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Altador Cup X - Staff Tournament Week 1 Results!

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Senormalo - 1220

Lawyerbot - 399 (ick)

Kikocat - 1095

Bancha Ninja - 1450

Hip-hop queen - 1230


Any suggestions for a replacement for Lawyerbot?

Maybe DJ Skellington? I'm gonna do that.




Forwards: Senormalo (1220) & Lawyerbot (339)

Defenders: Kikocat (1095) & Firefly (956)

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo (941)


Overall total: 4551





not bad but im dropping Breik ... and Cherry


DJ Skellington  - 1305

Senor Malo - 1220

Bancha Ninja - 1450

Droplet - 1171

Breik - 296


Total: 5442


Went with Breik instead of Ehlo Froyo to much regret! Switching over to my Maraquan teammate this time. Not bad for first round though!


Señor Malo - 1220

Cherry Blossom - 580

Kikocat - 1095

Country Queen - 1243 

Ehlo Froyo - 941


Overall: 5079


Going to change cherry blossom for dj skellington now, but is a nice score overall :)


Señor Malo: 1220

Cherry Blossom: 580

Bancha Ninja: 1450

Kikocat: 1095

Breik: 296


Total: 4641


Going to change the lower rankers and see how I do with that one.

Senor Malo 1220
Ninjakin 235
Kikocat 1095
Firefly 956
Supagoo 1345

Total 4851


Ninjakin really let me down! :( My Mystery Island! Sneef. I suppose I should replace her. Firefly didn't break 1k either. Hmm.


Ninjakins: 235 -> swapped for señormalo

Lawyerbot: 339 -> swapped for DJ Skellington

Firefly: 956 -> swapped for Bancha Ninja

Droplet: 1171 ; no swap

Hip-Hop Queen: 1230 ; no swap


Total this week = 3931


Not too bad but hopefully better next week.


My team did great except for Cherry Blossom. I guess I'm switching her out.

dj skellington - 1305

senormalo 1220

bancha 1450

kikocat 1095

binary - 1345


- 6415


quite happy with my team <3


My team:


Ninjakins - 235

Cherry Blossom - 580

kikocat - 1095

Droplet - 1171

Ehlo Froyo - 941


Total = 4022


I'll stick with my ladies, even if the defenders are doing all the work. Clever of Droplet to be able to do so well, huh? ;D I guess they do have other people playing the roles of the people who've been recently laid off. If they are, it's what I'd imagined would be done.


4941 points


SenorMalo- 1220

Ninjakins- 235

Kikocat- 1095

Bancha Ninja- 1450

Ehlo Froyo- 941


They got more points than me at least. I haven't played even one match of anything yet to be honest. Too lazy to change staff team. (I have no place to talk but that 235 is pretty darn low.)


DJ Skellington - 1305

SenorMalo - 1120

Bancha Ninja - 1450

Droplet - 1171

Breik - 296


Total: 5442


I switched out Droplet for Rookie and Breik for Binary Supagoo. 


I would've kept Droplet but I'm just honestly confused on how she had a score at all. 


My results:


Total: 5227


SenorMalo - 1220

Cherry Blossom - 580

Bancha Ninja - 1450

Dark Lord - 1036

Ehlo Froyo - 941


I switched out Cherry Blossom for DJ Skellington and kept the rest.


I'm a new user on this forum so i can't create a new topic..  :sad02: 

Altador Cup X - Staff Tournament Week 2 Results!


How's everyone doing?


Mine was:

Senormalo 1355
DJ Skellington 1305

Bancha Ninja 1740
Country Queen 1640

Binary Supagoo 1320

Not a bad result for me 


My team:


Ninjakins - 235

Cherry Blossom - 580

kikocat - 1095

Droplet - 1171

Ehlo Froyo - 941


Total = 4022

Ok, here's this week's result:


Ninjakins - 207

Cherry Blossom - 1260

kikocat - 1195

Droplet - 1119

Ehlo Froyo - 1670


Total = 5451


Sorry Ninjakins, I gave you a chance to pull your socks up, and you failed, you're history, lady.


I'm switching her for DJ Skellington.

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