Mouseykins Posted May 3, 2020 Posted May 3, 2020 I have a lot of guilt over how Mouse's condition worsened and ended. It's just part of the natural grieving process and I know she's in a better place now. When Mouse's mum passed away we didn't have the knowledge of pet cremation that we do now, so we buried her in our yard. We think she would have preferred that anyways since being outside was her favorite. She loved to patrol the yard and make her rounds. Plus she was a simple girl and probably would not have liked all the fuss we made over Mouse. We had Mouse cremated. My husband actually took Mouse from the vet where we had her stored to a reputable crematorium where they ID tagged her so we knew we were getting her cremains back. My husband was also able to witness her being placed in the retort. It took longer that night because we requested a casting of Mouse's paws to be done. Because it was the last appointment of the day, the company made it happen for us. I'm so glad they did. Having a casting of her front paws is beautiful! One of the shelves above our TV is where we placed Mouse and some pictures. I should rotate the pictures one of these days. When her photo-book is completed it will go onto her shelf as well. I can sew small things but nothing major. Eventually I want to make throw pillows for the couch and some throw pillows for our reading nook. Around home all I wear is PJ pants and leggings. For when I venture out I'll wear my jeans. You could have been chasing those big boys all day! I'm glad I got Kai at the end of our block. The other day Kai just about bolted out the gate on my Mr. and got a good scolding for that after he got his head squished between the gate and the fence post. Normally he waits a good 2 - 3 feet back from the gate, but these two times he didn't. We desperately need to do some recycling as well and probably should have done it in Jan-Feb when money was very tight but it was cold out and the thought never occurred to us. Eventually it will get done. Our main priority right now is getting the yard cleaned up. So there will be a few trips to the dump made. Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 I totally understand that feeling -- and it can last awhile. Everyone heals differently. We have most of ours buried on our property because they LOVED the outdoors as well. Most of our pets were buried in all honesty, just felt it was something they would of wanted so they could spend even more time outdoors in their own ways now. I'm really glad to hear about the services you got for cremating, it can be a lil scary since you never know what you're getting back -- but I'm really glad they had an ID and everything to ensure you were getting Mouse back! I've had a few crystals wire wrapped which look like my babies who passed on -- the crystals mock their fur and the wire wrapping is done in a way to show if they're cat or dog! It costed a bit, but was worth it in all aspects. I think I own maybe one pair of jeans, and even those get rarely worn. I'm always in PJs, sweats, or leggings too! I know I mentioned that earlier, but it's just funny how rarely I even wear my only pair of jeans -- it's just a hassle because my weight fluctuates at times too, and just how my body/height is, so I never buy them unless they seem I can actually get use out of them without having to worry about them ill-fitting me whenever my body decides to do a random change. Womens sizing is annoying either way, and I hate shopping because of it lol There was a time I almost did, but thankfully not! Only one got out that day, but he was a runner for whatever reason that day! (I think it was the smoke alarm that decided to malfunction a day before our routine checks, and our boys HATE the sound). I always feel so bad when I accidentally close a gate, door, or anything on my pups -- they're usually good at waiting, but some days they just get so pushy and rushy lol, I can understand that too. We have to do our yard this coming Wednesday or Thursday -- it's been so hot, so we've been a lil lazy again, and ugh, don't get me started on weeds!! The recycling wasn't too planned, but we had to go out and were heading in that direction anyway -- so we just decided to clean whatever was out of the room (recycle wise) and just get that bit over with. Cleaning would be easier if I just had more energy, and not ailments slowing me down in general. Mouseykins 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 I'm not doing well with being responsive in here. Reading larger amounts of text off a screen is one of the things my brain is very NOPE about, annoyingly. .__. But I have something to share! Last night, instead of going to bed around midnight I started playing Minecraft, because I'm an adult and I can do what the heck I like consequently I'm up at 2:30. At that point I'm like let's check the Tesco site and see if there's any delivery slots availiable! I'd read online that 2am is a good time for this. New slots become available at midnight and if you're on at 11:40 you go into a queue and theoretically will be assigned a slot once midnight arrives. Not happened with me so far though. But I see this comment saying slots become available again as they time out... oooh! So as I was up I gave it a go, and... *drum roll* etc. O. M. G. I can get groceries!!! But wow a lot of stuff is unavailable right now, and yes, baking things especially! That's really great to see actually. There's a whole lot of younger people in this country who just don't know how to cook. I got taught