Mouseykins Posted March 29, 2020 Posted March 29, 2020 On 3/28/2020 at 2:59 PM, jellysundae said: That is insane. I hope they drop that right down, really quickly! You in-laws... So many older people seem to be being seriously obtuse about this situation, almost as bad as the stupid college kids, I just don't get it! That cake is abodable! And looks enormous! Are his arms etc. crushed Oreos? I though cocoa powder initially but swiftly realised young kids wouldn't appreciate that! Things are changing rapidly here so there will still be changes and I expect that number to be lowered. I know it's crazy how people are disregarding some aspects of social distancing and isolation. I know my in-laws just want to see their grand-kids but still. I know they watch the news and health officials are advising against visiting family, so you'd think they'd get the message. We'll just have to wait and see what April brings us. Thanks! My girls really enjoyed it! Olaf's arms, hair, eyes and coal buttons were indeed oreo crumbs. The cake looked a lot better until I added those. I should have just made a chocolate whipped cream and piped them. EDIT Monday Morning: Yesterday my Mr. went into our little city to pick up an air purifier for our home. Our home is really dusty and it gets worse in the summer months. We're hoping that with the air purifier it will help eliminate dust and allergens and help as all to stay healthier. Our furnace filter and regular cleaning of the vents can only do so much. While he was in town I sent him to pick up a few groceries while he's there. Things are cheaper there then they are in our little town. Guess what he found on the shelf at one store?? The ever elusive bathroom tissue. There were two packs and the customer limit is two, but instead of being greedy he only got one. So things are starting to normalize here slowly. According to health officials we are slowly starting to see a flattening of the curve from all our isolation and social distancing so I'm glad it's taking affect. Our province's cases are still rising with 46 in hospital and 14 of those in the ICU. Today I have to go pick up my daughter's learning packet for the week. I'm excited to see what's in there. It'll be good to finally know what to expect each week for my daughter to complete. Once she's completed those lessons we can continue building on her skills with the resources I've purchased for her. Funny Kai happenings: Yesterday it was rather warm out so a fair bit of melting took place turning parts of our yard muddy and making it easier for Kai to excavate. We had just put groceries away and knew his feet would be dirty. My husband went upstairs to get a towel so I could wipe Kai's paws when he came in. He had to wait at the door and he had this sad look on his face like he knew he was naughty. My husband lets him in while he's blocking the path to go upstairs and I'm blocking the path to the rest of the house. Kai right away lays down to let me clean his paws. Even his belly was dirty. I cleaned him up as best I could and he was still banished to lay by the door until the dirt dried and fell off his fur. In that way I love his self-cleaning coat! Angeló 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 On 3/29/2020 at 5:32 AM, Mouseykins said: Funny Kai happenings: Yesterday it was rather warm out so a fair bit of melting took place turning parts of our yard muddy and making it easier for Kai to excavate. We had just put groceries away and knew his feet would be dirty. My husband went upstairs to get a towel so I could wipe Kai's paws when he came in. He had to wait at the door and he had this sad look on his face like he knew he was naughty. My husband lets him in while he's blocking the path to go upstairs and I'm blocking the path to the rest of the house. Kai right away lays down to let me clean his paws. Even his belly was dirty. I cleaned him up as best I could and he was still banished to lay by the door until the dirt dried and fell off his fur. In that way I love his self-cleaning coat! Oh how cute! And what a good and clever boy. I wonder what else he's going to learn! Quote
Mouseykins Posted April 1, 2020 Posted April 1, 2020 17 hours ago, jellysundae said: Oh how cute! And what a good and clever boy. I wonder what else he's going to learn! Hopefully he learns that he needs to stay by the door until his feet are wiped. So far he still likes to leave wet paw prints all over the hall and kitchen. I have to start working with him regularly on that even if his feet aren't clean. Kai still needs to be taught to walk nice on the leash. I find if I walk him on the street he does better than on the sidewalk. Plus I walk too slow for him, so he loves it when we race the kids to the corner. When we do that he has to learn not to cut me off. I do not wish to be up close and personal with the pavement. It snowed Monday night so now Kai's evidence of destruction