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Everything posted by shauns_fiancee

  1. i love meerca chase and can't wait for its return!
  2. ya, tried that, it just takes you to the nc mall to spend $$$$$$
  3. omg thanks, this is why i ask here before submitting a ticket, so I don't stress forever! Everyone here is wonderful. I just wish the stockings showed as hung, or if there was something there to tell you to come back on the 7th instead of just sending you to buy more stockings
  4. Please help! I purchased the whole 2500 nc stocking stufftacular every day pack and activated it. I have followed the link from the nc mall but it doesn't remember my stockings. I only remembered about them today, so didn't try to use them the 1st to the 4th. do i need to submit a ticket, or am i doing something wrong, I hope no one else has this problem/ thank you!
  5. thank you very much! I would never have known about the 500 nc!
  6. omg each has one vote right now lololol and I voted for 2!
  7. ok wow, that makes so much sense, thank you! Quests are fun
  8. I sent my very first ever entry!!! I'm so excited, i hope I did it correctly
  9. So sorry for posting a silly question, but I wanted to get this item - https://items.jellyneo.net/item/69872/ - and don't mind purchasing the 5 The Magic of Maraqua Collection - Y23 items. Does anyone know which items these are? Is it too late? so sorry and thanks for the help.
  10. omg these are soooooo good, i wanted to vote for them all! so creative and well done!
  11. Maybe they could come up with a "gross" pet or paintbrush that only eats gross food?
  12. ok, thank you very much Mr. Management!
  13. we should do this with every type of pet! SO FUN!
  14. i love the hearts!!! (and the whole thing)
  15. Wow can you believe today's neggfest prizes? And the extra prizes for finding the robotic android topsi??? I may have found a glitch, maybe i'm just lucky, but I revisited the page to make SURE I hadn't missed anything and it gave me the collectible charm and the neggfest neggs again!!! So give it a try maybe?
  16. i thought i was crazy getting robo jelly every day, i have been looking to see if other people were reporting the same thing
  17. oh it was a great theme! unfortunately I was very busy, but had been looking forward to doing it. It was such a good idea!
  18. thanks for the help! I found my first negg prize but did not get the bonus prize for finding them on the first day, do I need to do something more?
  19. oh i understand now, thank you very much!
  20. what is the second chomby outfit called please? is it cookie or candy?
  21. i don't have answers, but please do post your story here! and they could always be adopted !
  22. that is literally the best thing i've ever seen, congratulations on your win! i've never used the wishing well, guess i should start. How about a 007 negg??? LOLLLL
  23. since yesterday i haven't been able to use quasalan expellibox or the old games SAD
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