Popular Post Rune Valentine Posted December 6, 2016 Popular Post Posted December 6, 2016 Hello and welcome to this year's annual TDN Gifting Post! :) 'Tis the season for giving and we're here to give it a head start. The rules are simple, post your wishlist (please make sure that they are obtainable items) and hope some generous TDN members will grant your wishes! KEEP IN MIND: Forum rules still apply. Consistent rule-breakers will be turned down and be given proper warnings. Posts can be deleted at the staff's discretion. Keep your wishes realistic: people are giving out of their own pockets and overly expensive wishes may not be granted There is no guarantee any or all of your wishes will be granted Make sure you have room in your inventory Update your list immediately so you don't get duplicates. DON'T FORGET TO GIVE THANKS!! Songbirdsara, hrtbrk, Spritzie and 10 others 13 Quote
Musical_Shoyru Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 (edited) I was JUST wondering when this would be posted again! So excited! Can't wait! Do you have a Wishlist by chance Rune? Here's mine everyone! Thanks in advance! I have everything neatly organized to better find items! I will am working on updating a few things! I can't wait to start gifting others! http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/singing1633/ Gifted to; xxdecemberzchild - Wand of the Dark Faerie Stamp gloomypixie - Floating Grey Faerie Doll (NC) (Sorry it's not the NP one! I'm still looking for that myself!) rejoice_20 - Kou-Jong Stamp Ranga_muffin - Itchy Invasion Background .Brianna. - Fyoras Room Background x2, Jhudoras Favorite Pie, and Fyora Star Wand nicolelouise - Christmas Kougra Stamp S_A -Holiday Flowering Teapot Alexinwonderland - Bulgar, Diddler, Dal, and Baby Fireball Liquidtaffy - *PENDING GIFTS* ---> Nightsteed Plushie, Zombie Flotsam Plushie, Shadow Ogrin Plushie, and Plushie Piano Firaplays - Marshmallow Invasion and Stealing Through the Holidays Megbowles17 - Angelpuss Beenblessed40 - Seasonal Shoyru Gnome Snowwhite - 00 Hog Hugo_reinfield - Chia Crayon Sword Funkydragondiva78 - Rainbow Tears Facepaint (NC) Junegal - Chocolate Chunk Foreground and Chocolate Ballroom Background Rntracy1 - Tazzalor Stamp, Magic Spells, and Tazzalor Action Figure Ellenwayne - Vux Codestone Midnight_spell360 - TONS OF FOOD! Singittome - First 14 items on her wishlist when organized by price (after the two already marked) Flcoastallife - Court Dancer Gnome and Memoirs of an Aisha Chknlimbosthe1 - Birthday Quadrapus Songbirdsara - Jhudora Lunchbox Teganrose1 - Deserted Fairground Card Dolphindreams - Bought Items from their shop to give NP Charelan - Un-Valentines Cybunny Plushie Delshyna - Guide to Orange Furniture Nemerith - Mint Flavored Borovan, Mint Ice Cubes, and Coronet of the Deep Bangbangviki - Dreamy Pink Hearts Background Snowbell - Sent a bunch of Bunny related items Nielo - Christmas Buzzer and Jhudora's Bewitched Ring Stamp Zafie - Bag of Peanuts, Berry Zafara Goggles, Uni Shoe Tales, Frozen Snowflake Coin, and Pyramid Sunrise Stamp Mouch30 - Mysterious Draik Gloves Thanks to <3; Spritzie .Brianna. Midnight_spell360 alexinwonderland nicolelouise junegal funkydragondiva78 xxdecemberzchildxx firaplays nemerith S_A TeganRose1 Charelan Ranga_Muffin Delshyna *neverfallinloveagain Nielo If I missed anyone let me know! Edited December 13, 2016 by Musical_Shoyru Songbirdsara and life_eclectic 2 Quote
ranga_muffin Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 <3 <3 <3 Here are my wishlists: stamps: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/ranga_muffin/106547/ wearables: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/ranga_muffin/106549/ plants: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/ranga_muffin/106546/ Thanks Musical_Shoyru | decchild | spritzie | nicolelouise | just4dailies | S_A | Brianna | alexinwonderland | Teganrose1 | chknlimbosthe1 | DolphinDreams | singittome | junegal | funkydragondiva78 | delshnya | Nemireth | Nielo | Zafie | paperdoll66 ! life_eclectic, Songbirdsara and Musical_Shoyru 3 Quote
gloomypixie Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 Here's my wishlist (: Happy Holidays, everyone <3 Grey Paint Brush Baby Paint Brush (THANK YOU MAYLOR <3) Strawberry Paint Brush (THANK YOU FOR GIFTING <3) Water Faerie Usuki Doll Grey Faerie Usuki Doll A Grey Faerie Doll Quote
decchild Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 Yay! I love this time of the year! my only wishlist (all stamps): http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/decchild/130179/?order_by=4 And I guess any furniture for the 2.0 neohome, especially winter themed items/furniture since my home's on terror mountain. happy gift giving everyone! EDIT As usual, if anyone wants a full set of codestones for the avatar or for training, lemme know so I can set up trades on the trading post or something. Message me for that please so this thread doesn't get clogged up! Thanks to: ranga_muffinrejoyce_20midnight_spell360bck32808spritziebluesystemic_anomalyraven622xvetski2life_eclecticteganrose1lavender_unicorns___daniellecharelan twiggy321177 bangbangxviki songbirdsara marjolein71 Songbirdsara and life_eclectic 2 Quote