at school, a girls' school so ofc we were taught to cook >_>... there was me thinking that in today's society those 1950's type gender roles had been moved away from and a lot more guys would be at home in the kitchen. As it turns out that equality absolutely is there, but not in a good way at all - cooking isn't taught in schools any more so no-one can do it. So Rona is forcibly teaching the younger people to learn to cook as so many of the take-aways are shut. So some good is coming from this! Now I just need to remember to complete my shop on Friday night, hope some things are back in stock, and show some will power with regard to chocolate etc. Mouseykins 1 Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 @Ennoshima Though Kai got his head squished in the gate a bit, he was totally fine and not hurt at all. It wasn't enough pressure to hurt him, just make him uncomfortable to pull his out of the way and maybe learn the gate bites. Oddly enough the smoke alarm going off doesn't set Kai off in a barking fit. With his big sensitive ears, (when he wants to listen), I know the sound bugs him but he doesn't outwardly show it. He also doesn't like the coffee grinder or when our robo vac goes home and the base turns on to suck out the robots dirt trap.The noise from the robo vac he really doesn't like! @jellysundae That's awesome news! I'm so glad you're able to get a grocery order in finally!! Sunday I cleaned up another part of the yard and then decided I'm going to move this pile of wood that needs to go to the dump since the Mr. said he's making a dump run this week. I want to put our still good pile of wood where the garbage wood is so it's out of the way and not visible by our nosy neighbour. I did it all myself including taking some old nails and screws out of some of the pieces. My Mr. is watching me as I'm doing this and doesn't even bother offering his assistance. He just stared at me completely amused seeing me get bested by a nail. I would have refused his help anyways because of his hand. It rained almost all day yesterday so I wasn't able to finish. Hopefully today I'll get out there and get some more work done. I'm not sure if today is going to be the dump run or later this week. Tomorrow my Mr. is planning to take the computer out to his parents and show Mom how to use it. Later today the kids want to make slime that I've been promising them. I also want to make a painting for Grandma for Mother's Day so that Dad can take it out with him. This week is also Teacher Appreciation Week and I had an idea of doing a photo collage with the kids from my daughter's class but no one really seems interested so my daughter and I are going to make her teacher a card and maybe a keychain or something from one of their many craft kits. As of yesterday parts of our province are opening up. Mostly medical professionals right now. My kids' dentist is still only doing urgent and emergency care so no routine check-ups and that yet. I'm hoping that will come soon. My youngster's top molars look a bit weird and I"m not sure if it's because they're not fully erupted, they have an extra point or if there's a cavity or something. She's also been saying her mouth hurts every once in a while so I'm wondering i she's getting another set of molars, but I think it's too early for that. So it would be nice to take her in and see exactly what is going on with her. Normally kids get their 2 front teeth up top before the lateral incisors (the ones on either side), but this little one got her lateral incisors first and then her central incisors on the top. Her bottoms came in with the normal pattern. It's nice to see things opening up but it still has me worried. We're not through this yet and won't be until there's a vaccine. Have to wait and see how things go. jellysundae 1 Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 @Mouseykins Selective hearing at it's best. I'm glad to hear Kai is ok though! Accidents totally happen, yet I still always feel a bit bad. @jellysundae No worries! I get the same way some days/a lot! I'm glad you were able to get groceries, despite a lot of things being out of stock. Sorry for short replies, and not answering other parts of responses -- my neck injury (which is sadly a permanent thing and can only be treated) has been acting up since 3-4 AM and hasn't stopped since, so I am miserable to say the least. Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 Oh no! I hope your neck settles down for you. I sometimes get really bad headaches where they feel like a migraine. The only thing that helps is heat and sleep. Once I fall asleep I can ignore the throbbing, it's getting to sleep that's the problem. I took Kai and my two older girls for a walk today. The kids were so well behaved! They had no problems waiting outside for me. My oldest did have to come in the store to find me though because they both had to use the bathroom. They didn't touch anything in the store and used sanitizer outside. At home the immediately washed their hands. We took the stroller today even though they're big enough to walk and don't need the stroller, but because we took Kai, I wanted to do some training with him walking beside the stroller since it's been so long. It's much easier to do with an empty stroller and without my youngest. Kai did very well on his walk! At the grocery store, I normally tie him to the bike rack, but he was able to pull that away from the building. Same thing with the bench that I thought was anchored into the ground better. Nope! So I tied him up by the back alley where it's closed to traffic and they have these metal posts for the staff parking area to make a barrier. That secured him! When I came out with the girls he was laying there looking all handsome and well-behaved. If only people knew what he's like at home. We got him home and he came inside for a good drink of water. I forgot to bring his bowl and water with us whoops! But I wasn't expecting our walk to take so long. Now he's still got his halter on and he's sleeping in the grass in a shady spot he found. Now to try and get some schoolwork done with my kiddos and then they can play with their cloud slime for a bit. Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 @Mouseykins I suffer from chronic migraines since very early teens -- and my injuries we're from an ex. (I won't go into detail, just because this isn't the place -- but it's easy to guess without). The spring/summer they act up so much more, and I also have a heat intolerance -- I actually need cold to find some relief, though I will sit in the shower for a LONG time when it gets too bad, trying to find relief. The boyfriend massages the muscles that tense up due to my injuries, so it helps -- I also do some stretches my chiropractor suggested for when it acts up. I'm glad to hear your walk went well! I totally understand how it feels going into stores -- but it's really good you're all practicing really good cleanliness! (I wish everyone else would -- not so many people do). My boys are notorious for getting free from things, whether it's bringing the said object with them, or some how getting free from their collars. (Their collars aren't too tight, but not too loose -- so just right, but they still find a way out anyway). They usually behave well in public, just like angels -- but once they're home, they're devils!! It's always the days you think you don't think you need certain things is when you DO need it -- I do this so many times, and I never learn lmao Good luck with the homework bit! I babysit my nieces & nephews at times, and they're around the same age as your kids -- I know how it can be some days when trying to get them to do their homework. Some days they're fine with it, and some days they'll just be extremely difficult. (I don't blame them, I was the same growing up). Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 6, 2020 Posted May 6, 2020 Yikes, I'm sorry to hear about that! That's good that your boyfriend helps how he can. I feel bad on days when I have headaches because I'm sleeping and basically ignoring the existence of everyone in my house. My Mr. is pretty good at picking up my slack though. Even if I tell him to wake me up early and not let me sleep, he'll let me sleep anyways. Probably because I'm a royal grouch when I'm tired. I ordered a tactical harness for Kai that has pouches for that reason so I can pack it up before we go and hopefully not forget anything. Kai was so happy to be out and about. He had his nose to the ground sniffing quite a bit and finally eased up on the pulling. Usually I have the leash on his collar and not his harness but he pulled his fluffy head out of his collar while I was trying to get him back into the yard so I could get something from the house. His halter is so snug on him I knew there was no way he was squeezing his way out of it. We have done 0 schoolwork today. My oldest has been up since about 1am, it's now 6pm so she is gosh darn tired and incredibly cranky. I'm trying to get her sleep on a better schedule and to force her to go to sleep instead of fighting it. She will fight sleep right down to the last possible second. I give her until the sun wakes up to be asleep. If she's not asleep by then or shortly after she stays up all day in hopes that she'll go to bed around 7 and sleep until morning. Even if she's up at 5 or 6 I don't care as long as she's slept during the night. The last couple of nights she's only slept for about 6 hours and then she's up again. I also told her that if she's still up when the sun comes up tomorrow she doesn't get any cereal and will have to eat something different. I'm hoping that will be a bit more enticing for her to sleep. We'll see how tonight goes. All I know is I'm not staying up with her. My middle daughter is also cranky today. She only got about 5 hours of sleep when she's used to getting at least 8 - 10. She was up late fooling around with her sister instead of going to bed. I had to wake her up for her phone call with her teacher this morning. So after our walk and playing outside she is ready for sleep, but it's too early for her. Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 6, 2020 Posted May 6, 2020 Just now, Mouseykins said: It's the past now -- but I unfortunately will always carry the pain and injuries. The memories don't bother me much anymore -- but they spike up whenever the injuries act up badly. He's very sweet and understanding thankfully -- and also lets me sleep in because I can be a grouch myself, (more than I'd like to admit). He tries his best to keep up with things, but I don't push him because I know he has his own problems and limitations -- so we just do as we can, or we just have our lazy days until one, or both of us feels better. We have a couple of those, actually, and use them for the same reason! They're recent too, and they work rather well. My boys love being out and about, but only if someone is with them now. They still like to "escape" the backyard fence, but they get instantly scared and lost, despite running in all directions. I don't mean to laugh when it happens, because they're fine once we get them -- it's just they show two different things and continue to counteract both lol Ahh, cranky day -- gotta love it. I have my own, as does the boyfriend -- but so do the kids in our family we babysit at times. It's a real challenge some days, and I can understand the frustration of trying to get everything back on track and done. Hopefully things settle down for you and your family, and you're able to get them back on a steady sleep schedule. I also know all too well about having a horrid sleep schedule, thanks Insomnia lol Here's to hoping everyone gets less cranky within the upcoming hours, or hopefully by tomorrow. Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 6, 2020 Posted May 6, 2020 Sometimes a lazy day is just all around needed. Kai's halter has a handle on it so it's easier to control him when he's pulling. We bought a different one and it's supposed to be more comfortable for him but he pulled like a freight train those few times I used it. I put his other one on and he settled in relatively well. The handle on the other one I just couldn't get a good grip on and it hurt my hand more. I prefer to use the collar when walking him so that if he starts to pull too much he feels it more and knows to stop. I just need to tighten his collar some more so he can't pull his head out of it. I think my oldest's problem is she forces herself to stay up at night so she can play in peace without her sisters around to bug her. This way she can play with what she wants and play her way. I know that's what she did when her sister was at school during the day. I'm horrible when it comes to a routine and kind of slack when it comes to bedtime. I know I need to put my foot down and be stricter but it hasn't happened yet lol. We're going to work in it constantly over the summer. Who wants to sleep all day when they can be playing in the sunshine and possibly the sprinkler? I have insomnia too so I know what that's like. Just like everyone, kids have their cranky days too. With my daughter's kindergarten work, we're behind in her math. I'm more focused on her language arts stuff with her letter sounds, tricky words and reading. Most of the math she's learning now will be retaught next year and expanded on slightly. So if we don't finish on time for the end of the school year I'm not worried. We can do it over the summer, as well as work on her other workbooks. My oldest crawled into my bed and fell asleep. My middle had her supper at the dining room table in my old desk chair and she's fallen asleep now too. Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 6, 2020 Posted May 6, 2020 100% agreed. (Though -- we take more than we should). It took me a few different designs to find the perfect ones for not just me -- but the boys. (Their size varies, but they're still big)! We actually had someone in our family custom sew the ones we bought, that way it's perfect for everyone all around! I did that so much when I was younger -- forcing myself to stay up so I could do the things I wanted with no interference. It really is a pain, on both ends of the spectrum. I've tried getting myself into one, and sometimes I do -- but it'll only last 3-4 days and revert back to my old habits, even with me trying not to. I'm rebellious to my own self. Cranky days are indeed inevitable, and patience is all we can do. I agree with studying the other subjects, and semi leaving out things which will be learned more in the upcoming year/revisited. I did that with a lot of my schoolwork -- but it's totally easier when it's home/online vs actually in-school. (I just feel in-school is harder to catch up when you're on a more stricter time limit). I'm glad they were able to get to sleep -- hopefully they'll sleep through the night! (You and them both deserve a restful break). It's so, so hot today. Grrrr. Our AC is broke still -- and getting someone to come look at it/fix it is a bit iffy cause of the whole COVID thing. I mean, for either party it's iffy -- even though we rarely are going out, so we're fine -- but it's also just unsure if the person visiting has been taking the necessary precautions. (Even when they're required, people still refuse to follow protocol and the precautions). This post has been edited by a member of staff (Mouseykins) because of a violation of the forum rules.Please don't double post. Use the 'Edit' button if yours is the most recent reply.Per the reason above, please review our SPAM rules. Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 7, 2020 Posted May 7, 2020 My husband and I were talking that we may have to get someone to custom make a harness for Kai eventually. The thing with not keeping up on her math is her teacher is still evaluating her on it and I don't want to seem like we aren't doing the schoolwork. Hopefully we can catch up on those non-school days. One of the biggest challenges is I've been sleeping most of the days because I've been up late with the oldest. I know we'll get there by the end of the year, we just have to work hard. That really puts you in a hard position. We were at 21C yesterday here. Tuesday night my husband was getting the computer ready to go to his parents and we got to talking. We decided we would all go out to the farm to deliver the computer so I can help show Mom how to use the computer since I'm more familiar with the workings of the iMac then my Mr. is. They've been isolating as much as possible and so have we. We actually think we already contracted the COVID early in