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Anyone here want a Pea Chia? I created him just for the avatar and got my lend. So he can be off now, and I thought I'd see if someone at TDN wanted him first. You can keep him, try for the avatar and pass him along, whatever, I don't care.


Neomail me (nicoley13). If multiple people are interested, first person gets him. Thanks! :smile:

Posted (edited)

2.png   Ikumaluk the Ice Kougra has a Petpet!


Tumbles the Robot Cirrus
(11 days and 12 hours old)
[ zapped.gif Zapped by the Petpet Lab Ray ]      

 Hit Points: 23 / 23
Strength: strong
Defence: below average
Movement: lightning
Intelligence: master genius (92)

Anyone interested in an Ice Kougra with a Robot Cirrus petpet? nm me! This Kougra is now Maractite still with the Robot Cirrus  nm me if you would like to adopt this cutie! 

Edited by midnight_spell360
Color Change of Pet

Rexxark the Swamp Gas Poogle:


Rexxark likes gathering food.
When meeting others, Rexxark would attack if they are weaker.

- Attributes -

Age: 3,307 days old (79,373 hours)
Birthday: 31st March (Y10)
Level: 1
Gender: Female


- Battledome Stats -

Hit Points: 26 / 16
Strength: immense
Defence: below average
Movement: speedy
Intelligence: average


Rexxark has a Petpet!


Camelior the Sketch Triffin
(14 days and 1 hours old)
[ zapped.gifZapped by the Petpet Lab Ray ]

  • 4 weeks later...

Duhiah the Pink Poogle:


Duhiah likes pestering others.
When meeting others, Duhiah would stand their ground.


- Attributes -

Age: 2,205 days old (52,941 hours)
Birthday: 5th May (Y13)
Level: 1
Gender: Female


- Battledome Stats -

Hit Points: 38 / 38
Strength: great
Defence: average
Movement: breakneck
Intelligence: average


Duhiah has a Petpet!


Woojit the Grey Krawk
(27 days and 7 hours old)
[ zapped.gifZapped by the Petpet Lab Ray ]




Species:    Kougra
Colour:    Candy
Gender:    Female
Age:    2,092 days
Level:    1
Health:    14 / 14
Mood:    content
Hunger:    dying
Strength:    strong
Defence:    average
Move:    super fast
Intelligence:    above average


Is uft! I'm seeking a cute name or a cute named Baby draik Ideal, but i'm open to offers c:

Posted (edited)

len_42 the Maractite Kougra


Male Kougra 
Age: 3,524 days
Level: 3

Hit Points: 16 / 16
Strength: average
Defence: armoured
Movement: speedy
Intelligence: average                                   I just picked up this Green Kougra from the Pound & bc I have a Lab Ray Fortune Cookie -this guy got an extra zap to be Maractite! 

                                                                    If anyone is interested in adopting him please nm or message me.

I released him to the Pound this morning 5-26-17, bc I have 2 more days using my Lab Ray Fortune Cookie and I think someone will adopt him. I picked up a Ye;;ow Chia which is now Speckled.  

lakoljaaew the Speckled Chia

2.png                        petpet_mazzew.gifMaizzie the Mazzew

Age: 12 days old (311 hours)
Birthday: 13th May (Y19)
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Height: 61 cms.
Weight: 77 lbs.

Hit Points: 8 / 8
Strength: strong
Defence: average
Movement: average
Intelligence: average    POUNDED & ADOPTED :)

If anyone is interested in this Female Speckled Chia, nm me but I will probably be zapping her tomorrow to see if she can get a cooler color!

 Up for adoption:

babo_shagar the Spotted Lupe



- Attributes -
Age: 2,271 days old (54,521 hours)
Birthday: 6th March (Y13)
Level: 12
Gender: Male
Height: 40 cms.
Weight: 17 lbs.

- Battledome Stats -
Hit Points: 46 / 46
Strength: titanic
Defence: GREAT (21)
Movement: lightning
Intelligence: mega genius (51)                            I moved this guy onto a side account, but if anyone is interested in this handsome lupe (he was green before) please nm or message me.

Edited by midnight_spell360
Released the Kougra & got a new pet
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have Jaynet currently UFQA if anyone is interested in him. Please send me a NM or PM on here. Thanks! ^^ Pounded!


Level: 2
Gender: Male

Hit Points: 12 / 12
Strength: average
Defence: heavy
Movement: speedy
Intelligence: average

Edited by Zafie
  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone interested in this dude?! 


Species: Koi
Colour: Relic
Gender: Male
Age: 2,478 days
Level: 15
Health: 69 / 132
Mood: delighted!
Hunger: not hungry
Strength: EXCELLENT (43)
Defence: average
Move: EXCELLENT (53)
Intelligence: master genius (77)
  • 3 weeks later...