just4dailies Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 I'm so excited for this! I love seeing people's wishlists & helping out! Here's my list: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/rejoyce_20/ I'm awful at timely thank you's so I'll say thanks in advance & try to update as I go! Thank You's: musical_shoyru midnight_spell360 Brianna spritzie ranga_muffin S_A nicole alexinwonderland xxdecemberzchildxx jlxy13 life_eclectic teganrose1 lavendar_unicorns firaplays ___danielle charelan twiggy neverfallinloveagain bangbangxviki songbirdsara marjolein71 Arcticfox Snow White mouch30 Tracy life_eclectic, Songbirdsara and Teganrose1 3 Quote
Spritzie Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 Yay! I always look forward to this post all year. I swear, this ends up being the reasoning behind my year's worth of NP saving. Petpet WL: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/spritzie/32129/Stamp WL: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/spritzie/32127/NP Wearable WL: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/spritzie/32128/Side Galleries WL: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/spritzie/32126/ For anyone that doesn't want to use the WLs because there's a lot there: Red codestonesAny books (I give books to one pet first, anything she has already read trickles down to my other pets)Any petpets (I save duplicates that are already in my gallery in my SDB for painting whenever I get Petpet PBs) Happy holidays everyone! :D Teganrose1, life_eclectic, Songbirdsara and 1 other 4 Quote
.Brianna. Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 Woohoo! Christmas gifting time is my favorite time y'all. My wishlists are here: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/bck32808/ I also casually gourmet feed so gourmet foods are welcome too. Oh my username is bck32808 - just realized I don't have it listed on here anymore. Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season so far! Thanks so very much to: Spritzie just4dailies ranga_muffin Musical_Shoyru nicolelouise alexinwonderland junegal midnight_spell360 Teganrose1 firaplays chknlimbosthe1 funkydragondiva78 decchild charelan delshnya Nemireth singittome Songbirdsara bangbangxviki DolphinDreams Nielo paperdoll66 Dawn maylor Songbirdsara, Teganrose1 and life_eclectic 3 Quote
nicolelouise Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Yes, yes, yes, I'm in! I love doing this. Wishlists can be found here: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/vetski2/ Happy Gifting, everyone! Received with thanks from: Musical_Shoyru S_A ranga_muffin decchild alexinwonderland junegal midnight_spell360 just4dailies spritzie .Brianna. teganrose1 chknlimbosthe1 funkydragondiva78 singittome charelan Twilight790 Nemerith songbirdsara dolphindreams bangbangxviki rntracy1 nielo mouch30 companioneevee paperdoll66 Mouseykins Gifted to: Musical_Shoyru ranga_muffin decchild just4dailies spritzie .Brianna. S_A alexinwonderland junegal midnight_spell360 Mouseykins gloomypixie firaplays chknlimbosthe1 megbowles17 beenblessed40 snowwhite12 Hugo_Renfield funkydragondiva78 rntracy1 singittome flcoastallife teganrose1 Songbirdsara charelan delshnya twilight790 Nemireth Dolphindreams bangbangxviki nielo snowbell Zafie mouch30 liquidtaffy companioneevee paperdoll66 DeeDee1970 mirandaell Oshawott cate2013 Myctophobic life_eclectic, Teganrose1 and Songbirdsara 3 Quote
LiquidTaffy Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 I am always welcome for any gifts, just got back in after a 5 month hiatus :3. I am mainly looking for: Shiny Obsidian (dont discard it! give it to me, i love it, almost 1000 pieces now!) Any non-cheap books (above 200 np is fine, im trying to get my vandagyre really smart.)Plushies (semi-cheap ones, between 400-2000 np means i most likely dont have it. starting a gallery of them.) Will give back one gift for every gift I receive. Username is taffytaffyyumyum on neopets. Have a good holiday season! Quote
S_A Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Hey there, folks! Here are my wishlists: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/s_a/I continuously need/want rubber ducks (for my gallery) and brown codestones (for training), so those are permanent fixtures on my one wishlist. I have my lists separated by books, affordable things, expensive (100K+) things, and NC items. Disregard my UFT NC list...I already have those lol.As with every year, if you give me a gift, thank you very muchly ahead of time, but if I give a gift to you, you don't have to give anything in return.Happy holidays and be good to yourself. <3 :party:Note to self: I have gifted to everyone, I am able to, up to takingbackthecrown. life_eclectic and Songbirdsara 2 Quote
