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I'm gonna have to pay full price for my stocks. cry.gif

Also, I've lost 10k from my bank interest. cry.gifcry.gifcry.gif






But yeah, so long CC perks, it was great while it lasted!

I wonder if the particularly vociferous CC-haters on the boards will be piping down now... because I suspect that despite their very vocal disdaining of CC, they all have these two big perks!


I'm very much hoping CC will be along after the AC. As the summer's pretty open for events it seems reasonable to hope for CC during July? As it's an event that basically needs 13 months for the event to run and then for the perks to expire it happening soon after the AC will set it up for a schedule for the next three years maybe, until it's butting up against Hallowe'en and then it'd need to jump to Spring again I suppose.

This is all pie in the sky ofc, it might not happen at all! I'm a strong believer in the power of wishful thinking though. smiley.gif

I enjoy CC, and I suppose my entire Neopian behaviour revolves around prepararion for it to a certain extent, I spend the entire year doing my Dailies with Intent; the items I collect from the Money Tree are all r80+ to be saved for CC, and I buy Sticky Snowballs from the Healing Springs throughout the day. No other spending than those 25 NPs for those though.

I taught myself the Money Tree items (pretty proud of my MS-addled brain for managing it, but, you know, repetition and all that, basic learning technique). I saved them in JN wish lists until I knew them. Obsessive, much? xD I'll share the link to my list once JN's stopped being broken, so anyone else who wants to be as obsessive of me can be! >8D


As an aside, how are the smilies behaving for you? You'll notice I used the neopets ones as the forum ones - apart from having reverted to a much earlier version which is neither here nor there - are taking about a year to load lately so I gave up trying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The CC isn't really something I prepare for. I guess it makes sense to store up items only to use them for the event for perks, but I just don't do it. I use the event to get rid of  items I don't really need anymore (after all). So it's really just a big chance for cleaning my SDB for me instead of something I really 'participate' in.


I lost them too. Sad face. I hoard all year for CC and I really miss old style, but whatever they give us, I'm ready (I think :-))


I feel ya. Went to buy stocks today and was unpleasantly surprised by the message that I could only buy stocks trading at 15 NP per share.

Here's hoping CC comes around again soon and the donation system isn't completely miserable to use.

3 hours ago, Duskitty said:

Here's hoping CC comes around again soon and the donation system isn't completely miserable to use.

Last year's was such a train wreck, wasn't it! I mean they worked hard to fix the problem quickly, and that was great; BUT, neopets just doesn't have a quick and immediately obvious means of telling people things, so a lot of people just didn't know about the quick discard inventory method and were continuing to use the painfully slow original way. : /

Maybe with the site revamp there will be some kind of banner announcement system in place! It's desperately needed.


i was wondering about that! ive never done a CC since i just came back last fall, but i remembered vaguely reading that it was a May event. too bad, i was really looking forward to getting some of those cool sounding perks! oh well 😞

it coming after AC would be nice, but it really does seem like a spring-focused event (spring cleaning and all) so who knows..


I'm another who hasn't done CC as I came back just in time for the event to end and it wouldn't have been worth the meagre amount of items I had in my SDB to take part. I have been stockpiling though so I hope it comes back.

I'd be really interested to see your list @jellysundae - I'm currently picking up Piles of Dung from the clothing shop which have a rarity of 101 so any additional help would be useful! I've also bought several icases worth of items worth 40np and under from people's shops, but I don't know the rarities well enough to really know if they're worth a lot!!


@Secre here you go 🙂


They're sorted by CC points to make things as easy as possible. :D

@berriganify I guess with them starting the year-long perks they basically forced the event to be at a different time each year. Spring definitely is the most apt time, but then the second one I participated in (which was the last one with the original format) was in Autumn, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe it more that we, as a whole, just feel it should be a Spring event because of the clearing out aspect, lol. There's definitely more time available during the summer though.

4 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

@Secre here you go 🙂


They're sorted by CC points to make things as easy as possible. :D

Thank you! Very much appreciated! That will help hugely in me not just storing useless... well, junk. But you know what I mean!

2 minutes ago, Secre said:

That will help hugely in me not just storing useless... well, junk. But you know what I mean!

Neopets, full of useful junk! xDDD

At least they have come up with this event to regularly get rid of it all though, LOL.


Oh. The Deaver petpet that's in the 4-point list. I buy those from Little Nippers with the free dubloons that I get from Anchor Management, this is how CC-centric my Neopian life is. lol.gif


Oh sorry to hear that :crying_anim:

I have never done CC seriously lol 

But after a thorough research on the perks, I find some of them really quite tempting

So I'm starting to prepare for the next one now! 

2 hours ago, 616.1314 said:

But after a thorough research on the perks, I find some of them really quite tempting

Yes indeed! Many people mourn the loss of the original incarnation of CC; with gaining a different item for donating five of yours and I did enjoy that, but I like the year-long benefits of the stocks and banks perks more. :D Those two perks in particular will hopefully remain always, but it's rather fun seeing what others they dream up.

16 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Oh. The Deaver petpet that's in the 4-point list. I buy those from Little Nippers with the free dubloons that I get from Anchor Management, this is how CC-centric my Neopian life is. lol.gif

Thats another useful tip... I have been whacking those in my shop, but that's a far more useful way of doing things!

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