has been reburied, which is perfect timing in case my in-laws do not heed our warnings and decide to come out anyways. My MIL bought us a pack (or more) of bathroom tissue even though she didn't have to and she's probably going to want to bring us flour and sugar as well. The older girls are starting to go crazy being stuck together all the time. My oldest enjoys the days when her sister is at school so she can play and do what she wants without her sister bugging her. Trying my best to separate them when they get moody so there's no fights. Monday I picked up A's school things and we finished almost everything for yesterday. We just have a coloring sheet to do. Today we're going to finish a few other sheets that she hasn't finished yet from earlier lessons. Her teacher sent home everything we need for the rest of the year just in case the school gets closed completely. She also sent home those square connecting cubes, a play-dough pot, popsicle stick, bingo chips and a bingo dobber! Each week she's emailing with the lesson plan for that week so we know what to work on and certain assignments she's requesting pictures of to be emailed to her so we don't have to keep coming and going from the school each week. This will let her evaluate our kiddos remotely. I'm so glad to know what is happening with A's education now. It's relieved a lot of stress! A wants to write a letter to her teacher, so that's on the plan today. I have to print off primary writing paper for her to use. Her teacher is going to love it! Tomorrow morning her teacher is doing a Google Meet with the kids so that should be exciting. I'll probably sit with A and send everyone away upstairs so there's no noise or distractions. I've never done a Google Meet so this should be interesting. EDIT: A started writing her letter today and I finally published my website! Quote
Ennoshima Posted April 17, 2020 Posted April 17, 2020 Honestly? Feeling extremely trapped and going stir crazy. My mental illnesses are also feeding off this, and even as a mute/someone with anxiety, I actually enjoy being outdoors and not coped up in the house. I just hope things get better soon, for the sake of everyone, no matter which end. Things I usually do, are just not doing it anymore, and it's getting quite disheartening. Really hoping for better days. Quote
Coco Posted April 18, 2020 Posted April 18, 2020 I'd say I'm coping well so far but definitely miss being in the physical company of other people. I'm a homebody so I'm happy to stay indoors anyway. And I'm lucky to be in a position where I can do all my work from home. But I miss being with other people the most. Chatting online just isn't the same. Our government's gonna make a decision soon on whether we can go down an alert level and relax some restrictions. If that's the case, we'll be able to expand our "household bubble" very slightly which would already make a huge difference for me, so fingers crossed! Quote
Mouseykins Posted April 19, 2020 Posted April 19, 2020 On 4/17/2020 at 5:21 AM, Ennoshima said: Honestly? Feeling extremely trapped and going stir crazy. My mental illnesses are also feeding off this, and even as a mute/someone with anxiety, I actually enjoy being outdoors and not coped up in the house. I just hope things get better soon, for the sake of everyone, no matter which end. Things I usually do, are just not doing it anymore, and it's getting quite disheartening. Really hoping for better days. I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time with things. You're not the only one! Times like these really give our mental health a beating. I'm not sure where you live, but are you able to go outside in your yard at all or just for a walk? My community is allowing people to be in their yards and out for walks as long as social and physical distancing is being adhered to. My kids have not left the house or our yard for a month now and they've been at each others throats lately. This week we've finally been having some nice weather so we've been outside in our yard a bit each day. Today's the first day I actually joined them in the yard. Wednesday they were playing while I did dishes and cooked supper, Thursday I was busy doing other things, but today I decided with most of the snow gone it was as good a time as any to start cleaning up the yard. We got a Great Pyrenees pup last summer and he made a huge mess in our yard over the winter. Unfortunately, things may stay as they are for some time yet. We just have to do the best we can to get through this. Hang in there! On 4/17/2020 at 7:47 PM, Coco said: I'd say I'm coping well so far but definitely miss being in the physical company of other people. I'm a homebody so I'm happy to stay indoors anyway. And I'm lucky to be in a position where I can do all my work from home. But I miss being with other people the most. Chatting online just isn't the same. Our government's gonna make