ReganMacneiltheZombie Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 It seems as if Im always under TNT's radar. I mean TNT silenced me for 120 hours for saying " In the 70s, Linda Blair looked worthy of a dip in the Magma Pool ". Like, seriously wth was wrong with that? And if by chance ther WAS something wrong, people have said worse and got away unscathed. Im not angry or mad with TNT, they just made life interesting for me once again. If you know HOW in Neopia this silencing was fair, please tell me, it will be appreciated.
Popular Post Xepha Posted February 5, 2014 Popular Post Posted February 5, 2014 Someone is probably reporting your posts because they don't find them appropriate or suitable according to Neopets rules. You can review their terms and conditions here => Could fall under : attacks, comments, or opinions about other people or things that slander, defame, threaten, insult or harass another person. I highly encourage you to read the rules and to either follow them or quit Neopets. At this rate, you will be permanently silenced (and probably be really pissed that it happened) for hanging on the board saying things that you think are innocent. Emily, Mouseykins, Fizzgig and 7 others 10
ReganMacneiltheZombie Posted February 5, 2014 Author Posted February 5, 2014 I didnt even say anything bad. Before I was silenced on my main, I got warned on one of my sides for making a similar comment. I said " If the famous actress Linda Blair was a Neopet, shed be painted either Fire or Magma". Come on TNT, I KNOW all of you have made a comment like that about somebody at one point in your life, whether the person was famous or not. Especially when you guys were young. I know that comment was stupid, but like I said, its not like they haven't said anything like that before. I know it was tacky but why can't I make comments like that in Neomail!!! Grrrr.
Popular Post Rune Valentine Posted February 5, 2014 Popular Post Posted February 5, 2014 Because all communications on Neopets are monitored by TNT. You may have been reported or TNT may have found the content unsuitable. You have to understand that it's their right to filter any traffic on their website, especially if you have already been warned once for referencing Linda Blair (who can easily be related to an occult and R-rated film). Logic would dictate that Linda Blair was the source of controversy in the statement you made, wouldn't it? Then why talk about her again after already once being warned? If you don't find their rules suitable for your needs, then find somewhere else to do it, like a fansite or even here on the forums. The site is highly monitored for everyone's safety and to ensure that no sensibilities are offended. If you found someone "getting away with worse" then you have every right to report them as well. Xepha, Fizzgig, Queen and 7 others 10
ReganMacneiltheZombie Posted February 5, 2014 Author Posted February 5, 2014 But I saw on the Subeta forums, somebody said " Who the [removed] is Lindsay Lohan" and they just got warned and I got silenced for mentioning a celebrity. Not only did that user technically cuss, but Lindsay Lohan can be linked to drugs and rehab. Plus if TNT even knew what my comment meant instead of focusing on the celebrity I mentioned and the R-rated movie they were in, they probably would've just swept it under the rug, after all I wasn't breaking the rules, I was just talking about paint brushes. People on Neopets are report happy. There was a big epidemic of reports a while back and even someone who said there number was "1-800-Ur-Reported" I mean how dumb is that? This post has been edited by a member of staff (N. Prime) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please don't swear. There are children under the age of 13 who go on this forum. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
Popular Post hrtbrk Posted February 5, 2014 Popular Post Posted February 5, 2014 Neopets isn't Subeta, nor is it the place to discuss celebrity culture, among a giant list of other things. It's to talk about Neopets (shocking, I KNOW!). At risk of sounding rude... based off your last few posts, it seems like your intent is to troll or at the very least, push the rules to the absolute limits. Because of this, I'm not sure why you're so shocked that you're warned/silenced/whatever the case is. You play with fire, you get burned. It's pretty cut and dry. I agree that some of their filters and reasons for silencing people are kind of outlandish, I've been a victim of them myself, but what you're doing here seems pretty obvious and is the exact reason that these rules exist in the first place. Griefing and trolling is lame. Xepha, becca6500, vyvren and 9 others 12
ReganMacneiltheZombie Posted February 5, 2014 Author Posted February 5, 2014 I don't get why what I said was wrong though. People talk about celebrities on there all the time. I read the rules and the ToC and they don't have a " You are not allowed to talk about celebrities or any famous people on here". rule. To test this I said " Justin Bieber would be painted Faerie" and something about Brittany Spears. TNT said aboslutely nothing about that but I can't say " In the 80s, if Linda Blair was a Neopet, shed be painted either Fire or Magma and all the Ice pets would melt". If they had a " no celebrity convos" rule, I woulda got warned for talking about Justin Bieber and Britney Spears right? The debate goes on!
