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Something Has Happened! forgshore.gif You are now eligible to use 'Forgotten Shore' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Very happy to FINALLY get this. Now if a few more of these random ones would pop up... like the wheel of knowledge! Trying for YEARS to get it



I'm three for three with the Battlefield avatars so far- hopefully I remain as lucky at choosing the winning teams!


Something Has Happened! fishsquid.gif You are now eligible to use 'Fishing - Titanic Squid' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Finally! I had to go up to level 144 but at least I've crossed off another random one :D



Something Has Happened! order_aylbt.gif You are now eligible to use 'Battleground: The Order' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


it's been a good avatar week!!


Something Has Happened! fishsquid.gif You are now eligible to use 'Fishing - Titanic Squid' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Finally! I had to go up to level 144 but at least I've crossed off another random one :D



Something Has Happened! order_aylbt.gif You are now eligible to use 'Battleground: The Order' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


it's been a good avatar week!!


Oh my god! Looked at your post and I was thinking to go to te vortex to try my luck and this happened :o

Something Has Happened! fishsquid.gif You are now eligible to use 'Fishing - Titanic Squid' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Thanks for the inspiration and finally crossed off this random avvie :D

Something Has Happened! snorkle.gif You are now eligible to use 'Snorkle' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Reasons why dailies like Test Your Strength pay off... THIS.


Something Has Happened! numbersix.gif You are now eligible to use 'Number Six' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


not actually collecting...this was easy, anyway


Finally got moodyskarl.gif !! it's been five months that I've been trying to get this easy avatar, and my boyfriend got it in the first couple tries...

Now I'm trying to get the avatars from the obelisk war!


Hahaha I went about my business today and forgot that I had left a window with the Wheel of Monotony going (bc I turned the volume off to watch Grey's).. went to close up just now and I see that I obtained the avvie! Schweet! =)

Something Has Happened! snowwocky.gif You are now eligible to use 'Wocky - Snow Day' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Finally picked this one up. xD Painted my labbie.


Also picked up one of the Obelisk avatars and a few other ones recently.

Something Has Happened! imposterapple.gif You are now eligible to use 'Imposter Apple' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

finally, waited so long and tried so many times for this avatar


Something Has Happened! ednacackle.gif You are now eligible to use 'Edna - Cackle!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

YAYYY! thank god I didn't have to do tons of quests to get this avatar, so happyyyy :woot: got the avatar on a three item quest right after i did a one item quest for edna, only paid 3,500 neopoints for everything!


&& I just got mortogkiss.gif Mortog Smooch. I was using the sequence 1, 2, 4, 3 for the longest time and it wasn't working out, so I decided to look around and see what others were saying and it seemed like the sequence 1, 1, 2, 4 was working out for most people so I tried it and on my 7th try I got the avatar! :thumbsup:


woo, pooralbert.gif I have been refreshing for sooo long its ridiculous. finally!


and i also got the Jetsam- Chop! and Ghost Lupe avatar


looks like I'm avatar hunting today :P


March 28 :

Something Has Happened! jarbjarb.gif You are now eligible to use 'Tyranu Evavu' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

I thought I would never get this one, I've been trying for forever. I'm no good at guessing but i got 22 guesses in a row correct :laughingsmiley: surprised myself!


Something Has Happened! ednacackle.gif You are now eligible to use 'Edna - Cackle!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

YAYYY! thank god I didn't have to do tons of quests to get this avatar, so happyyyy :woot: got the avatar on a three item quest right after i did a one item quest for edna, only paid 3,500 neopoints for everything!


&& I just got mortogkiss.gif Mortog Smooch. I was using the sequence 1, 2, 4, 3 for the longest time and it wasn't working out, so I decided to look around and see what others were saying and it seemed like the sequence 1, 1, 2, 4 was working out for most people so I tried it and on my 7th try I got the avatar! :thumbsup:


woo, pooralbert.gif I have been refreshing for sooo long its ridiculous. finally!


and i also got the Jetsam- Chop! and Ghost Lupe avatar


looks like I'm avatar hunting today :P


March 28 :

Something Has Happened! jarbjarb.gif You are now eligible to use 'Tyranu Evavu' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

I thought I would never get this one, I've been trying for forever. I'm no good at guessing but i got 22 guesses in a row correct :laughingsmiley: surprised myself!

wow well done to you :)


I refreshed for about an hour to try to get the doomed avatar and didnt get it so good for you ... I will have another go tonight sigh ..


I DID get the lucky avatar this week though which is brilliant so Im going round singing that song hee hee


wow well done to you :)


I refreshed for about an hour to try to get the doomed avatar and didnt get it so good for you ... I will have another go tonight sigh ..


I DID get the lucky avatar this week though which is brilliant so Im going round singing that song hee hee

Haha, thanks! I'm still trying to get more, like the cheese roller, bilge dice, bon appetit and a few others. It took me a long time to get the doomed one. I went on multiple days and refreshed like crazy and didn't get anything so just keep trying, you'll get it soon!


and congrats on the new avatar! :laughingsmiley:


Thanks for the vote of confidence I will keep trying .. sigh


I am trying to work out which game avatar to go for next Im really not at all good at games but Im keen to get more avatars so will have to just stick it out and work hard, .. question is, which to start with???


off to do some refreshing


Now I'm trying to get the avatars from the obelisk war!

me too.. I have the order one and am hoping brutes win this time so I get that avatar too,


Im hoping they keep the obelisk thing going so that we all get chance to collect all the avatars and site themes over time


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A lot of the game ones are like impossible for me because most of them I'm not good at and the score for the game avatar is so high compared to the score i get in the game, but just gotta keep trying. For me Eliv Thade was pretty easy just time consuming and i used an anagram finder to unscramble the words.


I'm kind of an avatar addict now, thanks to my boyfriend. He has lots more than I do so I'm just trying to catch up. For the Obelisk war I'm still undecided for what faction to choose but I think I'm leaning more for the Brutes, seems to be the most popular vote right now.

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