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Posts posted by epona1

  1. 19 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    They're in seedtrays 🙂 indoors so safe from birdies.

    Good! Birdies can go eat something else :evil:

    19 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    I have an avocado in progress right now. :DThere's just something very compelling about sprouting these guys isn't there! They never last that long with me, about 18 months is the longest, it was too ratty-looking by then so I got rid of it. Yesterday I took it out of the soil it was in (there's zero sign of germination yet, only been in there about 2 weeks) and I've tried the baggie method! That's now residing on the windowsill. This method's meant to be quicker? We shall see! I'm hopeful of keeping the plant looking nice for longer too, by cutting it back so it grows stronger, but not so much that it dies which is what I did last time. :whistle:

    I ah... Never even got one to sprout... :blush:

    I bet they need loads of food once they do sprout and are living in a pot.

  2. 10 hours ago, Mouseykins said:

    A guy was standing there starting to video her and she snapped at him that she has a big family to feed. The guy put away his phone right away after that.

    That is so creepy!! I hope he got a good snap and felt really ashamed of himself! 

    19 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    I decided to attempt growing microgreens as a means to get some fresh greens in these times of groceries instability. i sowed some broccoli and radish seeds and those are coming along very nicely, especially the radishes as those are crazy with how quick and easy they are to grow. It's all down to me remembering to water them. 😅 The seeds I've yet to collect are alfalfa, red clover and salad burnet so we'll see how I get on with those! Especially as the alfalfa needs to be sprouted in water in a jar, could be disastrous! Forget about it and discover this rancid-smelling slime days later... >.<

    Are they in the ground or in pots? Radishes and broccoli are pretty easy and don't need a lot of care. Don't forget to cover the broccoli when the flower starts to grow though, birds eat those like candy.

    I'm attempting to sprout avocado seed number 9000 or so, but this time I'm using a new method. This one: https://botanopia.com/how-to-sprout/

  3. 1 hour ago, jellysundae said:

    Saying the curve is flattening so we should be be able to go out again now is like saying the parachute's slowed our rate of descent down so we can take it off now.

    Thanks, I spit out my tea on my screen... 


    I mean, people need to realise that we will have restrictions in place until a vaccine becomes available. Unless you live in a country were your government wants you to die...

    The mask thing has baffled me too. They are essential for healthcare workers but to everybody else they are useless? Because.... We don't know how to use them properly or they give a false sense of security. I think both those arguments are crap. Masks remind us that it is not a normal spring day at the park, and we could all learn how to use them properly.

    @Hanso That's really scary! Are you able to make your own masks? I've used this one and this no sew one using a t-shirt

  4. 11 hours ago, sunny098 said:

    In fact here in the SF Bay Area, they had to shut down Point Reyes National Seashore today because people flooded the area over the weekend. So far none of the state owned beaches has done anything and people are holidaying there. ☹️

    Same here! beaches and state parks were packed this weekend.🤦‍♀️ And on the street and in shops it's really hard to stay 1,5m away from people when it seems like I'm the only one who carries out that rule... I think my country will be next to enforce a lockdown.


  5. OMG @jellysundae I'm so sorry! Is there anyway you can reach out to anyone who can help? Is there anywhere you can complain to? You can't be the only one in this situation.


    2 hours ago, jellysundae said:


    In other news... image.png.b5001093d151bc2903678c3740cc7e58.png Aw, ain't that sweet. Hope they both sanitised their hands afterwards. 😅

    Oh wait, there's more!


    AWWW! :D  Yeah, he seems like a keeper!


    I had to stare at this for a couple of seconds before I got it.. 😂🤯


    21 hours ago, Mouseykins said:

    Fun fact! My KGner who is missing out on going to school now has done more school work this week than her homeschooled sister has.

    Good for her! Wanting to learn is an important life skill to have.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Hanso said:

    How have your online classes been so far? I don't know about you, but most of my teachers don't handle technology very well. Ever since I started college I've only had a couple of online classes and they were all kind of a mess :P Because of this my classmates and I are wondering if we'll have online classes the entire term or if classes will be suspended altogether until further notice. I'm on my final year, so I hope that doesn't happen.

    Well today my teacher fiddled with her microphone for half an hour before we could start 😑 Though these video conferencing services are often overloaded with so many people staying at home so it was not her fault it took so long to fix.

    I love it when teachers decide to make a video instead, I really like being able to pause the teacher and take good notes!

    Sucks being in your final year though! I hope your university comes up with a good solution, we will be having online classes for the remainder of the semester, which is a weird thought but it will be ok.

    29 minutes ago, Rayd1978 said:

    Have a lot of friends in bigger towns who are having problems.   Many of them work service jobs, waiters and the like, and are basically unemployed now.   Jobs either can't or won't offer any sort of pay while shut down.    Are promises of easily accessed unemployment, but last I heard that was just talk and hadn't lead to cash in the bank as yet.

    This is honestly so scary! I mean the people protect their nation by staying home, the nation in return must protect it's people by making sure they can pay their bills...

  7. I'm glad you opened this topic.

    My university closed last week, all classes have moved online, though the workload is the same. I have one exam that has been postponed to... Nobody knows.

    I don't hate not having anywhere to go during the day ether 😂 I picked up playing Neopets from last summer break. Other than that I read books and work on a sowing project. The hard part is that I can't see my friends in person. And the absolute worst part is seeing people not being able to visit their frail parents and grandparents, and reading in the media about people dying alone.

    I hope your family is healthy and stays healthy Hanso!



  8. 29 minutes ago, Angeló said:

    I'm gonna go check

    it's already 10 pm here

    we lost a whole 12 hours

    i could've been Rank 2 by now

    I know! I wanted to play but I'm too tired. (also my favourite podcast finally put out an episode so I'm going to say good night)

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