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    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in Earthquake Hits Tyrannia!   
    Users have been receiving a Random Event that reveals an explosion of light that blinds you! A second RE has also been discovered that reveals it was an earthquake that caused this!

    A new mysterious site also has appeared in Tyrannia! Check it out for yourself!

  2. Like
    Xepha reacted to Spritzie in Did anyone get their free Premium February item?   
    If you mean the NC Collectible, they are released once a month, on the 15th of each month. So we can expect to receive February's this Friday.
  3. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in Battledome: Melida's Training Journey For Beginners!   
    Melida wanted to get ready for the upcoming plot. She needed help deciding on weapons and training, but she didn't know much about the Battledome, so she visited the Battlepedia and learned all she needed to!

    Melida is a blue Scorchio with the following stats:
    Level: 20 HP: 47 Strength: 50 Defense: 49 Movement: 25 To start, Melida realized she didn't really know how weapon icons translated into damage, so she checked out the Introduction to the Battledome, where she learned how damage and defense work. There, she learned that icons were multiplied by boosts, but she didn't know much about boosts, so she looked at the Strength & Defense Boosts guide.

    Looking at that guide, Melida learned that she was very close to a new strength boost, but she didn't know the best way to get there! So, she went to the Battlepedia's Fast Training Guide. Melida learned that she couldn't train until she increased her level to be at least half of her HP, so she wondered if there might be another way to train. She found the Other Methods of Training and Item Training guides.

    "Wow," Melida said to herself, "those are some expensive items! Item training might make sense for my friend Gorman, who keeps getting zapped by the lab ray and is nowhere near being able to train. But it would only cost me a few thousand NP to increase my level by training, so that's what I'll do! Once I do, I'll start training my strength and defense to get to the 55 boost. Plus, I'll keep working on Kitchen Quests and visiting Coltzans Shrine, and I'll probably be at a new boost in no time."

    Once she had a plan for training, Melida started wondering about weapons. She found two weapons in her SDB, but she didn't know what they did or how good they were, so she searched for them in the Battlepedia. To start, she looked up the Basic Rubber Axe. "Oh," she exclaimed, "3 icons! Is that a lot?" She looked again at the page and saw that someone had reviewed the weapon, and the average rating was 1/10. She realized, "That must not be very good. I hope my other weapons are better!"

    Melida looked up the other weapon she found, a Snowager Sword. "Oh boy!" she said excitedly. "That has a rating of 7/10! That might be good!" But Melida wasn't sure, and she didn't know what other weapons she should get. She spotted the Battlepedia's Basic Weapon Sets Guide. "Ooh, the Snowager Sword is a recommended weapon. I can probably stick with that," Melida decided. She still wasn't quite sure what to do about other weapons. "I don't have a lot of NP right now," Melida mused. "I guess I'd better stick with the Beginner weapons for now. But I'm definitely going to start saving for the weapons in the Intermediate set. As I get more NP, I can upgrade my weapons to the ones in the next highest set! In fact, I could probably afford some of the cheaper ones now - or at least after the deflation after the plot!"

