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Posts posted by WeyrCat

  1. The eventide always bore me, but I'm mostly ok with the pattern on the Moehog camou. Still not enough to make me want one... it kind of looks like paint splatter, and none of it overlaps. So more like a weird cow. It's ok to look at, but, hmm, well, I suppose it gets the job done. Just looks a little lazy, I think.


    Oh, and per JellyNeo, here's the outfit. Which I ADORE. ""King of Cards". But where's "Queen of Cards"?


  2. I hate the custard, for reasons I stated the last time they put out a custard, but I LOVE THE WOODLAND LUPE! The detail is so cool! I worry about those knots though; they have the same color as the rest when they should be a little darker to give the whole skin a little depth. Still, the leaves on the head and the node sprouting on the tail are ADORABLE! I kinda want one. HMMMMMMM


    Edit: I think we normally show the outfits that are released, and I found this one on JellyNeo;


    I don't know how I feel about it. I know that I just saw the Vietnamese Hissi outfit, and thought "ooh cute" so I don't know if I'm really entitled to see the Native American garb and wonder about how 'right' it is. :/



  3. Normally, I'm not big on Dimensional, but the Dimensional Cybunny is really cute! Not so much with the Wraith one though.

    I'm reversed, I don't normally like the Wraiths but really like this one. Maybe its the jagged ears, or my soft spot for murderous bunnies.

    The Dimensional, what's with the stripes on the face? They irk me.

  4. I instantly love the idea, but am also worried they're all going to be pastel. I know there isn't already a pastel brush (just a Faerie one) but throwing flowers on a pastel pet doesn't really make it spring. I just hope for some rich green ones too, I guess. If nothing else, at least the brush itself looks really really cool. Maybe doll the pets up in more vines. SWAMPTHING THEM.

  5. I don't know why, but I almost always love the Relic pets. This one is SO GOOD.

    The... custard.. though? It's just... ugh. It should be called Phlegm, and he can hang out with Meuka. *gag*


    I kind of love the Samurai suit. I still dislike how TNT can't find a way for four-pawed pets to WEAR their weapons. I dunno, maybe, a SCABBARD across the back? Those are things that exist.

  6. I LOVE the cloud Lutari! Nice job TNT. The gold one, meh. Never my cup of tea.

    I really like most of the outfit. Something about the helm bothers me. Also, the lutari isn't gripping the sword right. No, not positionwise, I mean it looks like the sword grip is clipping through the hand. :/

  7. I suppose it's a good thing I accidentally got myself out of the running for the Gold trophy (wanted Abigail's book on the first day, didn't realize that meant no gold trophy); the necklace is not terrible (can't think of when I'd wear it) but holy crow that "lamp" is hideous. O_O

  8. Ooh! This might be my first time making it all the way through one of these! I'm glad I have you guys for a guide; this time the easier challenge had the prize I wanted: nifty book!

    But, I realized after I clicked her that she'd said something about no changing minds... can I pick a different challenger each day, or am I stuck with her now?


    Edit: AH! Spyke's post came in as I was typing mine. Well, nice to know I can choose a different one each day. I almost lament that I won't get gold now, but I don't think I could beat him every day anyway. And... I wanted the book. O-o



    I heard that gold trophy is for beating AAA every challenge, silver for completing all challenges and at least one being AAA, bronze for beating all Abigail, and participant for completing a challenge.

  9. That priceless seal is really neat. Even with all the frustrations of Jumpstart, it made me think they do appreciate us because they didn't even have to give us anything.


    Also, my birthday is in April, it is the 19th, Lutari day, but I don't have a Lutari, haha.

    Good! Someone mentioned the seal. I'm pretty sure the net Worth thing was the April Fool's Joke, and when I clicked on it today I got the Priceless Seal. I just wanted to make sure others knew about it, since I didn't see a news posted talking about the Net Worth calculator.



  10. While the wings and tail made it obviously April Fool's... I actually don't mind the polka dot colouring done here! She looks like a sprinkled cupcake. A little goofy, but Yea, I kinda like it.

  11. Finally a Pastel with an outline dark enough for me to not outright dislike it. The dimensional is ok. Looks, like a happy wraith, or a non-twisted wraith. It's a good color though.


    The car-salesman outfit looks familiar to me too, so I searched Book of Ages for Chombys and just... didn't find many. For comparison, there are 22 things with Chomby characters and 68 with Acara (the first pet on the search list, as a control). Are they really that unpopular?

  12. HAHAHA That's awesome!


    I'm actually impressed by them changing the beak green, instead of pasting plastic green lips underneath, like they did with Wax Lips

    You know, I hadn't seen those before so I had to go try them on, but MAN you were not kidding. That is awful.

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