a decision soon on whether we can go down an alert level and relax some restrictions. If that's the case, we'll be able to expand our "household bubble" very slightly which would already make a huge difference for me, so fingers crossed! I'm glad to hear you're coping well. My family and I are coping rather well with everything too and not experiencing any financial hardships as a result of lockdowns and restrictions. I do miss taking my kids out and about the town. My daughter misses going to school and seeing everyone. Schools here have been closed since March 16th and they're closed for the rest of the year from my understanding of things. I love chatting online, but I am missing that human interaction I get when doing errands around town or just going for a walk and seeing people I know. They are talking about loosening up restrictions and I"m honestly praying they don't. We haven't reached the peak yet and if they loosen these restrictions there's nothing to stop the virus from spreading more and all the hardships people have faced over the last month will have been for nothing and we'll be back at square one. Here's hoping our government actually does the right thing for once. I've heard that tests may become available soon to see who has had the virus already and who has immunity to it to start getting those people back to work. My husband and I are thinking we may have already had COVID-19 in early March before it made it's presence known in our province. We had all the symptoms described and we felt like we were both run over by a highway truck. Our oldest child was sick for two weeks to the point where she didn't get off the couch except to use the bathroom or get a drink. She barely ate during this time too and just slept constantly. Our middle child caught it first and she was sick for about 3 weeks total and our youngest only had a mild cough. It would be nice if we could get tested for antibodies to see if we already did have the virus. @jellysundae How are things for you? My in-laws were going to come out on the 7th and bring us supplies but with all the restrictions in place, plus the possibility of them getting fined and us as well, we convinced them to stay home. Dad ordered a part for the quad we have out there for him to use since he has mobility issues but no one had showed up to fix the quad. So instead of them coming here, my husband went out there to fix the quad and get the supplies, Easter goodies and birthday presents for the two girls. It was the best possible solution. It would have been nice though if they would have called us a couple days prior to their plans so we could have made arrangements to get the internet hub picked up and my Mr. could have brought them their computer and set it up for them. Now that has to wait for a couple more weeks. Dad had a doctors appointment so we're waiting 3 weeks before my Mr. goes out there with the internet and computer. It'll be nice for them to have to keep in contact with the kiddos. Ennoshima 1 Quote
Ennoshima Posted April 19, 2020 Posted April 19, 2020 7 hours ago, Mouseykins said: I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time with things. You're not the only one! Times like these really give our mental health a beating. I'm not sure where you live, but are you able to go outside in your yard at all or just for a walk? My community is allowing people to be in their yards and out for walks as long as social and physical distancing is being adhered to. My kids have not left the house or our yard for a month now and they've been at each others throats lately. This week we've finally been having some nice weather so we've been outside in our yard a bit each day. Today's the first day I actually joined them in the yard. Wednesday they were playing while I did dishes and cooked supper, Thursday I was busy doing other things, but today I decided with most of the snow gone it was as good a time as any to start cleaning up the yard. We got a Great Pyrenees pup last summer and he made a huge mess in our yard over the winter. Unfortunately, things may stay as they are for some time yet. We just have to do the best we can to get through this. Hang in there! Yes, I am able to go outside on my lawn, and walks are legal here too --just social distancing and mask laws. It's been hard to even want to do that, just because deep in me I know it's still all I can do, and even with that, I still know the state of the world around me due to the virus. I know it sounds maybe selfish, or ungrateful -- but I assure that's not what I mean at all! Thank you for telling me about what you're doing, it gives me hope knowing others are feeling the same, and finding ways to cope with how everything is. I am homesick because I am away from my family, and I don't know when I'll be able to fly out to visit them again. We've been cleaning the house on and off, my boyfriend and I, and doing outside work when it's not too hot, or rainy. It's hard to stay coped up all the time, and I can only imagine more so with bigger families, and I wish you the best in all this -- and more peaceful times, too. Mouseykins 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted April 19, 2020 Posted April 19, 2020 10 hours ago, Mouseykins said: They are talking about loosening up restrictions and I"m honestly praying they don't. People are calling for it here too (but not with guns like the utter morons in the US!), but the government are adamantly saying NO. The opposition keeps banging on about the need for an exit strategy and the government being a failure for not having one, but that's 100% politicising the issue, stupid idiots. -.