    Armed with the knowledge that the Battlepedia could answer all of her Battledome-related questions, Melida felt confident that she could handle any battle plot that TNT threw at her!
  4. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Duskitty in Neocola Machine Link   
    I added it under "Other Neopets Stuff To Do" and also put a link to the Alien Aisha Vending Machine since Nerkmids are more common now too. :P
  5. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Welcome Back Apathy in Neocola Machine Link   
    I added it under "Other Neopets Stuff To Do" and also put a link to the Alien Aisha Vending Machine since Nerkmids are more common now too. :P
  6. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Neocola Machine Link   
    I added it under "Other Neopets Stuff To Do" and also put a link to the Alien Aisha Vending Machine since Nerkmids are more common now too. :P
  7. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Queen in Neocola Machine Link   
    I added it under "Other Neopets Stuff To Do" and also put a link to the Alien Aisha Vending Machine since Nerkmids are more common now too. :P
  8. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Angeló in Neocola Machine Link   
    I added it under "Other Neopets Stuff To Do" and also put a link to the Alien Aisha Vending Machine since Nerkmids are more common now too. :P
  9. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Neocola Machine Link   
    I added it under "Other Neopets Stuff To Do" and also put a link to the Alien Aisha Vending Machine since Nerkmids are more common now too. :P
  10. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from ~Xandria in New Faerie Abilities!   
    It's entirely possibly that everyone starts to earn the new bottles like mad when they battle during the plot...
    Speculation, speculation!
  11. Like
    Xepha reacted to ~Xandria in Weight loss support thread!   
    Alright. So I've been overweight pretty much my entire life. Partially from genetics and also from my mother never putting any emphasis on healthing eating or exercise. I've always been self consious and have alway wanted to lose weight. I've also been clinically depressed since I was 13, which is when I started packing on the pounds. Not because I was eating so much, but because of my lack of drive to do anything. There are also a few studies that state stress = weight gain. I have a huge host of anxiety disorders that are probably contributing factors.
    Anywho. I was recently put on a new anti-depressant which is helping me out tons! It took awhile to kick in, but now that it has I feel better about life and less anxious day by day. Which is definitley a good thing. At my largest, I weighed 165lbs and I'm 5'1. When I went to the doctor last, I found out I've actually lost 5lbs in two weeks! So now I weigh 160. This is really great news for me because usually I absolutley dread going to the doctor and having to look at the number on the scale.
    So this has been enough motivation for me to lose all those unwanted pounds, feel better about myself, get in shape, and be healthy! I'm cutting out fast food and soda completely. I'm allowing myself one cheat day, so as not to be deprived. I'm not going to call this a "diet" because I'm done with that. For me, this is going to be a complete lifestyle change. I want to be more active and I want to not only feel good about myself, but be healthy on the inside.
    So I started this thread in case anyone else would like to embark on this journey with me. You don't have to make any drastic changes at first. In fact, it's better to start small. In my case, I started off by drinking 8 bottles of water a day. Which isn't difficult for me, because I quite like water. I added in some welches 100% white grape juice which I now drink with breakfast every morning. It has some great health benefits (including weight loss!) I'm also walking at least 30mins everyday. Some days I'll power walk and somedays I'll just stroll, but either way... it's something.
    So, would you like to lose weight, have more energy and feel better about yourself? If so, please share your stories about your weight loss struggles and I'll be here to support you in anyway I can. :) If you've lost weight in the past, don't hesistate to share your motivational stories.
    If you'd like you can also share something like this: (if you're comfortable of course!)
    Current weight: 160
    Height: 5'1
    Goal weight: 125
    What lifestyle changes will you make to lose the weight: Drink 8 glasses of water a day, exercise at least 3x's a week, make better eating choices and use low fat subsitutes when possible, completely stop drinking soda, never starve or deprive myself, eat only when hungry, use portion control, read motivational success stories, eat smaller healthy snacks more frequently.
  12. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in New Faerie Abilities!   
    I am not a huge fan of the new art...
    Will have to see if the new academy makes up for it.
    What I liked about the old art is that it looked like a faerie was living inside a bottle after being captured. It reminded me of Tinker Bell.
  13. Like
    Xepha reacted to Anxious Zombie in Battle Pet Chain Closed For Plot   
    I would just like to say that I think that was a 'really' good idea :thumbsup: Though the war may be tough, it wouldn't be as fun if we didn't have to put our own blood, sweat and tears into it (or NP, time and anger:D)
  14. Like
    Xepha reacted to Anime in Battle Pet Chain Closed For Plot   
    Hello everyone!
    Due to the fact that a plot will be starting soon on Neopets, I am officially closing the Battle Pet chain until it is over. I have two reasons for doing so.
    One, plots usually lock out normal challengers and only allow access to plot enemies, which would prevent you, the members, from using our Battle Pet for it's intended purpose- obtaining the general Battledome avatars.