March and are not a risk to them. We won't know for sure until antibodies testing is available here. We left Kai at home yesterday for about 12 hours and our big guy was such a good boy! Not a single mess in the house and nothing was destroyed!! We were nervous coming home to see what destruction he got into. We had the window open for him and thankfully there was a good breeze coming in for him. The trip was so needed for our girls. Just getting them out of the house, going for a drive and breaking up the normal routine helped. All three kiddos slept early and slept all night long. Hopefully they can stay on track with their routine. In our area they're talking about loosening restrictions to allow a household to visit with only one other household. So we just went anyways. We didn't mention anything about bringing the girls out so Grandma was very very surprised to see them and it made her day! After we got home and had supper Kai refused to leave us alone and go outside for more than a few minutes. He was panting so much in the house and just wouldn't go outside to cool himself down. We could definitely tell he missed us. Next trip out we'll probably take him. He's such a good boy and with the dogs at the farm there shouldn't be a problem. They'll probably stay away from Kai because he's so darn big. Quote
missuninvited Posted May 8, 2020 Posted May 8, 2020 I hope I'm not crashing the Mouseykins/Ennoshima party here - I am just desperate for a thread that hasn't been abandoned since 2019. I started out doing a boatload of jigsaw puzzles when quarantine began, but I'm finding that I don't really have the space or the long-term concentration it takes to really sit down and do a puzzle properly. My attention is so scattered and divided that smaller tasks - reading online, playing Neo, goofing around and organizing and purging my closet, etc. are all much easier and lower-brainpower activities. I feel like I just cannot get my brain to work at 100% capacity anymore!! I used to love cooking, grocery shopping, etc. - now they're just "have to"s that take too much time without enough creative freedom. I feel for the kiddos staying up way too late just to get some peace/quiet/privacy, because that has definitely been me as well. 11:00 PM - 3:00 am is my Me Time, but I do tend to regret it a bit when morning comes all too quickly after my head hits the pillow. That got way too negative and whiny! Ah!! Back to something fun: I've started a new goal of getting 3,000 unique items in my SDB - only 863 left to go. Whew. Emptying out my real closet and filling up my fake one. What a glamorous life I live. Thanks for letting me share ♥ jellysundae and Ennoshima 2 Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 8, 2020 Posted May 8, 2020 3 hours ago, missuninvited said: I hope I'm not crashing the Mouseykins/Ennoshima party here - I am just desperate for a thread that hasn't been abandoned since 2019. I started out doing a boatload of jigsaw puzzles when quarantine began, but I'm finding that I don't really have the space or the long-term concentration it takes to really sit down and do a puzzle properly. My attention is so scattered and divided that smaller tasks - reading online, playing Neo, goofing around and organizing and purging my closet, etc. are all much easier and lower-brainpower activities. I feel like I just cannot get my brain to work at 100% capacity anymore!! I used to love cooking, grocery shopping, etc. - now they're just "have to"s that take too much time without enough creative freedom. I feel for the kiddos staying up way too late just to get some peace/quiet/privacy, because that has definitely been me as well. 11:00 PM - 3:00 am is my Me Time, but I do tend to regret it a bit when morning comes all too quickly after my head hits the pillow. That got way too negative and whiny! Ah!! Back to something fun: I've started a new goal of getting 3,000 unique items in my SDB - only 863 left to go. Whew. Emptying out my real closet and filling up my fake one. What a glamorous life I live. Thanks for letting me share ♥ Nope, definitely not crashing the party! Awe! I'm sorry you're having troubles enjoying certain things. This whole situation is really taking it's toll on everyone. My 6-year-old told me this afternoon "I hate this stupid virus!" All I could do was give her a hug and tell her I feel the same. She misses her friends so much! I used to enjoy going shopping as a family to get groceries provided my three kids got along and didn't act like animals in the store. Now I can't go. Tuesday was the first time since March 16th the kids have left the yard and Wednesday was the first time since then they've been in the vehicle for a drive. I find smaller things to be easier to cope with because they keep me busy. I've been outside a lot cleaning my yard. I did a lot of work last week so now my arms and shoulders are sore. I've started to read again and I haven't picked up a book in months. I even ordered two new books last week that I have now. Speaking of closets I need to go through mine eventually too. But the thrift store here is closed, so even if I do I can't donate my things I no longer want and have to store them somewhere else. I'll probably move things to our holiday trailer for the meantime until we can donate them. Don't worry about being negative! This thread is here to support everyone and provide an outlet. These are such uncertain times right now! Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 8, 2020 Posted May 8, 2020 @missuninvited Not at all -- feel free to join in! I actually tried starting a puzzle myself -- but I also find it hard to concentrate or focus long enough, but I've also just been experiencing it with a lot of things lately more so. I've probably drove my boyfriend crazy with how many times I've "Re-organized" my dresser, closet, side of the room and things like that -- but it's all I can really focus enough on without getting overwhelmed in a way or just bored. Gaming has been a hit or miss lately for me -- but I really just think I'm getting tired of being home all the time, and also not wanting to go out to places that are open just because not everyone is following the guidelines for everyone's safety. >.< Don't feel bad for venting -- it's totally ok and there's nothing wrong with needing to let out frustrations and such! For the time I've been here, everyone is very supportive and understanding. ♥ Good luck on your goal!! Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 9, 2020 Posted May 9, 2020 I finished my book tonight that I've been slowly working on for the last several months. I started reading Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce shortly after it came out and I finally finished it. Now I'm sad because it's book 1 of 3 in a series and the other two have not been released yet. Next on my list is The Handmaid's Tale. I've been watching the series, but season 4 has been delayed for now. So I figured I might as well read the book. I'm not much of a puzzle person. I can do them every once in a while but constantly I would get bored. I'm thinking of starting a family game night again to get us all doing something together as a family. I have some learning games as well as games like monopoly, uno and battleship. If I find our deck of cards we can even play go-fish or something. The only thing I'm really missing right now with the weather being nicer is the ability to go to the park and play. We have a small one right behind our house, but it's closed. I agree with the closing of playgrounds. The kids will just have to make do with what's in our yard. We may buy a structure for them or we may not. Next week my daughter's teacher is going to all the kids' houses to drop something off for them. She's also going to visit with the kids while keeping a safe distance. My kiddo will have a chance to see her teacher and she's going to LOVE it! We don't really have anything in our yard to show off, besides Kai and all his excavations. So Ariel will probably talk to her teacher about Kai and what she's been up to. I'm so excited to surprise my kiddo with this visit from her teacher. This week was Teacher Appreciation Week, so we might make something for her teacher and leave it outside the gate for her. I was thinking of delivering it to her house, but this will be so much better. My kiddo is such a social bug and she's definitely feeling the strain of being isolated. Quote
jellysundae Posted May 9, 2020 Posted May 9, 2020 Now imagining @Mouseykins teaching her kids to play poker. Though... for kids who are old enough to have seen it played in cartoons and Wild West movies and so on, it'd probably be a good ploy to teach them it because of the exciting associations. Parents out there grooming the next generation of card sharps? Yeah I'm just FULL of good ideas this morning. xD I used to do puzzles with my nan, but I've never owned any as an adult. I like the idea of doing one, and I do have a table I could use... *looks at it covered in stuff* Yeah... I made some more of that oat bread last night, nom nom! I shall be making more because I've got two far bigger tubs of yoghurt than I'd normally buy being delivered today. The supermarket's imposed a total item limit on their online shops now, and as I've no idea if I'll be able to secure another online shop I've gone for some bigger packs of things or multipacks to try and offset this. I'm not going to enjoy trying to get everything in the fridge that's for sure. My fridge is smol. The average UK fridge is the size of one that would fit under the counter - whether it's a separate fridge or part of a fridge-freezer. They are getting bigger now, the US's influence, lol! Mine's old though, it was my nan's - it's a fridge-freezer but the fridge isn't as big as the freezer, it's one shelf less that normal fridge size, so getting two 1kg tubs of yoghurt's gonna use up a lot of space. But hey... having nowhere to put all the food... #firstworldproblem if ever there was one, right? Mouseykins 1 Quote
ohml Posted May 9, 2020 Posted May 9, 2020 @Mouseykins my cousins and I have always been infatuated by boardgames. We've been hosting game nights on zoom too recently lol. Honestly, a deck of cards is all you need for a successful game night. Also try considering some really fun apps like heads up and codenames, they tend to go under the radar as they aren't your traditional game. @jellysundae I don't know about where your from. But here its actually common practice to keep two fridges in your house haha. The garage fridge obviously meant for drinks and ice cream and other snacks. When I first arrived at Uni I brought so much perishables but didn't know the fridges would your under the counter ones. Was heated for a bit until everyone told me thats actually normal size. I've really been making a dent on my plan to watch list lol. I Don't have much going on for me during these times, especially that online schooling ended a couple weeks ago. Things are fine, I'm fortunate to be in a position where I don't need to go out much. I think what's buggin me is much time you have to think and contemplate. I'm known to be an overthinker and getting lost in thoughts is really scary sometimes. Kinda why I tend to occupy my mind no matter how trivial it is like memes and anime but with all this free time, that's going to run out eventually. I've stated in other threads that I've been trying out new hobbies, like video editing and guitar too. Pretty fun, but again, I'm already feeling a bit burned with all of that. Quote