- I just don't understand how people can be throwing fits demanding loosening of restrictions when the death tolls continue to climb, it's like we're existing in two separate worlds. @.@ I'm glad things are mostly good with your in-laws, hopefully it stays that way! The time is coming closer when I'm going to have to set foot outside again and go and buy groceries, not looking forward to that, but fingers crossed it goes without a hitch, then I won't feel so anxious about the next time. @Ennoshima I am completely distracted by your sig. Mouseykins 1 Quote
Ennoshima Posted April 19, 2020 Posted April 19, 2020 @jellysundae Hehe, gotta love cats. ♥ I have more vids/gifs of cats I'd like to ever admit. <.< At least it's something to do a lil during quarantine. jellysundae and Mouseykins 2 Quote
Hanso Posted April 19, 2020 Author Posted April 19, 2020 Something a bit scary happened to me yesterday. I was running out of food so I had to go to the supermarket, but a) I didn't have a face mask, since they are impossible to find these days and pharmacies have run out of stock b) I wasn't sure whether or not masks were already mandatory in my city. In some cities they are, in some others they aren't (things have been very inconsistent in my country). So I look for info on the internet and find a lot of contradictory information, but there is one site that looks trustworthy and says that masks are gonna be made mandatory on Monday. Sweet, that means I'm safe. Or does it. Turns out that site had false information and masks were made mandatory a couple of days ago. So as soon as I went out a cop stopped me and threatened to give me a fine of almost a hundred dollars. I explained my situation to him and he let me go and even gave me a disposable face mask, but still, it was really scary. Mouseykins 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted April 19, 2020 Posted April 19, 2020 @Hanso Wow that IS scary, but so good of the cop to help you rather than punish. I worry about masks becoming mandatory here for the same reasons. Mouseykins 1 Quote
mairead123 Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 @jellysundae Even scarier are front line health staff reusing one use PPE. jellysundae and Mouseykins 2 Quote
Hanso Posted April 20, 2020 Author Posted April 20, 2020 3 hours ago, jellysundae said: @Hanso Wow that IS scary, but so good of the cop to help you rather than punish. I worry about masks becoming mandatory here for the same reasons. What worries me the most is that now the government is recommending people to use homemade face masks, even though up until two weeks ago they were advising against them because they simply don't work. Newspapers that were giving detailed explanations as to why using them is pointless are now giving detailed tutorials on how to make them. All because the government wants to slowly transition out of the quarantine and let people out little by little. But they're going about it the wrong way. People are gonna go out thinking they are safe, get infected, and infect others in turn. It really is a mess. Mouseykins 1 Quote
Ennoshima Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 8 hours ago, Hanso said: Something a bit scary happened to me yesterday. I was running out of food so I had to go to the supermarket, but a) I didn't have a face mask, since they are impossible to find these days and pharmacies have run out stock b) I wasn't sure whether or not masks were already mandatory in my city. In some cities they are, in some others they aren't (things have been very inconsistent in my country). So I look for info on the internet and find a lot of contradictory information, but there is one site that looks trustworthy and says that masks are gonna be made mandatory on Monday. Sweet, that means I'm safe. Or does it. Turns out that site had false information and masks were made mandatory a couple of days ago. So as soon as I went out a cop stopped me and threatened to give me a fine of almost a hundred dollars. I explained my situation to him and he let me go and even gave me a disposable face mask, but still, it was really scary. I'm sorry that happened to you today, that sounds really scary. You