blueberrykiwi141 Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 It isn't about talking about celebrities that is causing it it is the context in which you speak of them. You do seem to enjoy trying to get silenced more. Fizzgig, Clumsy rockyroad1, leverhelven and 4 others 7
Xepha Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Alright, we are not monitors at Neopets. And we are not here to comfort you and become all offended by what TNT did to you. You should stop trying to grab attention now - it's not getting you anywhere. I know that this is my last post in a thread by you where you rant about how unfair TNT is with you. Because they are not. Lamppost, Rebecca~, Fizzgig and 4 others 7
siniri Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I don't get why what I said was wrong though. People talk about celebrities on there all the time. I read the rules and the ToC and they don't have a " You are not allowed to talk about celebrities or any famous people on here". rule. To test this I said " Justin Bieber would be painted Faerie" and something about Brittany Spears. TNT said aboslutely nothing about that but I can't say " In the 80s, if Linda Blair was a Neopet, shed be painted either Fire or Magma and all the Ice pets would melt". If they had a " no celebrity convos" rule, I woulda got warned for talking about Justin Bieber and Britney Spears right? The debate goes on! The monitors don't catch everything. Your Justin Bieber post should have gotten you silenced (and I think permanently so), because it is a clear violation of the rules, as it insults/defames him and also includes a slur against a class of people. Your Linda Blair post, now that you've said the whole thing, is also a clear violation -- Neopets is a safe place for children, and any references to dating/marriage/sex (including how "hot" someone is) are out of bounds. TNT wants to protect kids. It's a huge job for them to keep kids safe while allowing so much user interaction. They must err on the side of caution. Silences are warnings to help people learn the rules. In extreme cases, TNT will not just silence, but also freeze continued rule-violators, to fulfill their moral and legal duty to keep the site safe. It doesn't matter if something inappropriate is said in a public or private forum. You do not know the age of anyone you're neomailing, and predators use private message systems to target kids all the time. Even if you know the other person is an adult, TNT can't be expected to independently confirm that -- they're monitoring way too many communications to be able to have separate rules for private between-adult conversations (and TNT can't really confirm either party is an adult, either). If you don't understand why a homophobic slur is not okay to post on a kid-friendly site, I don't think anyone here can help you. You might just have to learn the hard way. Duma, Wildbreeze, Mouseykins and 6 others 9
ReganMacneiltheZombie Posted February 5, 2014 Author Posted February 5, 2014 But what's the difference between " 80s Linda Blair would be painted Fire or Magma if she was a Neopet" and " Should my Xweetok be painted Fire or Magma"? It sounds like the same context doesn't it? Neopets colors. And if I shoulda been perma silenced for the Justin Bieber comment, shouldnt the person who said they was gonna paint me Rainbow for making the Fire and Magma comment also be perma silenced? Oh, the debate is heating up!
Nimphal Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I am afraid you're in the wrong calling this a debate. Nobody is debating anything. You keep asking the same question, "Why?" and you also keep "testing" the monitors. And everybody tells you the same thing over and over: You got warned because your posts were deemed inappropriate and several people in this thread have explained how. Asking why someone else also didn't get silenced is like asking why some people are poor and some are rich. Concentrate on your actions and making them appropriate for the site. You got warned, it's you who is going to face the consequences if you keep at it. There are no angry villagers with pitchforks ready to take down the authorities here. Wildbreeze, Zombiiesque, Mouseykins and 6 others 9
Zombiiesque Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's their site. So they get to make the rules. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to go there and play and if you don't like it I am sure they won't mind if you take your "business" elsewhere. So if that is not your desire, then you'd best abide by what they want. Duma, Lydia Trebond, Mouseykins and 2 others 5
Duskitty Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I've been reading through all of your posts, and so far, every single one of them has been whining about TNT's "unfair" rules and asking why you were (rightly) punished. Like others said, you are quite obviously a troll of some sort, and if you don't cease this intolerable behaviour, you will most likely be frozen/permasilenced and/or banned from TDN. Rules exist for a reason, and you seem to think this reason is to push and break them. If you don't like the rules, you don't have to play. Simple as that. leverhelven, Zombiiesque and Rebecca~ 3
leverhelven Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 "The debate is heating up!"? Hmmm. I smell trolling. We shouldn't feed it, guys. Duskitty, Clumsy rockyroad1 and ravensrequiem27 3
ReganMacneiltheZombie Posted February 6, 2014 Author Posted February 6, 2014 Geez now Im afraid of getting silenced if I ask if I should paint my Xweetok Magma. Lol I said " the debate is heating up"
hrtbrk Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 It's painfully obvious that won't happen because you're allowed to talk about Neopets on Neopets :OThis topic has been edited by a member of staff (hrtbrk).The original topic is now answered and will be closed.Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact hrtbrk if you have any questions regarding this action. siniri, Wildbreeze, Xepha and 3 others 6
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