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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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The ray is fired at darkinvention...

... and he changes colour to Blue!!

so from yellow to blue2.png .. cant get anymore basic


The ray is fired at randomsilliness...


lab_lightning.gif pteri_silver_sad.gif

... and he changes colour to Halloween!!



Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. 


The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif uni_green_sad.gif


... and he changes into a Green Xweetok!!

Now I have two Xwees, I am confused!! xD

Something I've not really picked up on before, but Cora's hair removing their mane shows me; the basic colour Xwees (and the pink and brown ones) are basically just an eye-colour change if their mane isn't showing.


  • 2 weeks later...


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. 

Custard Doggo is delicious - Quick , hide before Turmy sees you 


The ray is fired at dinla2       lab_lightning.gif  4.png

...and she changes to Transparent   4.png and  dinla2's petpet  changed to be   aroota_blue.gif1337 the Blue Aroota 

The BIG question...will somebody want to adopt a Transparent Grarrl??? Anybody here on TDN have this as a wanted goal/Dream Pet?




9 hours ago, Angeló said:

The ray is fired at randomsilliness...


lab_lightning.gif pteri_halloween_sad.gif

... and he changes colour to Elderlyboy!!


From Vampire (Halloween) to ElderlyBoy .. He just became MORTAL 

If he turns into a baby next that is gonna FREAK ME OUT!! ?

Dorian Gray in Neopets form!


Nothing interesting for me.

The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_green_sad.gif


... and he loses 3 strength points ?

23 hours ago, jellysundae said:

f he turns into a baby next that is gonna FREAK ME OUT!! ?

Dorian Gray in Neopets form!

luckily you can't get a baby from the lab ray (i will need to paraphrase this at some point)

darkinvention went from a Blue Techo to a Green Xweetok 

green xweetok



The ray is fired at darkinvention...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_green_sad.gif

... and she changes into a Red Peophin!!


(hoping for some cool colos now like Island or Desert so I can have the extra PB clothing for Peopha and Gelaxi)

7 hours ago, Angeló said:

luckily you can't get a baby from the lab ray (i will need to paraphrase this at some point)

i guess the lab ray isn't a gooseberry bush. ?

Oh LOL!!! I've just Googled "found under a gooseberry bush" and discovered the origin of that phrase. *snorts* It's not TDN-appropriate so anyone reading this will need to look it up themselves. ? and this is what grand-parents tell children because they're being coy, oh the irony...

And it's girl-time for Cora again, make the most of it, chica, you KNOW that L. Ray here definitely thinks you should be a boy.

Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_green_sad.gif


... and he changes gender!!!!

57 minutes ago, Angeló said:

.. and she changes colour to Grey!!



When a zap coincides with a Day like this you can't help but wonder if it's intentional, can you. Like how the percentage of festive zaps seems to increase before Christmas... I hope it is all part of the code. because it strikes me as being just the kind of thing original TNT would have done. ?

Cora's REALLY showing how scared she is today...



The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_green_sad.gif


... and she gains 5 maximum hit points!!!!

20 hours ago, jellysundae said:

When a zap coincides with a Day like this you can't help but wonder if it's intentional, can you. Like how the percentage of festive zaps seems to increase before Christmas... I hope it is all part of the code. because it strikes me as being just the kind of thing original TNT would have done. ?

Definitely not a coinidence

for ex. whenever i get elderlyboy i get elderlygirl right after that


The ray is fired at randomsilliness...


lab_lightning.gif pteri_elderlyboy_sad.gif

... and he changes colour to Elderlygirl!!


The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_green_sad.gif


... and she loses two levels ?


BAH, I'm playing catch up with this right now. Maybe if I'd remembered to complete her training before getting her zapped... meh.

*does it now*



Take THAT, Ray! :P 


Never mind @Angeló it'll come around again soon enough. :D

The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_green_sad.gif


... and she gains 3 movement points!!!!

14 hours ago, Angeló said:

Dude i didnt get the chance to get any cool Peophin colours

I hate when that happens! jetsam_orange_angry.gif  But if you're interested in a  "Cool Peophin" , do you remember 23hppnk the Peophin 3.png the Mutant Peophin?

grammarchick had adopted her a while back but is thinking of "Pounding" her. Any chance that you have an open slot for her to be her permanent home?


The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_green_sad.gif


... and she changes colour to Maractite!!


That looks cooler than I thought it would! Though I need to change the customisation up now; simplify it, because it's way too busy for the more inticate skin, it's competing with it.


8 hours ago, Angeló said:

The ray is fired at randomsilliness...


lab_lightning.gif pteri_elderlygir_sad.gif

... and he changes colour to Swamp Gas!!

2.pngGranny needs a BATH 

OMG It looks amazing! It's like a real witch now!

11 hours ago, Angeló said:

2.pngGranny needs a BATH 

Maybe they're related to the Soup Faerie? You know what you say about her! ?

The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_maractite_sad.gif


... and he loses 3 movement points!!!!


The ray is fired at Blatzley...


lab_lightning.gif shoyru_red_sad.gif


... and he changes colour to Polka Dot!!


I finally buckled down and spent 1.683 million NPs to finish the lab map. My first lab zap! ? And it looks pretty cool!




The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif xweetok_maractite_sad.gif


... and he changes into a Yellow Tuskaninny!!


Let's see how the outfit looks on a Tuskaninny...

Not bad!


The shoes/stockings look pretty rad, too!


@Angeló does Peopha have those? They're an NC item but they're often on the Money Tree.


Black and Red Stripe Stockings and Shoes


The ray is fired at Blatzley...

... and he changes gender!!!!


Okay, well I'll try on the Enchanted Princess Superpack then!


I don't know about you guys, but I really like this. I think I'm gonna keep this zap!

3 hours ago, midnight_spell360 said:

At first, it hit me like Skittles Pox 

? That ad... so very weird/gross! xDD


The ray is fired at my_friend_Cora...


lab_lightning.gif tuskaninny_yellow_sad.gif


... and he loses two levels ?


Cora's off for their semi-regular day at the Academy then!

I dunno if keeping them trained to Level 40 truly makes any difference - and I'm FULLY aware that I may be tempting ever fate in existence with what I'm about to say - buttt... so far they've never been hit by the dreaded "back to Level 1" zap. ?


That 0 zaps for that makes me very happy. :D  Who else uses the zap logger? I love it. :D

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