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Posts posted by WeyrCat

  1. Meercas aren't my favorite thing, but the root meerca is really cute. I love that the root crown looks right (and that they didn't just hide it behind his body). Someone put a little time into this one and it's appreciated.

    The ice meerca isn't that bad either, actually.


    Sadly, they did NOT score as high on the "cool meter" with the outfit. Bleh. (Though, I like the texture on the purse. It looks almost real.)


  2. I don't know for sure, but I read an article about nostalgic websites (from this year) that said there were only a few thousand players. I'm still kicking around, but it's definitely more of a side-game. A thing I can click spam while watching Netflix or reading a book. I like the events (that don't revolve around NC), but there aren't very many anymore.

  3. The 8-bit is pretty good, though I don't like them enough to own one. I like the coloration on the Water, but don't grok the water at it's hands and antennae. Is he leaking? Is it controlling water with it's hands (and feelers)? Maybe I just don't get the point of water. Are they supposed to be IN water, or BE water?

  4. I really like the stealthy look on the Peophin! I think they did better with the tail on this one too.

    I don't like the swamp gas, but it's not a color I like anyway. I think the gas cloud at the bottom of the pet looks silly. It looks like badly recolored flames or sun rays drawn by a fourteen-year-old girl. And this is an aquatic pet, so why does it look like that anyway? Why would it only float up and not radiate out equally? Meh.


    Jellyneo has the outfit up, and I actually really like it. Something about the sweater dress works really well. Not sure why the "turtleneck" portion is a separate item though. The jewelry is alright, but I like the fin "shoe". It's like they managed to make it a Strappy Shoe! :D


  5. Hi...


    I'm sad to say that logging in just now, I have found that overnight somebody hacked my 12.5 year-old account :(



    Did you get your account back yet? I ask because, I just saw this thread, but my 15.5 main was jacked last month. I tried to login, and the password was wrong. I tried to request it, but it wouldn't let me. I'd hoped it was some kind of error with the site (even checked IsItDown). The next day the account was reading as iced. I put in a ticket then, but haven't heard anything back. Some people in this thread have gotten theirs back, and I'm hoping you have. It'd give me hope.

    I still have a 12.5 gallery account (back when we didn't have galleries, ha!) but it doesn't have any of my hard work. It's slow going and kind of depressing. I have my fingers crossed for my main, but I've heard so many stories about people just NEVER getting them back. :(

  6. Aww I think the Woodland is perfect! I'm not terribly impressed by any wraith look; they're just so FLAT.

    And what is that outfit supposed to be? Cheerleader? Rugby player? Some kind of collegiate thing, probably. The sweater could look ok under a smoking jacket or something, but I see no use for the other pieces.

  7. I didn't see this anywhere else, so:
    The pet listed as an avatar solution for

    Cyodrake (click for solution)
    To see if you have this avatar, log in to your myTDN account.

    no longer has a cyodrake.
    Also defunct:
    Kougra - Baby (click for solution)
    To see if you have this avatar, log in to your myTDN account.

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    Per the reason above, this topic has been MOVED from 'Neopets General Chat' to 'TDN Questions'.

  8. Nothing like coming back from vacation to see two GREAT colors! I think yurbles are very cute, to start with, and they did such a GREAT job on these! The sponge is SO CUTE (AND PURPLE)!  I like that he's not a weird flat cut-out, too, it just wouldn't look good on something that looks so 3-d (mane!).

    They previously  released a woodland that I complained was too monochromatic. Do they read these forums, because this one is GREAT! I'm excited that the belly is a different tone, and BOTH colors have nice shading!  The foliage mane is PERFECT. Just, wow.

    They really hit both these colors out of the park.

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