    Two, we at TDN wish to encourage members to do non-puzzle plot parts (such as battles and group mini games) with their own skills. These plot areas are usually worth the most points in the end, and we feel it is more fair to everyone if each member uses what they have worked for to play these parts, while still being able to come to us for advice and instruction. Continuing the Battle lends through the plot would defeat the purpose of this, and would be highly unfair as the chain does have a time limit and we have no guarantee that everyone who wants it would get it, nor that people who got it earlier would still be able to participate in later battles.
    If you apply for the chain while it is still closed (I will announce when it re-opens) you will simply be put on the waiting list for after-plot lending.
    We apologize for any inconvenience this causes, and wish you luck in the upcoming plot. :)
    ALP Pet Chain Manager
  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Angeló in New Faerie Abilities!   
    I am not a huge fan of the new art...
    Will have to see if the new academy makes up for it.
    What I liked about the old art is that it looked like a faerie was living inside a bottle after being captured. It reminded me of Tinker Bell.
  16. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from ashleagh in New Faerie Abilities!   
    I am not a huge fan of the new art...
    Will have to see if the new academy makes up for it.
    What I liked about the old art is that it looked like a faerie was living inside a bottle after being captured. It reminded me of Tinker Bell.
  17. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from livvy in Wrath of the Snowager points   
    I know the strategy :P
    Always play on Hard mode, and never leave the first level because it's one of the most rewarding level in terms of points. The key to getting a trophy to collect lives and play that level over and over and over and over. It takes way too much patience if you ask me :P
    There was a petpage counting how much points you get per level, but I don't think I have bookmarked it. :(
  18. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Not quite a computer... but..   
    You pick up the phone and call a technician monday morning.
    You will probably need to give them the model and serial number, so have them handy.
    Alternatively, to get an idea of how much it can cost you, you can look up online the model and the problem on google.
  19. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Not quite a computer... but..   
    You pick up the phone and call a technician monday morning.
    You will probably need to give them the model and serial number, so have them handy.
    Alternatively, to get an idea of how much it can cost you, you can look up online the model and the problem on google.
  20. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lamppost in perma silenced   
    You always have a choice. You never have to contact someone through Facebook, especially if you don't have their Facebook information. Of course, you also always have the choice to not contact that person. You chose to attempt to get around filters, which is against the rules. It's too bad you were perma silenced for it, since now you have no chance to learn from your mistake and redeem yourself.
    If you were perma silenced on a side account, I wouldn't worry about it. You can just stick to posting from your main.
  21. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Classic paper books - Time to retire?   
    I really dislike reading more than a couple paragraphes long on a screen. I tend to print everything (mandatory articles reading for instance) and it never crossed my mind to own a device to read electronic book. There is something in physicallity that I like... a book has a smell, it makes distinctive sounds when you turn a page, when you flap the cover because you are done reading. Clearly, the experience cannot be the same with electronic books.
    I also enjoy going to libraries, as they are one of my favorite place to hang out since I'm a child.
    I mostly read fiction unless it's for school, so I don't see the need for bookmarking, searching, highlithing and that kind of action. I just want to know the story. :P
    So in short, I don't think traditional books should retire, because the demand is still there. I don't know if anyone has mentionned this so far, but whenever digital is involved, there is always a risk that one day the format of your files won't be recognised anymore and you will need to get a new device to read, and so on.
  22. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Novelista in Mysterious picture on Facebook   
    I have read the whole Hannah and the Ice Caves comic last night, and nothing like the character on the right was featured in there. (Looks like a Lutari to me??)
  23. Like
    Xepha reacted to Spritzie in morphing potion??   
    Yes you can. You can repaint any pet you use a morphing potion on.
  24. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lamppost in Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy ?   
    Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting: 13 icons for ~1m = 76,923 NP/icon
    Altador Cup Throwing Star: 13 icons for ~1.2m = 92,308 NP/icon
    Bow of Destiny: 13 icons for ~1.5m = 115,385 NP/icon
    Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy: 14 icons for ~2m = 142,857 NP/icon
    Viewed another way, you're paying 1m for the extra icon over BLSoWS, or half a mill for the extra icon over Bow of Destiny.
    I would say this falls right into the "weaker constant" level in an advanced players' set. (Stronger constants like the anagram swords are a big leap in both icons and price, so I would say they are uncomparable.) If that's the level you're going for, then it's up to you whether the extra icon, or the specific combination of icons, is worth it to you to get DSPBB over one of the other options.
  25. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Why do YOU play Neopets?   
    I thought it would be fun to vote for everything :P
    Basically, I'm playing for a bit of everything.
    And for WOCKYS!!
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