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    kandygrrl got a reaction from acmerasta in JumpStart Comments On Staff Removal   
    I'm a little worried to be honest. Jumpstart is knowns for their learning games. I am just worried that Neopets might get changed into a website that is COMPLETELY orientated for childhood learning while the fans are left in the dark.
    Which is what I fear.
    There already learning resources on Neopets. Like 20% random marrow taxes from King Skarrl, how to price items in an open market, how miniature golf is very difficult when you are playing to get the best score and not for fun, how to look after dependant creatures (looking after real animals is more difficult, however you know to feed them, bathe them, play with them and make sure they are looked after when they're sick), the stock market, economy and potential crashes due to too much supply and no demand, and other valuable lessons that I can't think of.
  2. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to iheartsaku in JumpStart Comments On Staff Removal   
    I am still not sure how to feel about all this....I am little afraid they won't fix anything or change everything and it will no longer be the Neopets we once loved.
    Oh well, only time will tell. I will try to stay optimistic and see what happens.
  3. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Oganagey in JumpStart Comments On Staff Removal   
    Thanks for keeping us all updated. I was so worried to think that all those hours of gaming would be lost! I guess I should cut down anyway!!! :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley:
  4. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Shane for Wax in JumpStart Comments On Staff Removal   
    While I believe the truth is that they aren't killing Neopets, I also have a hard time believing they're devoted to making the site run better. But then, I'm not sure how many people were webmasters and programmers that got the boot.
    We shall see.
  5. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Angeló in JumpStart Comments On Staff Removal   
    i always have a bad time believing big money whales aka CEO's
  6. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to paperdoll66 in I love the Grey Faerie!   
    She asked the Rainbow Fountain Faerie for my reward! All I bought for her was a Hopso. This is my first one. I think I might cry.
  7. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to deboratibi in New Cloud Wocky   
    How about something like this?

    Space Hero Wocky Beard
    Undead Hunter Wocky Shirt and Waistcoat
    Wocky Archer Boots Wocky Archer Trousers Jazzmosis Hat Jazzmosis Glasses Manor Room Crime Scene Background Manor Room Crime Scene Foreground (I believe all the items are affordable)
  8. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to EyelinerOppa in Some random questions...   
    Yeah, so I've thought about these questions and have not arrived with an answer.Any help would be appreciated! :)
    1. Why does the Chocolate Ice Cream cost so much in the Shop Wizard when it's a drop item in the Battledome?
    2. If for example the caption contest is still going on, but TNT has already released the top 25 entries, are you still allowed to submit an entry, and would you have a chance of getting added to the list of top entries?
  9. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to FoolishFancy in New Cloud Wocky   
    Wow, what a nice surprise to wake up to, kandygrrl! Thanks guys, I am loving these looks. Naamah your Gnorbu looks really cool and I love the background. Deboratibi I think I need all of those items but especially the beard, it would go with his paintjob better than the evil twin goatee for sure.
  10. Like
    kandygrrl got a reaction from Bloo in New Cloud Wocky   
    Is there any clothing in particular you have in mind? I would gladly give some clothes if you like.
    Even some current NC items if you like =3
    I sent over some items that are a start.
    I hope you like them.
  11. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to FoolishFancy in New Cloud Wocky   
    Managed to snag a beautiful cloud wocky at the pound yesterday (after literally just wishing I could get one... thank you neopia!) but I have no idea what to dress him up like. I have a small budget - my total cash is about a million - but would play games all day to earn enough for the right outfit. At the moment all he has on is a pair of sunglasses. If anyone has any suggestions I thank you in advance :)
  12. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Marae19 in Dutch Neopets not gonna update anymore   
    Ahw, this sucks! Even though nowadays I only play in English, I discovered neo in Dutch. It'll always be Crisis Koerier instead of Crisis Courier, and I know that doesn't seem like a big difference, but it is to me.
    And to those of you wondering what the difference is, there are different Neoboards and Contests (as is mentioned before), but most of the games are in the other languages as well, everything from the gameplay to the instructions. Only non-flash wordgames like cliffhanger would be in English.
  13. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to jellysundae in Dutch Neopets not gonna update anymore   
    Neo's always had the different language options, so it's going to have been something implimented in Adam and Donna's time. I guess it's just that Jumpstart's the first of its owners since that time that don't see it as a viable option to keep, maybe because the online numbers are so small compared to what they used to be. :(
  14. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Aboogala in Dutch Neopets not gonna update anymore   
    Maybe there isn't enough of a user base to keep employing someone to translate it in the different languages? For example, people usually get higher pay if they speak a second language here in the States. OR maybe it's not JumpStart's policy. I'm not sure what other websites they have or if they translate the other websites but that could have been a Viacom/Nickelodean thing and since they no longer own the site they are phasing it out.
    Either way that's very sad because I think if you're more comfortable with your native language you shouldn't be forced to play in a langauge that is difficult for you.
  15. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to South437 in Decrease in Level and or Hp's?   
    Through "Random Events", or "Dailies", Neopets has decreased my pet's level a few time's. As we all know, that's a very expensive hit! Why Neopets? Why? Please stop. Make them sick, or something, besides having me spend 10's of thousands of Neopoints to get one level back! :sad01_anim:
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Ruto).
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    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been MOVED from TDN Questions to Neopets Help.