jellysundae Posted May 9, 2020 Posted May 9, 2020 @ohml I actually have another fridge xD AND another freezer. Neither in use though. The freezer's a "slimline" one and approx. 1000 years old. Ices up LIKE. A. BOSS. The fridge is the one I used until I changed to my nan's. The smaller fridge capacity of nan's is a trade off for a freezer that doesn't ice up at quite the speed of light that the other one does. My home is full of somewhat defunct electronics. Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 16 hours ago, jellysundae said: Now imagining @Mouseykins teaching her kids to play poker. Though... for kids who are old enough to have seen it played in cartoons and Wild West movies and so on, it'd probably be a good ploy to teach them it because of the exciting associations. Parents out there grooming the next generation of card sharps? Yeah I'm just FULL of good ideas this morning. xD I used to do puzzles with my nan, but I've never owned any as an adult. I like the idea of doing one, and I do have a table I could use... *looks at it covered in stuff* Yeah... I made some more of that oat bread last night, nom nom! I shall be making more because I've got two far bigger tubs of yoghurt than I'd normally buy being delivered today. The supermarket's imposed a total item limit on their online shops now, and as I've no idea if I'll be able to secure another online shop I've gone for some bigger packs of things or multipacks to try and offset this. I'm not going to enjoy trying to get everything in the fridge that's for sure. My fridge is smol. The average UK fridge is the size of one that would fit under the counter - whether it's a separate fridge or part of a fridge-freezer. They are getting bigger now, the US's influence, lol! Mine's old though, it was my nan's - it's a fridge-freezer but the fridge isn't as big as the freezer, it's one shelf less that normal fridge size, so getting two 1kg tubs of yoghurt's gonna use up a lot of space. But hey... having nowhere to put all the food... #firstworldproblem if ever there was one, right? That would require me knowing how to play poker in the first place. My kids like doing puzzles to a point. Then they just get bored. They have a very short attention span. At least with yogurt you can actually keep it for a while past it's due date before it goes bad. I've had yogurt in my fridge for a month after it's expiration date and it was still good. You can probably freeze the yogurt too, especially if you're going to use it for cooking/baking or any other instances where it's structure isn't as important. 8 hours ago, ohml said: @Mouseykins my cousins and I have always been infatuated by boardgames. We've been hosting game nights on zoom too recently lol. Honestly, a deck of cards is all you need for a successful game night. Also try considering some really fun apps like heads up and codenames, they tend to go under the radar as they aren't your traditional game. @jellysundae I don't know about where your from. But here its actually common practice to keep two fridges in your house haha. The garage fridge obviously meant for drinks and ice cream and other snacks. When I first arrived at Uni I brought so much perishables but didn't know the fridges would your under the counter ones. Was heated for a bit until everyone told me thats actually normal size. I've really been making a dent on my plan to watch list lol. I Don't have much going on for me during these times, especially that online schooling ended a couple weeks ago. Things are fine, I'm fortunate to be in a position where I don't need to go out much. I think what's buggin me is much time you have to think and contemplate. I'm known to be an overthinker and getting lost in thoughts is really scary sometimes. Kinda why I tend to occupy my mind no matter how trivial it is like memes and anime but with all this free time, that's going to run out eventually. I've stated in other threads that I've been trying out new hobbies, like video editing and guitar too. Pretty fun, but again, I'm already feeling a bit burned with all of that. Most people here have one fridge unless you live out in the rural areas then you usually have two fridges and two freezers. At least that's what my in-laws do. Though technically they have 3 freezers. One is outside by the garage and that stores dog meat. We actually have two full-sized fridges right now. We replaced our old one with a shiny new on in September and our old one has been sitting on our front deck since. In October when the weather was cool my in-laws brought bones for Kai. Our weather fluctuated so much they started to spoil. Then we forgot about them and they've been in there ever since. Now they're starting to smell really really bad. We have to do something with those boxes ASAP but we're not sure what to do. We can't take it to the dump this smelly. Quote