Mouseykins Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Happy Holidays Everyone! :D I'm a huge stamp collector so any stamps I don't have in my album are always welcome. I do have a stamp list here, just enter my username of Mouseykins and set the variables to Need and Stamp to see what I'm missing. This appears to not be working, so to view all the stamps I need they can be found on my wishlist arranged in order from lowest to highest in cost. Most of the ones I'm missing right now are around the 70-90k and up range so they're quite pricey. I went on a stamp buying binge the last few months and bought all the cheap ones up. Everything on my wishlist has been organized and categorized by price. If you have any issues, pleas send me a PM. You can find my wishlist in the button in my signature or it's located here. :) My schedule is rather busy so I may not get to gifting right away but I will try and send something to everyone I can. :) Songbirdsara 1 Quote
alexinwonderland Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 This is my first year doing this - so of course my wishlist is both long and ridiculous (and unsorted) it's mostly stamps and petpets (with a couple of weapons I'm working towards but, hey if you want to send me a ghostkerbomb, feel free). There's some very cheap stuff and some very not cheap stuff and everything in between. Thanks in advance. My schedule is hectic so if I forget to say thanks right away, I promise to get there! Can't wait to look at everyone's lists to send things! EDIT: I broke out my single large list into a few smaller ones so stuff should be easier to find now. EDIT 2: If you gifted me and I haven't thanked you here yet, can you please like this post so I can add you to the list. I think I accepted some gifts without writing down the names of who sent them and I want to be sure I don't miss anyone! http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/raven622x/ Thank yous :santa: : S_AMusical_Shoyrunicolelouisedecchildranga_muffinbrianna just4dailies midnight_spell360 Spritzie TeganRose1 Firaplays Junegal Charelan Twilight790 singittome Nemireth bangbangxviki Funkydragondiva78 DolphinDreams Nielo Mouch30 Zafie paperdoll66 Mouseykins irdalin maylor (OMG THANK YOU) rejoyce_20 life_eclectic 1 Quote
Musical_Shoyru Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 I am always welcome for any gifts, just got back in after a 5 month hiatus :3. I am mainly looking for: Shiny Obsidian (dont discard it! give it to me, i love it, almost 1000 pieces now!) Any non-cheap books (above 200 np is fine, im trying to get my vandagyre really smart.) Plushies (semi-cheap ones, between 400-2000 np means i most likely dont have it. starting a gallery of them.) Will give back one gift for every gift I receive. Username is taffytaffyyumyum on neopets. Have a good holiday season! Taffy your inventory is full, I can't send anything! Let me know when you get it cleared :) Happy Holidays Everyone! :D I'm a huge stamp collector so any stamps I don't have in my album are always welcome. I do have a stamp list here, just enter my username of Mouseykins and set the variables to Need and Stamp to see what I'm missing. Most of the ones I'm missing right now are around the 70-90k and up range so they're quite pricey. I went on a stamp buying binge the last few months and bought all the cheap ones up. Everything on my wishlist has been organized and categorized by price. If you have any issues, pleas send me a PM. You can find my wishlist in the button in my signature or it's located here. :) My schedule is rather busy so I may not get to gifting right away but I will try and send something to everyone I can. :) Hey Mouseykins I typed in your username at that site and it's saying that username doesn't exist on there with a list O.o S_A 1 Quote
firaplays Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 All I want for Christmas is books <3 Any books my Aisha hasn't read. Booktastic books work too! I got home super late tonight but I'll give a gift or two myself tomorrow. Here's my book wishlist: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/firaplays/130417/ Thank you to everyone who gifted stuff to me! I really don't have the np to gift expensive items, but I'll make sure I find something good to give back^^ I'm thinking of doing "gift baskets" with some candy and toys. Thank you to: rockangel_star bck32808 rejoyce_20 midnight_spell360 raven622x teganrose1 spritzieblue jlxy13 vetski2 charelan bangbangxviki lavender_unicorns life_eclectic songbirdsara marjolein71 twiggy321177 paperdoll66 Songbirdsara, midnight_spell360 and life_eclectic 3 Quote
LiquidTaffy Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Haha yeah, sorry shoyru. Getting that under control, havent fixed it in months, over 1000 items from dailies :sad01_anim: xD. Hopefully by the 10th when I'm not so busy I will be able to accept. Dear lord, dealing with 1k items with only 70 at a time through quick stock, rip me. Quote
megbowles17 Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/megbowles17/130275/?order_by=1 username: megbowles17 Merry Christmas everyone Thanks to all <3 This post has been edited by a member of staff (.Brianna.) because of a violation of the forum rules.Please keep your posts at 7 words or above.Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. life_eclectic 1 Quote
