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Our Thoughts Are With France

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I remembered from the TDN 10th Anniversary video, that you "signed off" from Paris, France. I am very saddened to hear about the violence and lives lost. If you are still in Paris, France, hoping you are safe and able to stay safe.


really really sad. my family and I have been watching the news for hours. I don't kno anyone from france, but it still hurts and brings tears to my eyes. Stay safe.


I remembered from the TDN 10th Anniversary video, that you "signed off" from Paris, France. I am very saddened to hear about the violence and lives lost. If you are still in Paris, France, hoping you are safe and able to stay safe.

Thank you. I was visiting a couple of weeks ago but at the moment am safe in America. I appreciate it.


I'm so sadden by this, it happened so fast. It really puts thing into perspective for you. Makes you thankful that you're safe with your family.


I totally agree Ian! I've been watching coverage for hours. Just, CRAZY. And i can't believe this large-scale of an attack went seemingly unnoticed until it was happening..... I know there will be investigations and stuff yet to come. But for right now, it's amazing (in the bad way) that they were able to hurt and kill so many people. :(


I just messaged a friend of mine from another site, since she lives in France, I don't know where, but I'm concerned none-the-less. Anyone who's got friends or family in France tonight, I hope they are all safe! I remember when the bus attacks in the UK happened a few years back. That was pretty bad too. Worrying about friends and family of friends... But yeah, I hope when they find out the root of these attacks, (whom and why) That France's response is both unifying for the country, and STRONG against the parties responsible! (To put it mildly)


Everything is so sad. I'm from Spain and I've been awake all night watching the horrible news. I still can't believe what happened.


But I must say that lots of people are suffering this kind of terrorit attacks all over the world (almost every day) and it looks like we only realize when the attacks take place on Europe or in USA. I feel that is kind of sad too. (I'm not trying to open a debate, sorry if it sounds something in that way)


I was so surprised to hear of these attacks in France and I have been trying to keep up with the news, but it is so horrifying to hear of these tragedies no matter where you live. To those in France you are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm hoping for this violence to stop and for everyone to be safe. For those who have lost family or friends in the attacks you have my condolences. :(


I am outraged and saddened by this news. I don't understand why there are those who hurt innocent people, I don't understand the violence. 


I know of course it is not the way of things, but I want the world to be at peace, I want all people to accept differences and be tolerant of others, even if they don't have the same beliefs. I want us to focus on the similarities we have as well and work with each other so we can all exist peacefully and happily in this world. 


If it ever could happen, I agree it is sometimes necessary to fight and do whatever we can to stop these groups.


My heart goes out to the people of France and anyone going through these tragedies. This puts things into perspective for me to not get so worked up over smaller things.


I shuddered with fear over what happened because I have a friend who lives very close to Paris, France and I left a message for her asking her if her and her family were doing alright

Everyone in her family is okay. So that's a good thing.

I feel just awful that someone would do such a cruel thing to innocent civilians 


Heard from my friend in France, apparently she lives far away from Paris. Still, the people who did this, if it is who claimed responsibility, they are the kind of people that can patient and can wait for generations if needed before they strike. That's what I've heard from military analysts on the news. Even back in 2001. I think that is something we in the West lack or maybe just don't understand. That resolve and determination. There is a quote that I one of the "Founding Fathers" of America wrote, I think it was Thomas Jefferson. He wrote, "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." I think that's something we all need to take to heart in the West. It stinks, but we live in uncertain times these days.


Looks like there were nearly 500 victims, about 130 were killed, the rest being wounded. At least those are the numbers I see on the news in the US at the moment. Even though I can see this as evil,  the lack of all respect for life of those who are different that these, well, whatever you wanna call 'em, have, is really hard to comprehend. Especially with the cruelty they display. In the past and still now and probably in the future too. Just, so insane. :(


Our thoughts are with every person stricken by the tragedies of war and terror, not only in France, but also in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Nigeria and Kenya. We shall not dismiss a single soul, be it western, eastern, northern or southern. Pray for all.

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