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Posts posted by WeyrCat

  1. When I went from "dumb phone" to "smartphone" I decided on Androids. Everything I go is through Google, gmail, picasa, the works, and it all integrates perfectly. My photos get backed up, so I can't lose them. My contacts are automatically updated to my gmail (if put into the phone) or put on my phone (if put in through gmail). It's been great. Also, my Samsungs seem to be a bit more durable than the iPhones. It seems the cameras aren't as good though. I'm happy with my decision! :D

  2. I got a Barbat and some eyeball sushi from the tombola today. I went to my inventory and the Batbat ate the sushi, I didn't know they did that. :O


    I think Skeiths are the only pets I knew about with regard to them eating items, what others are there that do?


    I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't know this! I had a Surzard eat some random battledome food. I was so shocked I took a screenshot of it!

  3. The trophies for Altador cup x are finally in our lookup.  I think there are still some glitches.  I won't say what MY problem is, but tell me if any of you notice any problems with yours.  LOL


    I am just happy we have our trophies.  Yay! :rock:


    Woo! Thanks for the heads up! I was about to give up on them!

  4. Aww this is so cool! You really have a knack for this! Your disclaimer mentions that "the opinions" come from a few different people, but was the writing a group effort? Your profile says you're a writer, and I wonder if you have any shorts out and about that can be read. Maybe some bits of Nanowrimo? (Now I need to go back and read the past ones. I'm barely following the Cup because the numbers just don't stick with me. This narrative view though, is much more interesting.)

  5. I never got a chance to even play it! I quit neopets for a while, life just kept me really busy. Then, I get out of university and have time to play again, and it's not working. :( I'd seen the new fairy and that's honestly everything I knew about it. That and, the tokens looked like real things you can buy, like the little standees from the old games they used to sell. I still have that little Shoyru.

  6. Oatmeal, with tbsp flax and tbsp bran. 5 blueberries (yep, I ration them), and half a cup of soy vanilla milk. Top it off with a midmorning snack of 1c coffee with 1/2 cup chocolate soy milk. Yumyumyum.

  7. HOORAY! I'm so happy for you! I cannot relate to the gender identity experience, but have friends whose relationships with their familes fall along the whole spectrum of acceptance to shunning over gender and sexuality. It just doesn't make sense to me, because my child is my child is my child. I'm so glad that your mom is being civil about it. Hopefully it just takes some time for her to adjust. The job thing is tricky, but I've heard their are great guides and resources on how to dress professional while gender neutral. Black slacks and white mid-length or long sleeve-rolled button up shirts are great on everyone. Don't be afraid to adopt a "work uniform" either. One of my annoyances is how males can wear the same thing nearly every day in a workplace, but I'm look at strangely if I wear the same (or same-looking) top two days in a week. I recently read about how freeing a "work uniform" can be, and am eager to try it out. Though I'll probably rotate some necklaces or scarves to give a dash of different, I've also considered nifty belts/buckles, or just really cool socks. You can still be yourself and professional, and don't let a single person tell you otherwise.

  8. I recently got to take a week long hike on AT, and when I got back the book Wild (about a woman that up and hikes the PCT) was ready for me at the library. I'd only selected it because it seemed like a movie I would see, and I want to read those books first. Turns out, it's been very.. relevant. My mom passed away this year, and I took on a lot of responsibilities to cope, and this hike I took was part of it. It's eerie sometimes, but still a really good read.

  9. Mine sort of changed over time. I've always been very into dragons, so I wanted a Draik. But I could get one, so I had a shoyru (whom I LOVED). I did recently get a Draik morphing potion (since I came back to find the pirate ones so relatively cheap.) I thought and thought I'd want a WHITE Draik (because, White Dragon of Pern). But I wanted the Draik to be female, so I zapped my little shoyru into a zombie grarrl before I final changed it's gender. When it came time to paint her with the LONG saved Rainbow quest, I dressed her up a few times until she was how I wanted her (since I never did sit down to earn the Draik armor I'd planned for her) and found that the white didn't really work for me anymore. There's only ONE white dragon in Pern anyway, but I could move away from it easily. Gold (queens) just looked bad (straight yellow does not appeal to me) and green (the other female color) seemed too plain. Somehow I ended up clicking Island in the customize toy, and fell in love. I honestly don't know which I love more, my purple eyrie (the ME pet) or my Island draik. I adore my UC Halloween Lupe, but he just sits there, fed but unplayed with. Boo.


    I came back from a 4 year hiatus and found out that they really didn't add any new plots during my hiatus. I finally completed the altador cup plot and actually enjoyed the different characters and their back stories. Lately I noticed they put more focus on the battledome with the battle of the obelisk and NC items, which sucks for people who don't want to pay real money for neopets. Even for pet days they are releasing less pet colors than before the jumpstart transition. I remember when they used to release 2 colors for each pet, but now they are slower at releasing colors and only release usually 1 color.

    I'm sticking around for a while just to see if Jumpstart will try to push Neo to its old days again. Missing the keyquest and habi days


    I have nearly the same story. Played all the time, then had to break for college. Yesterday was really the first time I sat down to figure out how the New Neo works (what changed, etc), and THAT DAY they roll out this new "plot" that costs $30 just to complete fully! 2250 NC! I can't afford ONE folder to play, because all the NC in the world that I have was free (and it bloody expires for some reason! What the heck!) I miss Habi. Never got to really try Key Quest. I'm going to play through this Cup and just, who knows. :/

  11. Yay! That means I have time to get my post count up to something that reflects my account age and activity!

    Seriously though. I'm an aged account, experienced player, but was never a huge forum goer. I do have significant collateral. I see on the FAQ that you need 25 posts. Would there be a way to wave that if the rest of my account (and my collateral) is up to par?

  12. Check this week's editorial. They'll bring it back. It was a clearer answer than the one about the AC...


    Hi! Can you link the editorial? I came back after taking 4 years off for college, and I honestly can't even find the Neopian Times right now. -.-

  13. Thank you; and WOOPS! The Kougra just told me I could. I guess I hadn't allowed my resources to hit capacity to get the message!

    /sheepish/ It WOULD happen right after I ask about it. Isn't that always the way? :D

  14. Greetings!

    I played Neopets, oh, years ago, and have popped back in to see what's new. I have a question on Habitarium storage, and I can't find the answer via Google or TDN's guide.


    Will buying multiple storages increase my storage capacity? I ask because I am Level 14 and cannot upgrade it, but to buy a hospital at 15 I am required to have 6750 stone... with one storage I believe I can hold 2500+350 = 2850. However, without confirming that multiple storage DO add capacity I'm reluctant to "buy one and see". It takes quite a long time to gather resources, when my Fed/rested P3s decide to go to sleep on the ground anyway. -.-

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