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Everything posted by shauns_fiancee

  1. yes, mine has not been working for a few days and Grave Danger has been only letting me take 1 item. both of these has happened to me before and it usually takes weeks or months to clear up. so annoying.
  2. omg my pets chose the grossest food lol
  3. Your pets look amazing, but your brain is even better, I don't even remember yesterday lol.
  4. these are very good ideas and I hope they get attention from the appropriate people!
  5. yes, we've all done that, count your blessings if that's something that even pops up on radar.
  6. thank you so very much, super appreciated!!!!
  7. is the question incorrect, or is the answer wrong? that is the question lol
  8. congratulations, that's awesome, I can't wait to get one of those!
  9. i am not a skeith fan but somehow the cookie looks gross - but I want it because he's bitten himself and looks annoyed by it!
  10. oh I understand, thank you! don't know the answer tho
  11. reactions to what please? i am so curious now.
  12. OP hasn't commented, the story doesn't make sense, maybe it's a scam?
  13. Wow that is insanely bad, my sympathies. I have had numerous accounts stolen over the years and no resolution. So you asked for help with something and she deleted your items? Not your fault, obviously, but how does that happen>
  14. those are just lovely! you always have the best taste and the entire composition is always creative and beautiful! thank you for sharing.
  15. yes, exactly, they look like guards, not royalty at all
  16. all I can think to say about them is "meh", but maybe that's just me
  17. I'm not normally a ruki fan, but these are AMAZING! maybe a 3rd transparent pet for me?
  18. Hi people! I love zapping pets and then putting them back in the pound, I have a robot draik and 8 bit scorchio to give away, does anyone want them? HUGS!
  19. I think (just me) that the steampunk is a bit overdone, especially the face covering. To me it's just not right, somehow... ?
  20. oh ok, I didn't notice that, thank you!
  21. I'm also very curious about this, lol, I miss so much
  22. thank you very much! I didn't get a visit to the fountain this time, but i really appreciate your help! what is your neopets name so I can send you a prezzie please?
  23. Hello! Please could I have a little help finding a link to someone with this in their shop please? The Ixi Ghost Legend Thank you so much, I will send prezzies to you!!!!!!!!!
  24. I just discovered that pet and it's my dream pet!
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