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Posts posted by passiflora

  1. Love the woodland! The flowers are adorable and the eyes are so bright and beautiful! I'm very impressed. ^_^



    I think the dimensional is one of the better ones released so far, but still not my favourite colour.

  2. I've been stockpiling codestones in anticipation for something like this, but I think I'll be using at least half of them for training now (at least it's free! :) ). I've been hoping to get more from keyquest, but it seems like they've either lowered the chances of getting them or the game is really just trying to spite me - I've gotten only junk items on my last 7 gold keys! :(

  3. The thieves guild had me from the start, but now that they seem the most like the underdogs (in my opinion) I think I like them even more. :D However, I want to wait and see what joining each team might mean. As others have suggested: puzzles vs battling, prizes, etc. Maybe by simply joining a faction you'll receive an item or something, and I'll decide from there. :)

  4. Nooooo.... the pet I used to use for battling was on a side account, and I clicked on the battledome to check her abilities instead of going to the quick ref page, and it awarded the NP and avatar on my side. I should have sent her back to my main first! :( I don't suppose there's any way to correct this mistake?

  5. I'm hopping on board and asking for some battledome advice in preparation for the potential upcoming war!


    My pet's stats aren't very high, and I'm curious if I'll be able to participate very fully?


    Level: 20

    HP: 18

    Strength: 31

    Defence: 31

    Move: 20


    Here are the items from TDN's weapon set guide that I have laying around in my SDB. What would be the best to use, and what else can I buy on a budget, considering the recent inflation?


    Scarab Ring

    Snowager Sword

    Scroll of Knowledge

    Scroll of the Scholar

    Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer

    Leaf Shield

    Dark Nova

    Jar of Meepit Eyes

    Potion of Concealment

    Magical Healing Potion



    One last question! :p I've been reading some guides and while I think I'm starting to understand more about battling, is there any sort of strategy? Should weapons be used in a certain order? Do you play a constant every single turn? Is it more about personal preference?


    I'm very very new at this, so any little bit of advice helps. Thanks so much in advance! ^_^

  6. I know I am not in any way overweight but I'd like to share these tips :D

    Celery is a "negative calorie" food: The amount of energy/calories it takes to digest and eat the celery is more than the amount of energy/calories you will get from the celery, if that makes sense.

    And carrot tops (the green leafy part) are a good alternate source of sodium! If you use them in soup stock the sodium will be drained out into the soup.

    I'm not 100% sure if the celery thing is true (I've heard some people say it's a myth), but even if it was it likely only makes a couple calories difference, which might equate to only a pound or two a year.


    Also note sure that most people want to be increasing their sodium - perhaps you mean potassium? :)




    I do want to be a bit fitter though. I want to start doing yoga again. I used to exercise every day, and yoga was my go to thing. I love it- I feel relaxed, and strong when I do it. I no longer have room to do it in my house. So I want to either find a way of doing it- maybe rearranging my living room on my days off, or actually going into a studio, or I want to find something else I can do.


    I loooove yoga, and I hope you're able to figure out a way to do it! Studios are kind of fun if you have the money to join one, and it adds some variety. I used to think yoga was for sissies, especially when it was first becoming popular, but the first time I tried it I fell in love. It's the only type of exercise where I can truly clear my mind; if I run it's nice but I think a lot during it and don't end up any more relaxed. :laughingsmiley:

  7. I'm 5'6" and usually fluctuate between 125-135 lbs, so I'm just sticking to maintenance. My only real goal is to exercise more.


    I'm a giant health nut and I'm definitely here to support anyone with their weight loss goals. ^_^



    I'm going to lose 10 pounds. I hate it when people say "I'm going to try to lose weight". You either do it or you don't. Another one of my peeves is the everything in moderation theory. I tried everything in moderation and now I weigh 220 when I should weigh 210.


    She also said that "we" need to find a way for me to eat "happily". When you're a model, there is really no such thing as eating "happily" in my opinion. I also have lots of lovely clothes that I don't can't get too big for. I spend a lot of money on clothes and appearances.


    I can't afford that little treat or special allowance in my calorie budget.

    "Everything in moderation" is simply a way to avoid all-or-nothing thinking and other negative cognitions. It means to exercise portion control, never focus too much on one food/food group, and not worry about a treat once in a while. When people are unhappy with what they eat, that's discouraging - it's much easier to make a lasting change if you enjoy what you're doing. I'm sure there are tons of models who enjoy what they eat.



