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Posts posted by WeyrCat

  1. I'm not a huge fan of the transparents ones but at least that one looks like it has all the appropriate bones. Swamp gas? Is that really a paintbrush? I just. What? wut? #NotAFan


    The hippy dippy clothes are cute though! :D

  2. I actually like the colors as well. I haven't been a fan of pastels (I don't like that the lines are also pastel) and Eventide just hasn't impressed me. I think maybe the headband breaks it up a little and makes them not so, overpowering.


    I LOVE the marching band outfit though. Always a little sad they're species specific though.

  3. Awww I love the elder outfits! Those glasses! That hair! Adorable!!


    I'm terribly disappointed in the fishing gear though, because I can't wear any of it!!!!111one (There's ONE set of universal fishing clothes, but they're "Clothes" and not wearable!)

    I LOVE fishing in games (seriously, I've betad games just because I heard you could fish). And there's STILL NO UNIVERSALLY WEARABLE FISHING POLE* in Neopets!!  There's a Lupe fishing set (that my werelupe can't wear).


    Ice Fishing Pole and Dartail Ice Fishing Hole were an NC Mall game prize and is no longer available.

    Commemorative Fishing Pole with Old Boot was a limited edition NC Mall item was only available until December 1, 2009, or could come from 10th Birthday Nostalgia Bundle. And they're all wearable r500 so I can't wish for any of them. -.-


    Seriously. My Eyrie's neopage used to be mocked up like a shop that showed all the Fish, fishing toys, and fishing books in the game (before these great database sites became widespread). I think I still have the HTML somewhere... badly outdated of course.



    And Underwater Fishing Background (I was in college in 2007, ok, I missed a lot).


    medium_preview.png <- Perfect. Kinda. Ice fishing pole? Meh.

  4. Avoiding studying for finals. I only have the one actual final, but it's a beast since we spent the whole semester working on a project completely separate from lectures but worth most of of our grade, so I'm basically rereading half a semester of notes (final non cumulative). UGH. I'm a whooping crane expert now (we did a population viability analysis and wrote an academic paper) but none of that is on the exam. I'm over here trying to care about conservation genetics. uuuuuugh.


    It wouldn't be half as bad if I wasn't having to reread the 8 academic papers that he wants us to quote from on the final. It's freaking 20 short essay questions with 3 hours to do it. As interesting as the PVA was, it makes me wish I'd picked a fluffy graduate degree. I could have put the science in social science, heh, instead, genetics.


    Time for more coffee.

  5. I feel like the water bruce doesn't have any wave-whitewater accent like the others do. :/ He looks kind of boring.

    Diggin' the car salesman getup though. Or, kind of, John Goodman in Big Lebowski.

  6. One part to post this in the right place, and one part to recall where this is! (I'd made another thread since I couldn't find. Is there a way to get the other thread merged somehow?)


    I keep looking for a place to post random events that aren't odd little achievements. I can't seem to find an older thread for one, so here's one! I don't usually go posting RE's, but this one..




    I thought after some level (I can't recall what) pets were immune to losing a level! But sure enough, she dropped from 106 to 105. Don't they know how expensive 5 codestones are!!

  7. Ahaha, yes, apologize for the delay in giving people free things. :P A sign you are too hard on yourself in real life?

    We're all very grateful for your abundant kindness, and I actually liked that the sign up process was a little difficult after a while. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

    I hope you had a fantastic holiday (if it's a holiday where you are)!


    Hi guys. I'm so sorry for the delay.

  8. I've been having a hard time doing my Game Master challenges too. It'll stop in the middle of the game, crash or won't load at all. It's a little frustrating when trying to complete things :(


    Since yesterday's DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF MY GAME crisis, I've reverted to checking that the site is still up, and I'm still logged in, before hitting Send Score. I randomly get logged out, but not often enough to really be concerned about it...if I DO get logged out, and I log back in, I can send the the score with no issue. So far. Knock on wood and all that. With some of these nightmare games though? I'm taking no chances. -.-

  9. Question:

    1. Is it too late to get the NC voucher to work retroactively? (Can I get a Fiery Bow from yesterday?)

    2. I get that it shows up as a standee on my Eyrie (or will, once it's modeled) but, why doesn't it show up AS a drawn bow on characters that can hold it? It was already drawn as, well,nearly drawn. They actually collapsed it more on the pets! I love the design, but none of the so-far-modeled pets actually have it drawn.


    To be fair, this is pretty terrible. :( It even blocks their face. I still want it though... (<3 Talinia)


  10. I keep looking for a place to post random events that aren't odd little achievements. I can't seem to find an older thread for one, so here's one! I don't usually go posting RE's, but this one..




    I thought after some level (I can't recall what) pets were immune to losing a level! But sure enough, she dropped from 106 to 105. Don't they know how expensive 5 codestones are!!


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    There is already a Random Events topic. Please keep all RE-related posts on that topic.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Rune Valentine if you have any questions regarding this action.

  11. Aww, I didn't even look to see if there was going to be a popular team! I chose Ice because I feel like I haven't seen much about the Snow Faerie and that drew me to her side. 
    I did the Challenge (doing other team's game too) but don't have a place to get a third checkmark yet (I see the problem started with launch, and as of this post it hasn't been resolved).


    "Also... I am pretty sure it will be weighted... So just because people are picking fire over snow, it wouldn't make sense for it to not be weighted. Currently, it's tied with 50/50"


    Does that mean that it won't matter if one team has more participants? That participation will be scaled? (30/30 active member at 1 point = 60 pts when 60/60 active members = 60 points?)



    EDIT: Do you think Day 2 will start anytime to day? I will be livid if I miss Day 2 because it's only open from 430 NST to 12am, like SOME recent events that Shall Not Be Named. -.-

  12. Hi!


    If you hit that "Prevent this page..." action it only lasts for the session that you're in. When you close that window or tab and open it again the alert boxes with be enabled again.

    If closing/opening didn't work for you try quitting out of Chrome completely and restarting the application.
    If thats still doesn't work try resetting your browser settings.



    From https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/q-zn-esdKd8

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