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Shane for Wax

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    Shane for Wax got a reaction from leverhelven in What EXACTLY is the problem?   
    I would really love how you deduced that. If it were dying, they wouldn't be having issues with how many of us are on the site. Also, there has never been just one person working on something. There's no way. And they're most certainly making enough money for companies to want to buy it, and we keep buying premium and NC. Oh and don't forget ads, for those of us who don't block them out of necessity (there are too many flashy gifs and they make my head hurt)
    I already wrote about the various issues going on in about three different threads so I won't rehash here you'll just all have to find the posts on your own. The short answer is: we are Legion for we are Many. This puts a strain on resources, there was poor planning and etc., etc.,
    As for an answer to the OP 'poll': it's more like option C. This really doesn't have a lot to do with actual skill with programming.
  2. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from marmota1512 in Faerie Quest Help   
    Sure can! here you go friend courtesy of the SSW:
    theclosetsneezed 1 1,080 NP
    tinaxxzz 4 1,090 NP
    saylane 1 1,090 NP
  3. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from acmerasta in Daily Faerie Quests!   
    Yeah I rejected mine today and yesterday cause I don't feel like doing crafting things cause real money. My birthday money is going to be spent on other things.
  4. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Bloo in Faerie Quest Help   
    Heh, no problem, I try. I'm hardly the one on the thread who does so. I know it's not much, but I like helping out in little ways.
  5. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Marae19 in Faerie Quest Help   
    No problem. For me it isn't, and like I said I have two (probably from dailies). Well, one now. But anyways...
    You have given Mallard to User 'marae19'. Click the button below to continue.
  6. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Lamppost in Battledome advice for an absolute beginner?   
    Your endurance probably shouldn't be the exact same number as your strength or defence given you can train your endurance to 3 times your level compared to twice for the other stats. The fast training article in the battlepedia has more about that when it comes to what you should do with training your stats versus your level. Though you will likely have a time at some point where they're all the same until you start training that stat.
  7. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Marae19 in GLITCHES: Major Bank Glitch Hits Neopia   
    Ah, I am very glad that it has been fixed. Although I agree with Shane for Wax, because TNT could have been a whole lot more transparent, especially considering that they were doing great with the lag and all that stuff, but at least the bank glitch is over :D
  8. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to jellysundae in What's your Achievement today?   
    YES! Achievement! :dance:

    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    Please keep your posts at 7 words or above.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
  9. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from siniri in What's your Achievement today?   
    After doing quite a few crosswords...
    Your pet Pansorneo has increased in intelligence by 1 point!
    I love it when that happens.
  10. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Zafie in The Lab Rays: What happened today?   
    AHH a noil! I love noils! <3

    Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

    You should come back tomorrow and try again!
  11. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Kute in What's your Achievement today?   
    [theneopetsteam] The Neopets Team
    » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 13/2/2015 09:02am Folder: Inbox Subject: Your Neohome of the Week submission Message:
    [Report Message]
    Dear Rachel , 
    Your entry for Neohome of the Week has been held over by the judges. While this does not mean that you have won, it does mean that you have made a good first impression and they have saved your entry for closer consideration. That is a good sign. ;)
    We just want to make sure you are aware of this in case you had it in mind to change your entry. It would probably be best not to at this point. ;)
    So congratulations! If the status of your entry changes after further perusal, you will be notified.
    Happy Neopets Neohome Judging Team!
  12. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from hrtbrk in More Downtime This Sunday!!   
    The thread is more for scheduled downtime than anything else, rather than a report the site is down or having issues since we have a thread for that already. :P
  13. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from LillytheGrundo in Official Neopets down/having issues board   
    Yes there is lag going on with neopets and it's unlikely a new laptop, even a poopy one, would be unable to use Neopets to begin with.
  14. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to nightfall8705 in Is This What Charlie Sheen Feels Like?   
    Being a winner?
    Usually when I tell people Friday the 13th is a lucky day for me, they shrug it off. They believe the superstitions that Friday the 13th is cursed. Bah. There's no real such thing as curses.
    Today, I'm Charlie Sheen. I'm a winner.
    My best (female human) friend is also my neighbor. She apparently entered my name into this random contest drawing at this fancy portrait studio without me knowing. The drawing was an event celebrating the photo studio's 20th anniversary in business. My friend came by and gave me my mail, and inside was a card with my name on it that said
    "Congratulations, your name has been picked to win the GRAND prize."
    So next Friday, I have to go to this hotel to a fancy photoshoot. My whole family can come with me. My grand prize is a giant 16 x 20 keepsake photograph worth 100 dollars US. I get one for free. :D
    How lucky is that?
    To make things even better, I log onto Facebook, and another close friend of mine has sent me a message.
    She said she won 2 tickets to a blues concert in a nearby town from a radio station, but that she can't go and she wants to give them to me. ME. I'm sad she can't go, but out of all the people she knows, she chose me to receive the tickets!
    And because one of my goals this year was to donate blood as many times as I can, I went into the local blood bank to donate. (I can potentially save 3 lives with each donation! You can too, just check out your local blood bank for more information.)
    Walked out of there with a gift of two free movie theater tickets.
    What? Usually I get a spiffy new t-shirt. But today, there were no more t-shirts, and I got the only pair of movie tickets they had at the time. What a surprise.
    As I said, Friday the 13th is my lucky day. Look out Charlie Sheen. Today, I'm the winner.
    I'm really happy. <3
  15. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Mouseykins in GLITCHES: Major Bank Glitch Hits Neopia   
    Just bank money. The on-hand glitch has been fixed for a while and hasn't returned. It is not unusual for a similar glitch to happen later on down the line, however. Which is exactly what happened. It could almost seem to be a sibling to the on-hand glitch tho that glitch you didn't actually LOSE the money the system just didn't know you had it.
    Didn't someone last weekend mention the bank amount had been changed and they hadn't done anything to make it change? Might be similar to that as well.
  16. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from sgraver in Help jelly make the most of Neo <3   
    Fortunately the great thing about neopets is the wide variety of games to play. There's going to be at least one that someone, anyone, can play no matter age, skill, or internet connection. It just may take some trial and error or sheer perseverance to find the ones that are just right for you to play. :)
    And never worry about the difficulty level you have to play at! If you have to play on easy, then do it. No sense playing a game on a harder difficulty if it's too hard and you get discouraged trying to play it at that level. Playing games is supposed to be fun, not frustrating.
  17. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Jaavje in Help jelly make the most of Neo <3   
    Fortunately the great thing about neopets is the wide variety of games to play. There's going to be at least one that someone, anyone, can play no matter age, skill, or internet connection. It just may take some trial and error or sheer perseverance to find the ones that are just right for you to play. :)
    And never worry about the difficulty level you have to play at! If you have to play on easy, then do it. No sense playing a game on a harder difficulty if it's too hard and you get discouraged trying to play it at that level. Playing games is supposed to be fun, not frustrating.
  18. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to AllTimeMarr in What's your Achievement today?   
    Treasure of the Black Pawkeet
    Chuyrander pulls out a ticket... and...
    You Won 20,000 Neopoints!!!!!!
    A deserted shore stretches along in front of you.
    What's this? It looks like you found something buried in the sand...
    You have received 10,000 Neopoints
    Naaaaaaaice :D
  19. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from hewp_07 in Unable to unequip item?   
    Tried to unequip the scarab ring because I put it on the wrong pet and nope won't let me.
    Guess I have to wait. Hope it fixes semi-quickly.
  20. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Zafie in Anchor Management   
    You have given Rocky Ocean Background to User 'rotcchick081'. Click the button below to continue. :)
    The bigger they are, the faster they swim away once they've felt the cannon's blast!
    The krawken retreats in a hurry, leaving behind:

    Pirate Potato Crisps
  21. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Zafie in Anchor Management   
    I like that background!
    Wish I had gotten it instead I got--
    Ooh, that was a sneaky one! No match for that deadly aim of yours, however...

    It seems the krawken's left you a memento:
    Pirate Aisha Plushie
  22. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from siniri in Known Issues Affecting Neopets   
    Yes there have been issues with people (including myself) being unable to unequip items. Not sure if it's been fixed though, haven't tried yet.
  23. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to ranga_muffin in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Lookie what I got today!!!
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Grundo - Discarded Plushie' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! #250 Super chuffed!
  24. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from ranga_muffin in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Grundo - Discarded Plushie' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  25. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from deboratibi in Gift Boxes / Trading Questions   
    Don't forget sometimes you get free boxes from like the advent, or stocking stufftacular, or random points throughout the year.
    As everyone else said, it's a deterrent for people to take an account solely for NC.
    Kinda like how Xbox Live used to have microsoft points to buy things. You could do all your transactions only thru MP and never have to have your CC# on file. Thus, nobody could buy more MP on your account. Why they changed an obviously more secure way of making transactions I will never know. (I'm just glad I quit tech support before it was implemented I can only imagine what my former coworkers are going through lol)
    Oh and don't forget if you can't find anyone to take your extra NC items or don't have boxes, you can always use the NC Upcycle fortune cookie. Well, if you have the spare NC anyways. The capsules with gift boxes usually are like 200NC but the Upcycle cookie is 150NC and gives a chance of nicer NC or NP items and such.
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