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Posts posted by WeyrCat

  1. These aren't really popular colours so it is kind of hard to judge them... Glowing pets just kinda hurt my eyes

    This was exactly my sentiment. I just feel like these are kind of lazy colors, though so much more could be done with biscuit to make them look, I don't know, biscuity. They just look like drab tan granite. Biscuits come in a variety of types and colors, TNT, step it up!



  2. Thanks for posting the outfit, but it's a little underwhelming for me too. I like how the water coloring was done, but it doesn't GRAB me. I suppose I like it for what it is; it does look very much like a nice reflection pool in a cave or something. I like the relic more than I thought I would.

  3. My first account is long gone from maybe ten or so years ago but here I am now! I'm always back and forth between extremely active and extremely not even existing. 


    I'm a nursing student, fitness buff wannabe, and nerdy enthusiast as I love everyones fandoms!


    I always find myself creeping on the TDN forums so I thought, "ayyy why not?". I wish everyone a super fantastic day [: 


    PS: oi, I'm attempting to fancy my profile with my image, but unfortunately this technology is stumping me, you young kids and your online devices. <3


    Hi! I also bounce back and forth, for similar reasons: I'm a graduate student, wanna be runner, and trying to catch up on Arrow! Nice to have another similar soul around. I'm weyrcat, here and on NP. See you around!

  4. Can anyone help with my Soup Faerie Quest? Thank you!


    It's the Soup Faerie. "I need your help, please! I'm nearly out of ingredients for making soup. Would you gather a Small Kalery Smoothie for me?"


    It's 45,000. http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=instant_karma&buy_obj_info_id=36355&buy_cost_neopoints=45000




    Good morning loves. Today I am seeking a Fire Jug!



    Thanks, Scoobert! Anyone know where I could find a My Garden Book?


  5. I drew up / traced a yellow Tonu in to a Triceratonu! ^_^ This could have been what the Tyrannian is







    This is nearly exactly what I wanted. Is there a way to submit this to TNT as a "hey, here's a better idea, feel free to steal it" sort of thing? Maybe if we all petition, they'll do something about it. They've let us vote on pets before.

  6. The clay is kinda meh, but that Stealthy rocks my socks. I'll agree that the helmet covers a bit too much of the jaw though; it'd be pretty hard to talk that way. Why no wingguards though? That seems like an easy thing, even if you only did them as a rib.

  7. Doh, should have read farther; glad I can simply deny Crafting Faerie quests (since I'm having trouble getting any of the Asian character languages to stick).Doesn't that take up your quest though? Can you still get a quest from someone else if you cancel hers?



    Switched to one of the Asian languages, pasted the FG addy in the browser, and it pops up English, with THE CRAFTING FAERIE. WHYYYyyyyyyyy!!!!!1111one


    BUT, question answered, I can receive a regular quest after refusing hers.



  8. You don't have to complete your quest everyday, you just need to visit everyday to get your daily reward to get the bonus at the end. If you want to avoid NC quests, you can change your language to one that doesn't support the NC Mall/Neocash. I can't remember which one that is though.


    I suppose missing yesterday puts me out of the running for the prize at the end?

    PS: I didn't know that trick about the languages to avoid NC! I looked it up and Reddit recommends Chinese. Now, just to remember to switch to Chinese before checking each day. o_O


    Edit: Answered my own question! Today is the actual start day, according to JellyNeo: If you collected a prize and accepted a quest on the 25th, you will not receive anything on the 26th. Day 2 begins on February 27th. (Can we put that in the OP?)

  9. Agreed, the pastel mynci looks like he's about to stick a tack on someone's chair. Scheeeming. And, not a fan of the way they're done. I don't know if it's the light outlines, or what. I just don't like the pastel ones.


    The dimensional ones aren't my favorite either,  but I like the way they did his tail, and the wicked cowlick.

  10. "Hey, you know what would really make this Tonu Tyrannian? Let's give it dirty toenails, and a slightly more dishevled mane." "You know it's a Rhino right? It could easily be made into a triceratops, or how about we give it some spots at least?" "NO! Dirty toenails, and mess up the mane." "..." "OH. And make it orange. I like orange".


    At least it's not as bad as the Tyrannian Gelert... (what is going ON there??)


  11. Welcome welcome! 32yo grad student here. :) Binge watching is the new.. "X marathon" I suppose. At least, they used to do show marathons on the weekends when I was little, I don't know anymore.  

    I haven't got into FC, it just seems like a bit more work than I want while I"m trying to work on my thesis. :) My NP moments are basically dailies, training, and my current goal is the Kad avatar. That'll take me a while, so I have some time to choose a new one. HA


    (And yes, the first slowdown is around there. But, healthy habits like adding in a serving of veggies BEFORE eating the starches and proteins, and adding in an extra mile of walking in the day is usually sufficient to stave it off. Binge eating though, will catch up to you!)

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