ohml Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 1 hour ago, Mouseykins said: Most people here have one fridge unless you live out in the rural areas then you usually have two fridges and two freezers. At least that's what my in-laws do. Though technically they have 3 freezers. One is outside by the garage and that stores dog meat. We actually have two full-sized fridges right now. We replaced our old one with a shiny new on in September and our old one has been sitting on our front deck since. In October when the weather was cool my in-laws brought bones for Kai. Our weather fluctuated so much they started to spoil. Then we forgot about them and they've been in there ever since. Now they're starting to smell really really bad. We have to do something with those boxes ASAP but we're not sure what to do. We can't take it to the dump this smelly. Why does the word fridge have the letter D, but refrigerator doesn't? I live right in the definition of suburbia, two fridges are the new white picket fences now ig. Also, I still think taking it to the dump is still viable?. I am certain they have received worse, more smelly stuff. @jellysundae Man, the way your describing them, I wouldn't be surprised if the people who originally used them called em the icebox XD. I love how the conversation changed to fridges. quite amazing. Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 We weren't planning on taking the fridge to the dump and were actually going to sell or donate it. Probably donate it now to our local foodbank so they can either use it or someone in need can. It still works, it was just too small for our needs. The conversation is forever changing! Spelling is a mystery half the time, so is letter sounds. I'm teaching phonics to my Kindergartner and it's amazing how many she's picked up. My oldest is learning phonics as well as spelling. Quote
Duma Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 I'm in the process of eating out my two little freezers because they've iced over and I want to clean them. I figured the food from the littlest one could now fit into the slightly bigger one and I was planning to clean it out this weekend. This one is a fridge/freezer built in type and when I went to check how to turn it off I realized it only has 1 thermostat. So if I turn of the freezer, the fridge stops working too. The weather is too warm at the moment to leave my stuff out! Luckily one of the stores I frequently go to has a nice deal on a cooler-box next Wednesday. Guess I'll clean it out next weekend after buying one of those since I don't have one yet and it's always convenient to have. At first I was planning to do the cleaning this winter when it was freezing during the day, so I could just place my stuff outside for a few hours but of course this year we didn't get a single day with temperatures below zero. It would go below zero a bit on some nights but never at a time I was at home and never during daytime. Quote
Ennoshima Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 I've been having a hard time lately and have sunken back into a depressive state. ^^; (Explaining why I haven't been so chatty as usual). I've been keeping up with my doctor(s) about it, and stuff like that. It may be a side effect of my newer medicine, so we're going to monitor it, and if I don't start feeling better in mood within a few weeks -- we'll switch me to something new. Quote
jellysundae Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 6 hours ago, ohml said: Why does the word fridge have the letter D, but refrigerator doesn't? I.... never even noticed that before. xDD 7 hours ago, Mouseykins said: At least with yogurt you can actually keep it for a while past it's due date before it goes bad. Use by dates mean nothing to me, lol. I'm fully aware they're mostly the food producers/retailers covering their backs in case someone gets sick. Good ol' due diligence. I worked in fresh food production for 20 years so I'm well versed in food hygiene so maybe that's why I'm unphased by use by dates? I dunno. In this country there was talk of them being removed from some products (fruit and veg for example) because people are throwing away so many tons of food because it's past its date when there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. That doesn't seem to have happened though. These dates have turned out to be more of a hindrance than a help, I think, if people have lost the ability to make a common sense decision about if food is still ok by its appearance and smell, and go solely by a date on its packaging. Is that bread suddenly mouldy? Is that pepper suddenly rotten? Are those strawberries a punnet of mush? Nope? THEN WHY ARE YOU THROWING THEM AWAY? Oh, they're past their date?? Just another indication of humans losing the natural ability that all (other) animals have to look after themselves. You're so right about the yoghurt, quite often mine is past its date before I even open it. xD I can also state with authority that milk lasts for 3 weeks past its date. They only thing I adher to dates with is fresh (unprocessed) meat, that you don't want to mess about with, but that also visually lets you know as it's passing its best. I guess I belong in another era; cut the manky bit off and eat the rest! My jar of jam (plum butter, OMG!!!)had got mould on it - mould removed, jam consumption continued! I'm not chucking that away, nuh-uh! My great-nan would be nodding her head approvingly, I'm sure. @Ennoshima Hoping for your mental sun to come back out soon then, also hopeful that even if you're not up to talking just lurking about here is helpful even if just in a small way. @Duma Iced-up freezer solidarity! (pun absolutely intended!) Quote
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