beenblessed40 Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Yay, this is always so much fun! Here's my wishlist: http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/beenblessed40/ Songbirdsara 1 Quote
snowwhite12 Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 So excited to participate in this exchange this year! Here is my wish list http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/snowwhite/130223/ Happy Holidays everyone :D Thank you so much!!!!: jlxy13 systemic_anomaly spritzieblue teganrose1 raven622x rejoyce_20 bck32808 rockangel_star _____Danielle vetski2 ranga_muffin charelan neverfallinloveagain bangbangxviki lavender_unicorns life_eclectic marjolein71 midnight_spell360 life_eclectic 1 Quote
Hugo_Renfield Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Oh cool, here is my list! http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/hugo_renfield/ I also like fun food items and cute wearables. Huge thank you to everyone who has thrown things in my direction! I lost track, you all are so generous! Songbirdsara and life_eclectic 2 Quote
Mouseykins Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Hey Mouseykins I typed in your username at that site and it's saying that username doesn't exist on there with a list O.o Huh that's weird. It should work if you type in Nappy, but alas I tried that and it's not working either. I'll transfer the data over to my wishlist for the time being. Everything will be listed on the stamps page. :) Quote
junegal Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Was waiting for this to be posted. :) Here's my wishlist :) http://jellyneo.net/wishes/jlxy13 Collecting Stamps and Backgrounds <3 <3 <3 MERRY CHRISTMAS n HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE :santa: :santa: :santa: *if i haven gifted you, im still trying to looking for your gifts :)* Gifted To: Musical_Shoyru | ranga_muffin | decchild | just4dailies | Spritzie | .Brianna. | nicolelouise | S_A | alexinwonderland | firaplays | megbowles17 | beenblessed40 | snowwhite12 | Hugo_Renfield | funkydragondiva78 | midnight_spell360 | rntracy1 | singittome | flcoastallife | chknlimbosthe1 | Songbirdsara | Teganrose1 | charelan | delshnya | twilight790 | Nemireth | bangbangxviki | Nielo | Zafie | DolphinDreams Thanks for all the wonderful and generous presents. Thanks: midnight_spell360 rockangel_star bck32808 rejoyce_20 raven622x vetski2 teganrose1 beenblessed40 spritzieblue systemic_anomaly lavender_unicorns firaplays blue_ied_girl12 <3 thanks for all the maps n paintbrush xxdecemberzchildxx ranga_muffin charelan delshnya life_eclectic marjolein71 ___danielle arctic_fox790 twiggy321177 snowwhite12 and life_eclectic 2 Quote
life_eclectic Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Hi, thank you very much for doing this! I collect rainbow and colorful items, however I don't want anything specific. Also, I have most items and have gotten to stuff that is only available through the trading post. I collect cards and stamps as well , but there aren't any specific ones I want at this point. Therefore, I'm just gonna focus on giving this year.Happy holidays to everyone, I hope you all have a great one! *<||:-)}Edit: Obviously people here are very nice, so even though I wasn't looking for any particular items, people still sent me stuff =DThanks very much to midnight_spell360, rockangel_star, rejoyce_20, spritzieblue, raven622x, teganrose1, vetski2, charelan, jlxy13, songbirdsara, lavender_unicorns, marjolein71, rn_tracy1_rn, neverfallinloveagain, mouch30!Edit 2: I'm rather busy the next few days, sorry if it's taking some time and especially if I miss anyone, but I am attempting to gift everyone (or as many as I can, accounting for np budget and items I have in my SDB). Also, I think I'm keeping track of names, but may have accidentally accepted some gifts before seeing the names. Thank you very much to everyone who sent me something! Songbirdsara and midnight_spell360 2 Quote
nicolelouise Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Was waiting for this to be posted. :) Here's my wishlist :) http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/jlxy13/ Collecting Stamps and Backgrounds <3 <3 <3 MERRY CHRISTMAS n HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE :santa: :santa: :santa: Gifted To: Musical_Shoyru ranga_muffin decchild just4dailies Spritzie .Brianna. nicolelouise For some reason, your wishlist page is coming up with a 404 error. I'm heading for bed (almost midnight here) and I'll have another look tomorrow. Quote
decchild Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Was waiting for this to be posted. :) Here's my wishlist :) http://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/jlxy13/ Collecting Stamps and Backgrounds <3 <3 <3 MERRY CHRISTMAS n HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE :santa: :santa: :santa: Gifted To: Musical_Shoyru ranga_muffin decchild just4dailies Spritzie .Brianna. nicolelouise I tried to click on your WL but it says it doesn't exist! =( Quote
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