did your best with the research, and I'm really glad the cop was understanding. Please keep safe. Mouseykins 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 -_____- The way things are going it seems almost inevitable that there'll be a second wave of infection everywhere, created solely by our own stupidity. I can see why this nonsense in the media is happening with the masks, I mean it's all very well for a government to make mask-wearing mandatory, but that doesn't suddenly make masks appear out of thin air, does it. So people having to make their own is the gonna be the only option in some cases. But it's sheer lunacy. It's that weird "it's better than nothing" mentality, isn't it. But it really isn't better than nothing, is it... The governments know the hospitals and other frontline workers don't have enough masks, so to turn around and say everyone has to wear them? Ok, cool... I saw this caption on Instagram yesterday and it really was an excellent analogy for so many foolish peoples' mindsets right now. Saying the curve is flattening so we should be be able to go out again now is like saying the parachute's slowed our rate of descent down so we can take it off now. Hanso and Mouseykins 2 Quote
Mouseykins Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 Wow lots to reply to today! 23 hours ago, Ennoshima said: Yes, I am able to go outside on my lawn, and walks are legal here too --just social distancing and mask laws. It's been hard to even want to do that, just because deep in me I know it's still all I can do, and even with that, I still know the state of the world around me due to the virus. I know it sounds maybe selfish, or ungrateful -- but I assure that's not what I mean at all! Thank you for telling me about what you're doing, it gives me hope knowing others are feeling the same, and finding ways to cope with how everything is. I am homesick because I am away from my family, and I don't know when I'll be able to fly out to visit them again. We've been cleaning the house on and off, my boyfriend and I, and doing outside work when it's not too hot, or rainy. It's hard to stay coped up all the time, and I can only imagine more so with bigger families, and I wish you the best in all this -- and more peaceful times, too. That's good! I'm glad you're at least able to get outside and get some fresh air. I know it's not the same but at least it's something. I just keep thinking that things could be worse and that gives me a glimmer of hope. Personally I'm trying not to stress about things so much, but at times it's hard and it doesn't help that I'm not sleeping that great. Well, more so not sleeping at appropriate hours. My in-laws are itching to see their grandkids and I had to send my husband out to their place by himself to get them to not come out here. My husband fixed the quad so it was a necessary trip for him. I'm thankful for the time we get to spend together as a family. Plus Kai loves that we're home so he can get all the attention he wants. He's a big attention suck! 20 hours ago, jellysundae said: People are calling for it here too (but not with guns like the utter morons in the US!), but the government are adamantly saying NO. The opposition keeps banging on about the need for an exit strategy and the government being a failure for not having one, but that's 100% politicising the issue, stupid idiots. -.- I just don't understand how people can be throwing fits demanding loosening of restrictions when the death tolls continue to climb, it's like we're existing in two separate worlds. @.@ I'm glad things are mostly good with your in-laws, hopefully it stays that way! The time is coming closer when I'm going to have to set foot outside again and go and buy groceries, not looking forward to that, but fingers crossed it goes without a hitch, then I won't feel so anxious about the next time. @Ennoshima I am completely distracted by your sig. I haven't heard of protests or anything like that here yet and I hope people don't get that stupid. I know times are tough but at least our government is trying to help people by allowing those with income losses to apply for a relief benefit. I'm glad they didn't insist on being stubborn. I'm just getting really sick of the 8 pm phone call announcing they're coming out the next day. 19 hours ago, Ennoshima said: @jellysundae Hehe, gotta love cats. ♥ I have more vids/gifs of cats I'd like to ever admit. <.