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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/20 in Posts

  1. Yep, you can do them all daily, but I think sometimes the buffer between when you can fish varies. Sometimes I need to wait 18+ hours between.
    1 point
  2. jellysundae

    Wishing Well Whining

    They'll continue to drop in price as more people win them from the Well, I'm guessing, because right now they're what the majority are wishing for. But I don't suppose they'll drop down too far? According to JN's page the y14 Halloween bag is reasserting its authority now, lol. Not being pushed aside by some whipper-snapper Usukicon bag! *waves cane* That bag's the perennial fave, isn't it. It loses favour briefly for new items, then muscles its way back to the fore. The power of them Alabriss wings! xD
    1 point
  3. MysteryAF

    Wishing Well Whining

    I've found the same item in the regular shop wizard for 270k and someone selling 2 of them for 272k. If you want it to sell, you may need to adjust the price.
    1 point
  4. Hello Im a Bubble Mote & I want to eat your soul
    1 point
  5. Mine is down too. On a side note just before it went down I won a sandtravaganza scratchcard in the kiosk! That made my day. Especially since I haven't won anything extravagant in a LONG time!
    1 point
  6. There's a glicth. My points are showing correctly on the quick donation page but as zero in the prize shop. Someone coded something badly. I assume. I know nought about coding! @Duma However you'd have thought they'd have learned by now that if they bother to communicate in advance then people don't get anywhere near as het up about things. So instead of letting people prepare by diligently purchasing Sticky's, they could have hit that early - like six to eight months ago - and said that they would be closing that loophole. They probably also ought to have either reduced all snowballs or perhaps reduced Stickys to 3 or 4 points instead of a measley one. I've never done CC before either so whilst I was looking forward to the perks, I never had them to lose them if that makes sense! But again, communication six months ago rather than letting everyone prepare for an event that has been overhauled in a way that removed what a lot of people were looking forward to would have been far, far better. You say they don't have to give reasons, but I'd disagree. If they are fundamentally shifting things in an anticipated event then they have to be ready for the fallout if they don't communicate these changes in advance with their customer base. People spend a lot of time and money on the site... and it's a basic customer support thing to announce these sort of shifts in advance. If I behaved like this at work, reducing all the hard work my sites put in, I'd be up on a disciplinary. I get that you sometimes have to make unpopular decisions. But it is always best to be open, transparent and honest as far in advance as you can. The glitches are annoying and had they been the only issue, that's all they would have been. An annoyance. However, in combination with the rest of this mess they are being seen as the straw that breaks the camel's back.
    1 point
  7. Item prices always go down as more of them flood the market. Buying them in the beginning of an event is never really smart, even if the amount of points it cost to get one had stayed the same. As for the points needed to buy from the prize shop, they said they will return the difference. Give them some time to sort that all out. And maybe in the future wait with getting things from the shop until the end of the event? The Sticky Snowball situation is annoying for sure but I can't really blame them as it was obviously being abused. You can't say the event hadn't changed in years as it basically did every year. They kept on changing things and tweaking things over the years. In the beginning (I didn't participate back then) I heard you received a random item in the same rarity as items donated, plus you were only allowed to donate in a specific category. A few years ago (I believe 2 years) they switched it up again and went to donate whatever and get perks. The perks gave coding headaches so to focus on transferring away from flash they decided to go with items this year. Maybe, when the conversion is done, they'll have time again to look more closely to the perk coding and go back to those as rewards. And they don't always need to give us reasons why they do things the way they do it. Sure communication is important but I'm pretty sure they do think about things and don't just change things up without a reason. Change is always annoying, not just for players but also for them (coders). I'm glad they did give us some information about the why but in my opinion it's not a mandatory thing they NEED to do. The bugs that are happening now are annoying but I'm sure they will be fixed and they're probably caused by the changes made mid-event. I'm not going to say anything about the capsules as I'm not interested in those anyway so I have no clue what's wrong with them. I've heard the chance of getting something nice is way too low and if they're non trade-able I can see that can be really annoying. Maybe they'll change that too? Who knows, I hope so for all the people that do like items from the capsules.
    1 point
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