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  1. Like
    GillyTook reacted to LekkerLekker89 in My sweet lil bunbun   
    @jellysundae she's so sweet, thank you!! I like the look of biscuit as her color but I'm really not finding a background that I like too well - this seems to cover her up more than I like - any suggestions?

  2. Like
    GillyTook reacted to lojoco49 in Happy Lupe Day!   
    For a second there, I thought they'd made a Watermelon Lupe!
  3. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from aleu1986 in The Runway Votes #78   
    Does that include therapy for those of us who laughed at a few of the entries?  
  4. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Nielo in The Runway Votes #78   
    Does that include therapy for those of us who laughed at a few of the entries?  
  5. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Kute in The Runway Votes #78   
    Does that include therapy for those of us who laughed at a few of the entries?  
  6. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from jellysundae in The Runway Votes #78   
    Does that include therapy for those of us who laughed at a few of the entries?  
  7. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in The Runway Votes #78   
    Judging by a number of the entries, a fair few of us need therapy. ?
  8. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to Goku in King Skarl!!!!!! You steal my 500k   
    King Skarl loser steal my hard earn 500k

  9. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to Kute in Anchor Management bug?   
    Nice! Im going with pure luck. I've also got three in a row... of nothing to find here today. LOL. 
  10. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to MysteryAF in Happy Kougra Day!   
    The Elderly color has always been... weird to me. But hey, who am I to judge? I have pets with underscores and numbers in their names. =P
  11. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Can you please help me?   
    I possibly lied on #9?  I mean, I haven't ever gone after someone for having a different opinion, but I do tend to be nasty to anti-science people in pro-science places.  Not along the lines of what I got in school 'you're ugly/stupid/etc' but more 'aw, you're quoting a known psuedoscience source?  Lol, try again, cupcake!'
  12. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from babayaga67 in Can you please help me?   
    I possibly lied on #9?  I mean, I haven't ever gone after someone for having a different opinion, but I do tend to be nasty to anti-science people in pro-science places.  Not along the lines of what I got in school 'you're ugly/stupid/etc' but more 'aw, you're quoting a known psuedoscience source?  Lol, try again, cupcake!'
  13. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from Kute in Can you please help me?   
    I possibly lied on #9?  I mean, I haven't ever gone after someone for having a different opinion, but I do tend to be nasty to anti-science people in pro-science places.  Not along the lines of what I got in school 'you're ugly/stupid/etc' but more 'aw, you're quoting a known psuedoscience source?  Lol, try again, cupcake!'
  14. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Kute in Can you please help me?   
    Hello all, I have another school project I am doing. I have a small survey. There are 10 questions. It will take less than 1 minute to complete, and it is completely anonymous. 
    This time it is a few questions focused toward being online. 
    Last time you all did so great with helping me. I really appreciated it! 
    Thanks so much ?
  15. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in King Hagan is a menace to society   
    His response to me today puts him right up there with the people who deny global warming.

    Yeah, not impressed with you, Your Majesty, pfft!
  16. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Festival of Neggs 2019 Has Begun!   
    It's GREAT that they're doing the day-and-a-half start thing with this, but GOSH why can't they do that consistently with everything. ?
  17. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Charity Corner Perks 2019   
    That made me laugh, rather a lot, yep, I'm still firmly in touch with my inner 6 year old. ?
  18. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from acmerasta in Today's Random Events   
    Heck yes!  I got the sloth avatar!  Woo!

  19. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to Rayd1978 in Why do some BD opponents lie about their strength?   
    Bleh.   I spent two weeks training and leveling to get Throw Pillows for Malum, go to fight him, and found the plot ended that morning.   ? 
  20. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Why do some BD opponents lie about their strength?   
    Oh yuk! lol. I had my fill of Throw Pillows with Malum during the plot... ?
  21. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Why do some BD opponents lie about their strength?   
    700?!! ?
    But... but...
    This only seems to happen to some of them, but it's so weird!
    Does anyone know WHY? @Aquamentis12?
  22. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from jellysundae in Charity Corner 20193   
    Awesomesauce!  Thank you very much!  Now off to battle and constantly refresh the tree, I suppose ? 
  23. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from aleu1986 in Enter The Runway #76!   
    Ooh, this one sounds like it could be quite fun. Hm.
  24. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from jellysundae in Enter The Runway #76!   
    Ooh, this one sounds like it could be quite fun. Hm.
  25. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from aleu1986 in The Runway Votes #75   
    This isn't FAIR!  I usually can pick 1-2 I like more than the rest, but this time I want to vote for them all!
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