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Posts posted by WeyrCat

  1. I've been trying for this avatar for a couple months now, but no one ever goes Thieves! I've been catching up on Netflix while I play! :D
    Also, I can't really beat Lambert, so I repeat Smug Philospher. I don't know if stronger opponents count more, but I figure if I can do a middle-weight faster, I'm more likely to earn more points than struggling through the harder ones.
    Someday though, I'll beat that guy. I love that he looks like the 8th Doctor, and I WILL defeat him!! Later.
    What the crappity crap? Order wins? How? Uggggggggh. I absolutely believe that was the last possible chance to get that stupid avatar. I give up.
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  2. There are very few baby colors that I like, but I can't not like that Vandagyre. It looks exactly like the recent Ty line of owls. I collect owl plushies IRL, and while it's a little annoying that they all have the same shape with just different coloring, at least I know TNT could just steal the design, paint it blue, and call it beby Vandagyre.


    Looks, it's basically him, with a Santa hat!






    The baby Vandagyre is naked.... They should have given it a bow or something.

  3. The polka dot looks like an illness! The purple is ok. At least they're expanding into the basic non-basic colors.  I think they should have done something other than pink for the secondary color though. It looks a bit too Pepto for me. The clothes are cute though.

  4. I think you still have to click the Pay button in order for the course to activate. If that doesn't work then it's possible it hasn't been activated.


    Jumped over to try it, and nope. :/ Apparently not activated yet. Booo, these early work hours are my best shot to check on the process! :( 

  5. Here's hoping we get some new Vandagyre colors!


    HA. I'm hoping they fix the Vandagyre enough that I can cloth them properly. They still can't wear nearly anything! 

    For LE's, my fingers are crossed for Lutari. I missed out on them due to being away for college, and I'm so sad to have missed the water ferrets! (And the whole darn world. I sort of keep hoping someone creates a mirror so I can do play around in it, even if it doesn't benefit my actual neopets at all... le sigh.

  6. I can't not like the strawberry, but, is it too lazy though? Sigh, I think I'm just blah that all the shapes are the same now, and everything is basically just a new color mask over each pet. I think it was done to make clothing them easier, but, blah. They're like old women with botox now: they can only change a little of their face and that's it.

    The biscuit it booooring.

    The Britney outfit is... well.. disturbing. I like the hair though, maybe for a German Madchen look. What's with the giant black boots though? They look awful with the skirt.

  7. Kiko cowboy is ok, but OMG THAT ELDERBOY SHOYRU! <3<3 So DAPPER! I love him. Here's something I really don't know, can non-elders wear the elder gear? I know that non-Maraquan's can't wear things that say "Maraguan" in the name, so is it the same with PB items? (I've asked in another convo too but haven't got an answer yet). I could see dressing a non-elder in those dapper clothes. 

  8. I think the Scorchio and Chomby gear on on point! HA Beiber Chomby. The scorchio makes me think Tauriel, which might be what they were going for, though the colors are off. I do really like it though.

    I honestly don't know how I feel about these clearly-character-rip-off costumes though. They're really cute and all, and DO require some ingenuity in making the gear, but are we then just being too lazy to come up with our own cute outfits? We have to copy famous people? :/ 


    PS: Pastel Acara is meh. Strawberry Blumaroo is really easy, but I can't not think they're cute. 

  9. I actually really like the Ruki gear! It's such a cute idea! I'm meh on the black polka dot getup. I think they could have left off the polka dots, added some lapels, and made it some swanky evening wear. It just looks like gothic gardening wear. :/


    I... am disappointed in the water meerca. The tail is nice, but they had the opportunity to make it a huge wave and didn't! The rest of the color just looks like some weird half-transparent overlay onto a blue meerca. Boooo. Laziness. 

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