females we call it "genital mutilation" and for males it's normal - some people (including women) even say it looks better, or whatever. Even if you don't consider it sexism, I think it could be considered on par with reproductive rights for women, which many feminists fight for.

  12. Bouncy Supreme has been changed for 1200 pts/1000 np to 3600 pts/1000 np :(

    This was the biggest disappointment, lol. I like Bouncy Supreme, but it's so time consuming when the ratio goes that high. D:




    Just off my daily games I've been making probably ~30k/day, which is somehow double the usual. :P I guess I've tested out a few games I haven't tried before, too.

  13. Ive never been hit but im always paranoid about it. I only change my active pets to fish but when I have my uc tyrannian blum active I always sweat for the minute and a half that he is active. I keep my lab pet active also.

    Actually, UC pets are immune to colour change events like Boochi, so they're technically the safest pets to use as your active. :) But if you have a lab pet, that definitely works too!

  14. Not too enthused by the new colours, but I guess I'm not that into Skeiths anyway. The dimensional (whatever that means -- they could just call it "neon", lol) might make for an interesting customization challenge, but I really wish they'd work more on the paintbrushes that already exist, including the new (and cooler!) Elderly & Stealth.

  15. just some info since half this site seems to have feminism has an interest on their profile. i found it interesting so i decided to share it. no need to assume that i am being uptight.

    I didn't mean to say that you were uptight. :* Just the tone of that tumblr post you linked is kind of... well, maybe uptight isn't even the right word. Abrasive, perhaps. It's interesting, but I stand by my analysis in my previous post. :P

  16. Passiflora (and the other 6), you're amazing. I completely derped out on that LC. I tried so many different things before the final hint.

    Bowing to those who solved that Lenny Conundrum! It was pure evil that lasted too long.

    Wow, that is SO IMPRESSIVE. You definitely earned that NP and trophy! LOL.

    Jeez, thanks guys. :wub_anim: I really don't know why they dragged it out so long, and I don't know how they ever expected anyone to solve it without the last hint (or solve it at all, really. LOL)! It's definitely my favourite Neopian 'contest', though. :)

  17. I'm not sure TNT will do anything, but I guess it's worth a try. I can see why you got your warning, but I can also see that she's being condescending and hopefully it won't be overlooked. Unfortunately many people are rude when it comes to trading and with the "rules" they set out for other users, and I don't think there's usually much done about it.


    But, as you said, she probably won't get too far with an attitude like that so I'm sure she'll learn in time whether she gets a warning or not. I wouldn't worry too much. :)

  18. My account is a few years old and I don't have 10 million, but I haven't become a consistent player until recently!



    I really think it depends on how much time you put into it - I'm not able to play KeyQuest all the time or leave my Habi running all day long like some people, so I mainly do dailies/games/stock market (with KQ/Habi every once in a while), and am slowly working my way up. The people that seem to be the fastest earners are usually Habitarium players or restockers, though - then it only takes a few months or even weeks! :)

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