< At least it's something to do a lil during quarantine. I'm not a cat person. Dogs are more my thing. My 8yo saw your cat gif and wouldn't let me scroll down to keep reading for probably a good 5 minutes lol. 14 hours ago, Hanso said: Something a bit scary happened to me yesterday. I was running out of food so I had to go to the supermarket, but a) I didn't have a face mask, since they are impossible to find these days and pharmacies have run out of stock b) I wasn't sure whether or not masks were already mandatory in my city. In some cities they are, in some others they aren't (things have been very inconsistent in my country). So I look for info on the internet and find a lot of contradictory information, but there is one site that looks trustworthy and says that masks are gonna be made mandatory on Monday. Sweet, that means I'm safe. Or does it. Turns out that site had false information and masks were made mandatory a couple of days ago. So as soon as I went out a cop stopped me and threatened to give me a fine of almost a hundred dollars. I explained my situation to him and he let me go and even gave me a disposable face mask, but still, it was really scary. I think consistency is key these days and your city should have a notice up somewhere online stating that. I'm glad the officer decided to give you a mask instead of fining you. For some things, I think they should issue a "warning" that way repeatedly stupid people who do not care about the rules are the ones being fined instead of people like you who are just trying to get things they need and are unaware of the current rules. Masks here are becoming recommended and I'm like why now. Why weren't they recommended when the virus first landed in Canada? They would have kept asymptomatic people from coughing, sneezing and breathing on people while out in public. 9 hours ago, mairead123 said: @jellysundae Even scarier are front line health staff reusing one use PPE. That is absolutely horrid that they are being forced to do that! 9 hours ago, Hanso said: What worries me the most is that now the government is recommending people to use homemade face masks, even though up until two weeks ago they were advising against them because they simply don't work. Newspapers that were giving detailed explanations as to why using them is pointless are now giving detailed tutorials on how to make them. All because the government wants to slowly transition out of the quarantine and let people out little by little. But they're going about it the wrong way. People are gonna go out thinking they are safe, get infected, and infect others in turn. It really is a mess. It's such a complete turn of events, isn't it? To me, it doesn't make any sense, why now instead of when the virus was first encountered in our areas. A friend of mine has made homemade masks and I think she's selling them to people in the area that need them or want them for venturing out. I may end up making some for ourselves, just in case they become mandatory. That way the kids and everyone has one in case we need to go somewhere with the kids. No way am I wearing one in my yard though. Our yard is completely fenced in and surrounded by a hedge so we are isolated. Plus people can go walk on the street like they usually do or go walk on the other side of the street and save Kai from barking at them so much lol. That worries me to Hanso. If people think they're safe because of the loosened restrictions we're just going to end up back at square one. Even if restrictions are loosened here I'm not going to immediately rush out and have a party with friends or playdates. Even if they decide to reopen schools this year, my daughter will not be going back. I don't care if all her friends are. I won't allow her to go back to school until I think it's safe for her to do so. Her teacher knows I can handle the homeschool learning approach with her since I've been doing it for 3 years now with her older sister. 10 minutes ago, jellysundae said: -_____- The way things are going it seems almost inevitable that there'll be a second wave of infection everywhere, created solely by our own stupidity. I can see why this nonsense in the media is happening with the masks, I mean it's all very well for a government to make mask-wearing mandatory, but that doesn't suddenly make masks appear out of thin air, does it. So people having to make their own is the gonna be the only option in some cases. But it's sheer lunacy. It's that weird "it's better than nothing" mentality, isn't it. But it really isn't better than nothing, is it... The governments know the hospitals and other frontline workers don't have enough masks, so to turn around and say everyone has to wear them? Ok, cool... I saw this caption on Instagram yesterday and it really was an excellent analogy for so many foolish peoples' mindsets right now. Saying the curve is flattening so we should be be able to go out again now is like saying the parachute's slowed our rate of descent down so we can take it off now. As I say, Stupidity is contagious. Well, this virus is contagious and if people remain stupid about things, then, of course, we'll see at least a 2nd wave of this virus. I've heard that the virus has possibly mutated already. That's a scary thought for those that have had it to think they could potentially get it again when they assumed they now have immunity towards it. I LOVE that analogy!! It is so true and perfect for this situation! Hanso, jellysundae and epona1 3 Quote