    What lifestyle changes will you make to lose the weight: Drink 8 glasses of water a day, exercise at least 3x's a week, make better eating choices and use low fat subsitutes when possible, completely stop drinking soda, never starve or deprive myself, eat only when hungry, use portion control, read motivational success stories, eat smaller healthy snacks more frequently.

    Just a heads up on the low fat - a lot of "low fat" products simply replace the fat with sugar to compensate for the loss of texture & flavour. For example, "light" peanut butter actually has about the same amount of calories as regular peanut butter, but you miss out on all the healthy monounsaturated fat. This isn't always the case, but you can always compare nutrition facts labels to be sure. :)

  8. Test:




    Could you try using tags rather than the formatting box?




    Yeah - if you haven't yet, try using BBcode instead of clicking center in the format box: [center*] Your text here [/center*] without the *


    It doesn't fix the root issue, but hopefully it works for now! :)

  9. The wraith zafara is... unique. :p I actually think the head is really cool, but the legs are kind of awkward. Love the eventide though, even if it isn't my favourite colour. The more starry sky the better I think, and there's plenty on this one. :)

  10. I just hit my latest million recently, so I can try can get another mil before the end of February. :)


    I will do this by doing dailies/games, selling all the items I have stashed in my SDB, and playing KeyQuest! I let my Habitarium slide during the holidays but I think I want to try and revive it and finally reach level 50 - if anyone has items they don't need, I'd definitely accept them!

  11. I think I mostly agree with Emily - it would be nice if we could just get rid of guns, but we're at the point now where it's almost impossible to do so. I also Karina's car analogy (you should take classes, pass a test, register your weapon, etc.)


    That said, I'd prefer if people left their guns at home. It's not necessarily a sound argument, but I just don't feel comfortable with the idea of people owning guns for "self defence" or anything other than hunting or sport (like at a shooting range). It's nice to think that we can defend ourselves better if only we had a gun, but does owning guns for this purpose actually produce any measurable effect in harm reduction or improved safety? I guess I'm not very experienced, but I just can't easily visualize a situation in which having a gun would be all that effective against an armed adversary or wouldn't dramatically escalate the situation farther than it needs to be. Even if police and criminals were the only people who had guns, I personally (just an opinion) would feel more safer than if a whole bunch of average citizens had guns on top of that.


    This mostly all stems from the fact that I have no desire to own a gun; I don't see it as necessary and if I was denied access to one I wouldn't consider it an infringement of my rights. This is where Americans differ - the first argument in favour of gun ownership when it comes up is "It's our constitutional right!!!!!111!!1", usually without any evidence or thought about why that is. Seems to me that our society tends to be pretty egocentric/people have this sense of self-entitlement that I'm not sure is always deserved.



    I've heard, but someone could correct me on this if it's not true, that the Second Amendment wasn't originally written to apply to the way gun ownership works today. It was more to protect people from the government, that they have the right to end tyranny should it occur; i.e. it was more military in nature than "errybody should own a gun, just because."

  12. I don't live at home, but I don't live on campus - I rent out a house with three other girls. I definitely know the feeling of enjoying seeing friends after a few weeks spent at home, but I do appreciate home more now, too (nicer food, laundry, etc. ^_^ ).


    Not sure I could live right on campus, seems too noisy/busy/cramped for me!

  13. Am I the only person that has gotten better prizes with silver keys than gold keys?

    Just the other day, I got a prize from a silver key of a codestone, lime swirly negg (which sell for quite a bit) and something else random.

    When I had gotten a gold key, all I got was the cheap books and grundo furniture.

    Is it all luck or is there really supposed to be a significant difference between prizes for each key?

    Sometimes I'll get a codestone or negg from silver but all junk from gold keys too. It's all luck, though. Gold keys give out secret lab map pieces, red codestones, and some paintbrushes, most of which are more expensive than the prizes from silver keys - but evidently much rarer to get!

  14. Quitting is against the rules, but I'm not sure how often it's actually enforced since it's difficult to prove. I think most people only report someone if they quit right before that person is about to win, because it's more of a giveaway of that person being a sore loser, but many people probably don't report at all.


    People sending you neomails about it is harassment, though. I'd try not to worry about it too much, but if it continues you can just block and/or report them.


    The only thing about computer problems is that dropping games like that can affect your % completion rating (the face beside your name in the KQ main room). I hope it doesn't happen anymore and you can get on with playing! :)

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