GoldenStorms with Fritter the Royal Mauket is looking for a new home! I've had this one for a while and it used to be a lab pet. I need to rehome her to make room for a new Vanda I plan on creating. If anyone is interested let me know via a PM here on the forums. :D

Species: Blumaroo
Colour: Gold
Gender: Female
Age: 2,587 days
Level: 7
Health: 27 / 24
Mood: delighted!
Hunger: dying
Strength: quite strong
Defence: godly
Move: super speedy
Intelligence: total genius (59)


GoldenStorms is hungry! There are many places to get food, but you could try the Food Shop in Neopia Central.

Slylan the Skunk Hissi is UFA! I actually adopted him from this topic, which is why I thought I should post him here. I fell in love with his name and colour but unfortunately I never came up with a customisation I liked or any other kind of plans for him. I've owned a Hissi before and had the same issue - I guess I'm not really a Hissi person, even though I do think they are pretty cool. I wouldn't change his species because I think the name "Slylan" is perfect for a snake, so I'm hoping to find someone who will enjoy him in all his serpentine glory :upsidedown:


If you're interested, just send me a PM or neomail me!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

UFA! Send me a neomail or pm on TDN if you're interested! UN kayahtik in both places. 




Lab rat just got zapped Darigan, so I'm putting her UFA.  Private message me here or neomail balloongal247 to set up transfer.  If nobody contacts quickly, I may just pound her, since it's not a clothed zap.
cheeky_z97 the Darigan Mynci



cheeky_z97 has a Petpet!


Poppler the Pile of Soot
(70 days and 20 hours old)
[ zapped.gif Zapped by the Petpet Lab Ray ]
- Attributes -

Age: 4,012 days old (96,290 hours)
Birthday: 29th August (Y8)
Level: 9
Gender: Female
Height: 71 cms.
Weight: 120 lbs.
- Battledome Stats -

Hit Points: 52 / 52
Strength: GREAT (23)
Defence: heavy
Movement: fast




  • 3 weeks later...


Name: orithyia_aurum

Status: Up for Adoption

Requirements: None, just want to give him to a good owner

Contact: jamie, NEOMAIL suki101886


Name: vandalgyre

Status: Up for Adoption

Requirements: same as above

Contact: jamie, NEOMAIL suki101886

I tend to try to snatch pets from the pound with decent names and zap 'em. You can check my userlookup (link to personal adoption centre there too) if you're interested in my other pets.

  • 1 month later...
On 11/25/2009 at 10:27 AM, celticheavens said:

Ah, just the thread I was looking for!


The following pets need good homes! These poor pets were originally abandoned and were lucky enough to get zapped into nicer colours after a while by me! :D



iceyblue__12 the Sponge Shoyru


Status: UFA/UFT

Neomail: ditavandread

Requirements: Someone to take good care of her :)



jenifer_39459124 the Speckled Zafara


Status: UFA/UFT

Neomail: ditavandread

Requirements: Someone to take good care of her :)





These are the only ones unadopted so far; I'll post more when my lab ray works more of its magic!

Wow. I adopted jennifer_39459124 years ago from the pound, not even knowing what TDN was. What are the odds that I'd see your post today? (I am taking good care of her)



loco_louie the Maraquan Blumaroo UFA

Used to be a blue elephante. His current petpet is a Halloween Dandan from the petpet lab ray. 

loco_louie has a Petpet!
Humbug the Halloween Dandan
(18 days and 23 hours old)
[ zapped.gif Zapped by the Petpet Lab Ray ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

UFA2.pngCHEERFULLGIRL the Male Faerie Skeith

i think he looks adorable and hilarious like this .. like Dwayne Johnson in The Tooth Fairy movie .... but if you want i can battle the lab scientist for a genre change ...

  • 2 weeks later...

Cejer the Pirate Krawk is UFA


I came across her yesterday, whilst pound surfing. She was obviously quickly adopted by someone else, but they decided to morph her into a Green Ogrin and put her back in the pound. So I adopted her as an Ogrin and morphed her back into a Pirate Krawk. I offered to pound her again, but changed my mind, because I didn't want the same thing to happen again (especially not now that I paid out of my own pocket to change her back). I also thought it would be nice if she could keep her clothes, which is my I'm adopting her out via transfer. I'd like to adopt her out to someone who wants to keep her as a Krawk. I can change her gender, since I think her name sounds neutral. If you're interested, please send me a PM!

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Android18x the jelly quiggle is up for adoption. I'm waiting a week before I zap her again due to her colour. If she's pounded you need to find her by name since she won't show up otherwise. Just neomail me or send me a message on how you want me to send her to you.

jelly quiggle

Edited by androidTurret
colour change & contact info

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