epona1 Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 1 hour ago, jellysundae said: Saying the curve is flattening so we should be be able to go out again now is like saying the parachute's slowed our rate of descent down so we can take it off now. Thanks, I spit out my tea on my screen... I mean, people need to realise that we will have restrictions in place until a vaccine becomes available. Unless you live in a country were your government wants you to die... The mask thing has baffled me too. They are essential for healthcare workers but to everybody else they are useless? Because.... We don't know how to use them properly or they give a false sense of security. I think both those arguments are crap. Masks remind us that it is not a normal spring day at the park, and we could all learn how to use them properly. @Hanso That's really scary! Are you able to make your own masks? I've used this one and this no sew one using a t-shirt jellysundae and Mouseykins 2 Quote
Mouseykins Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 14 minutes ago, epona1 said: Thanks, I spit out my tea on my screen... I mean, people need to realise that we will have restrictions in place until a vaccine becomes available. Unless you live in a country were your government wants you to die... The mask thing has baffled me too. They are essential for healthcare workers but to everybody else they are useless? Because.... We don't know how to use them properly or they give a false sense of security. I think both those arguments are crap. Masks remind us that it is not a normal spring day at the park, and we could all learn how to use them properly. @Hanso That's really scary! Are you able to make your own masks? I've used this one and this no sew one using a t-shirt *hands over a soft wipe for your screen* You said it right there, until we have a vaccine we will have restrictions or at least we should if our governments are smart about things. I don't get the mask thing either it's just one of those things I have to shake my head at all the time. Funny Story to Lighten Things Up: Kai possibly has an ear infection in his right ear. Friday I sent my hubby to the vet to pick up a cleaning solution for Kai. I cleaned Kai's right ear first and as I was wiping out his ear canal this big boy was groaning in enjoyment. He absolutely enjoyed it! I was probably rubbing an itchy spot in his ear so it felt good. I go to do his left ear, which isn't showing signs of infection but I wanted to clean it anyways. Dad had to hold him a bit so I could apply the solution. I tried tonight and he ran away from me and leapt onto my Mr. almost sitting on him. Looks like this will be a two person job and probably best to do it in the morning when he's still sleepy. I just thought it was funny how a bottle of solution made him run like that. It does have alcohol in it so maybe it irritated and stung his ear but he never yelped or anything and handled it very well. I even tried sitting on his back as he was laying down, he got up and just about took me with him! I don't put my weight on his back when I do sit on him, that's distributed on my knees which are on the floor so I'm not hurting Kai. epona1 1 Quote
Ennoshima Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 @Mouseykins That honestly just made my morning lol Mouseykins 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 2 hours ago, epona1 said: Thanks, I spit out my tea on my screen... You're welcome 3 hours ago, Mouseykins said: My 8yo saw your cat gif and wouldn't let me scroll down to keep reading for probably a good 5 minutes lol. 19 minutes ago, Ennoshima said: That honestly just made my morning lol I'm just glad I'm not the only one that can sit and watch it for ages. epona1 1 Quote
Mouseykins Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 21 minutes ago, Ennoshima said: @Mouseykins That honestly just made my morning lol I'm so glad! It was pretty funny watching a 120lb lady wrestling with a 100+lb Great Pyrenees pup. I know my husband thought it was funny. But did he get off the couch to help, Nope! Today one of us has to go to the Post Office, and I think I might volunteer my Mr. for that task lol. He's going to have to help me with Kai though. If we want to treat his ear and prevent an infection we need to clean them. Quote