  16. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Bloo in TDMBGPOP cured my pet: Timely fluke, or normal?   
    Just happy happenstance, I don't think the state of your pets affects any of the rewards you get from dailies. When my pet gets sick (which is often... the Expellibox seems to hate me), I just spam-visit the Healing Faerie every half an hour until she stops giving me her useless snowballs and cures my pet.
    Grats on having your pet healed so painlessly... it can be a real nuisance. xD
  17. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to jellysundae in TDMBGPOP cured my pet: Timely fluke, or normal?   
    The WoE gave me pet chickaroo today, yay me...so I was doing other dailies in the hope of gaining enough onhand funds for the herbal scrambled eggs. Instead of giving me anything the grundo said visiting the plushie makes everyone feel better, my pet seemed better already, and so he was!
    Is this something that regularly happens if your pet's sick when it visits the grundo, or was it just happy happenstance?
  18. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to acorah in Such luck   
    I got a magical carrot chia pop thingy and a gold mote stamp ages ago - keep meaning to put them both back on the TP again!
  19. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Bloo in Don't really need Rainbow Fountain access, but got it...   
    Nice, congrats on the FFQ! :D And welcome, I'm new here myself.
    The good news is no, the quest prize doesn't expire. The only way you can lose it is if you should turn in a 2nd FFQ on top of the first. As for things you can do if you don't want to paint your 8-bit pet... the obvious answer is that you could always create another pet and paint that (unless you're out of pet slots).
    - If you want to paint another pet, and the colour you want isn't something the Rainbow Pool offers (like Robot)... you could paint it with the intention of trading for what you do want.
    - If you are an avatar hunter you could get a Buzz painted for the Buzzin' avatar.
    - If you are feeling very, very generous, and there is a Neofriend you know of who wants it, you could paint a pet and gift it to them. It would be a nice surprise for them.
    - If none of the above options appeal to you, just save it! As said, your prize won't expire, and maybe someday you'll change your mind or a colour will suddenly pique your interest. :)
  20. Like
    kandygrrl got a reaction from acorah in Such luck   
    So I turned down the Aboard the Coincidence challenge because I clicked on it by accident
    Sure enough the page loads and the Pants Devil's Evil Twin Brother shows up and hands me a Faerie Bruce Morphing Potion!!!!!
    Now I'm selling it to get the loot!
    I am so happy I could scream, but my parents are trying to sleep
    Have you ever gotten something really REALLY cool from a random event that was worth 500k+ neopoints?
  21. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Emily in GLITCHES: Major Bank Glitch Hits Neopia   
    I got a response to my ticket that I sent in in case anyone is curious:
    I wish TNT would make use of their message board. There's no official statement that there was a problem, therefore no warning for anyone, and no statement of it being fixed. I only found out about it after I tried to withdraw NP and only found out today it was fixed by testing it myself after others had reported they were able to withdraw/deposit like normal. The last post on their board was from January
  22. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to leverhelven in GLITCHES: Major Bank Glitch Hits Neopia   
    Oh wow. It almost seems as if someone was playing a prank on TNT. Poor guys, one glitch after the other, and they just seem to get more and more serious! :/
  23. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Anime in Pounding accident?   
    Brit's got it right, it sounds like an odd glitch that you had no control over. As you pounded the spare, you should be fine. Really I don't see why they'd blame you, since there's actively no way for a user to cheat their way to a spare pet slot. The only way it can happen to a non-premium member is a glitch on their end. Same goes for pounding two in one day.
    I would recommend sending a ticket so they're aware of the issue. Try a different browser, for starters. I've noticed the ticket system is a bit wonky in some browsers so that may fix that issue entirely.
  24. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to Brit in Pounding accident?   
    Honestly, I wouldn't worry to much. It was most likely a glitch and all is well now. I highly doubt TNT would have even noticed. However for argument sake, let's say they did; the first thing they'd see is 5 pets so they'd automatically assume you're premium.
    IF by chance they notice you're not they'd try and find out why you have 5 pets without premium. I'm sure they'd be able to tell there was nothing done by you to influence that occurring. You only have 1 jetsam now, and the other is back in the pound.
    You also only have 4 pets so I'd say just leave it be. It wasn't your fault, and you're not longer affect by the error.
    If it was something I've seen happen more then once I'd say send a ticket but because this sounds like it's an isolated incident I'd say just go about your way.
    There's nothing you can do to help or improve the situation and there's nothing you could have done differently.
    If you're that worried try opening the ticket page on a different browser or maybe try signing into another account and send a ticket that way?
  25. Like
    kandygrrl reacted to ripple in Pounding accident?   
    Today, I tried to adopt a Jetsam in order to get the Jetsam-Wanna Fight? avatar and a window popped up, saying that "An error occurred while trying to adopt ____". So I tried to adopt another Jetsam, which worked. However, when I checked my quickref, both Jetsams were there, even though I already had three pets. Now there was a total of 5 pets on my account, and I do not have premium. I also fed both of them, got my avatar, and sent one of them back to the pound. Before adopting, I had pounded a different pet.
    We're only supposed to be able to pound a pet once a day, but I pounded two pets in one day, and had 5 pets on a not-premium account. And the page for sending tickets won't show up for me. Will I get frozen/suspended for this?? I'm really worried :(
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