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  1. The ray is fired at Seferae... ... and he doesn't change at all 3rd day in a row i just noticed he came with a SPRING SNOWBUNNY I was like OMG JACACKPOT ............. 75 MILLION NP BUT This Petpet has been zapped! Removing it will cause it to revert to its original form. Current HAHAHAHAHA
    1 point
  2. Did the shoes arrive ok? Not even sure why I had them, lol; maybe from spinning the Archives wheel?
    1 point
  3. MysteryAF

    Happy Bruce Day!

    The color looks bad, but I quite like the outfit. I don't think it's too cluttered.
    1 point
  4. berriganify

    Happy Bruce Day!

    i love that outfit. it is cluttered, but everything is clear and sharp enough that it works. i dig the colour, too, teal's my fave. if i had room on my adventurer party account, that would make such a great warrior archtype! maybe in a few years when they give us another pet slot...
    1 point
  5. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 1. ant 5. acres 7. tag 10. gabar 11. bite 12. alton 14. extreme Down: 2. nova 3. art 4. acara 6. space 8. ball 9. airax 12. arms 13. one The Wocky on the cover of Wocky Hide and Seek Book is wearing what? Answer: An Orange Bowtie Prize: 299 NP and Wocky Hide and Seek Book
    1 point
  6. Gotta admit, I didn't check the item previews out at all, just passed judgement from afar on the thumbnails. x'D
    1 point
  7. I think the new color is cool, the flesh on the cheek is a good addition! Zombie hasn't always been my favorite though, but this one's pretty good. The outfit I immediately thought it was too much, too much going on. But I do like the idea and design. A fair round for the Bruce!
    1 point
  8. Secre

    Happy Bruce Day!

    It's taken me a while to warm up to that zombie Bruce... it is definitely more creepy than the usual neopets fare we get. I suspect this is the same artist that did the Zombie Ogrin. It's like a plushie zombie... and that is very odd. But quite cool. I actually quite like the new outfit, it's very detailed and whilst I would likely leave the hat off, the individual pieces are very nicely done indeed!
    1 point
  9. Edwynn

    Happy Bruce Day!

    Man, that outfit certainly looks cluttered. But it does do a good job at what armor is made to do; protect and be bulky! Needless to say, not a big fan of this species-outfit. That color though? Oh my gosh, now that is a haunting Bruce! The subtle gore of torn flesh on the face, the way the feet look half-stuffed, as if they had been deflated before. Those bug-eyes work wonderfully on their normally small, cute dots, and even the bow, despite being dilapidated, is a lovely shade of blue; really complements everything! Overall, looks like Bruce got a half-and-half day! The outfit isn't that great in my opinion, but that color is fantastic for macabre fans!
    1 point
  10. jaydeed


    Well done! It's an epic journey and so frustrating at times.
    1 point
  11. Angeló


    Congrats That Amulet will be one of the most sought after items in a couple months x
    1 point
  12. My map only goes to Altador, but when I got to House #120 and "won" ...I didn't get the Haunted Altador Amulet & the Altador Mansion Background. I only had 253 stars-is that why? And thanks for inspiring me to try. Since Dec. 2nd, I worked on Ghoul Catchers to get a of the Amulets & Backgrounds. I had just gotten Shenkuu yesterday.
    0 points
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