Duma Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 LOL @Mouseykins You would think if he enjoyed it that much he'd come running back for more. Not run away from it! I went to work as usual but because of my hay fever my nose is really annoying and giving me sinus headaches. I suspected some of the products we use at work to keep everything save made my headache worse because of the scent they added to it (They make it themselves with alcohol, wax and a scent, to disinfect your hands). So last Friday I went to my manager asking who made it and explained my situation/suspicion. We now have a different scent in them so at least they listen. I'll have to wait until the old one is all used up and then see if my suspicion was right or not. I still think they shouldn't add any scents if that's all they do, some ppl (we have a big company so they don't know everyone) might be allergic to artificial scents. I even have friends that are allergic to them. Anyway, today my manager asked me how my head felt and I told him I bought a nasal spray this weekend and that seems to free up my nose and helps a little with the headache. I've only used it since Saturday afternoon so it needs some time before my sinuses are opened up since it's just salty water (I get a nose bleed from most other kinds, so not much options for me). So he tells me if it gives me a runny nose I should stay at home. On one hand I wouldn't mind staying at home just for the allergies, having some extra days at home would be nice, but on the other hand I just know he'll take away free days or demand to work overtime later in the year without being payed to compensate. He won't say they'd do that but I know how this company operates. I told him last week I have a lot of free days left (we get 20 days a year and if you didn't spend them all you get to take most of them to the next year). I wanted to have them paid out but that's not an option right now because work is a lot less right now due to the pandemic. I don't want to use them just to sit at home not being able to do anything I like anyway. So now I'll have to hide from my manager for a few minutes after using the spray I guess. If I'd feel sick in any other way or would start coughing I'd stay home right away, he wouldn't have to tell me. I wouldn't want to risk infecting people, but when I know it's just my hay fever I'm not planning to stay at home in exchange for my saved up free days. I live alone and the only people I see are the ones at work Quote
jellysundae Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 @Duma mentioning hay fever reminded me of this that I saw on the BBC news page earler and rolled my eyes at a bit. I didn't actually check it out, just saw the headline. 4 denoting 4th most watched video right now. But... I mean, if you suffer from hay fever you know what it is, and aren't the symptoms nothing like covid? I'm so confused. *actually reads it* Hmm, it seems it's the other way around to what I imagined it was! There's me thinking it's trying to forestall people thinking they have covid because they're got itchy watery eyes and are sneezing, when... *sigh* yeah, I guess some of the "it's only the 'flu!" gang could very well dismiss covid symptoms as hay fever. -____- Quote
Duma Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 Sure, that's why I said if I would start coughing I'd stay at home. But at the moment, except for the headache which is really local above my right eye, all the symptoms go away when I take my anti histamine or when I'm in the shower. Even in the car, with filtered air, there aren't any symptoms. I'm taking more anti histamine pills now than I normally do just to make sure I'm not mixing it up with COVID symptoms while at the same time I'm trying not to go overkill in anti histamine so my body can still react when there is a problem, since anti histamine basically shuts down your immune system telling your body everything is fine. I really am trying to be as careful as I can be, not just dismissing it. I keep "checking" myself. If at one point the anti histamine wouldn't open up my nose I would go straight home or stay at home! I'm not taking any risk or being one of those ppl that say "it's just a flu". I have hay fever since I was about 16 or so (always thought it was a cold until I got tested a few years ago). Anti histamine sure has been my spring friend since about 8 years ago or so jellysundae and Mouseykins 2 Quote
jellysundae Posted April 20, 2020 Posted April 20, 2020 @Duma do you think your company will stop adding any fragrance altogether to their cleaning products then? It does seem the most the sensible option. LIke you say there's always that risk of averse effects with fragrance, and when it's in a work setting better to err on the side of caution. Really good of them to listen and make changes though! I suffer from hay fever myself, right now CAN be a bad time for it for me but only if I'm near a field of rapeseed as it's in flower now, that stuff is EVIL. I used to hold my breath going past fields of it on the bus on the way to work xD But it hits me really hard! Way more than my regular hay fever which is through June into mid-July, that's actually a lot milder now. So really just the fields of yellow stink in April to worry about. This woman, clearly no sense of smell! A lot more like it xD Duma 1 Quote
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