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Everything posted by jellysundae

  1. @Secre wow, worst change of ownership ever I hope these people didn't stay there for long. I'd also like to hope they're not allowed to keep animals now; but a lot of cruel people aren't allowed to keep animals, but they still do, don't they. .__.
  2. Taste of their own medicine, love it! Now I dunno which is worse; guys around your own age who are highly likely to get offensive and/or aggressive when you shut them down, depending on how much beer they've had/how fragile their ego is; or potentially super-creepy older guys.
  3. When you say people, do you really mean blokes? Particularly lads: in a pub, who hit on women and can't take a hint to get lost even when it's massive, and dropped on their heads from a height? They see the book as an immediate thing to strike up a conversation about! Result! Don't need to wade in with cheesy chat-up lines straight off the bat, and they can try to appear intellectual too.
  4. I wonder why this is the last negg since we've been told this runs till tomorrow, hmmm... I guess it's thoroughly underwhelming wrap up for tomorrow. xD Yep! this looks cute though? *tries on background* OOH! Oh yes, this is me! Very much so! Up to and including the somewhat unhealthy-looking plants.
  5. OMG, total BAMF over here guys! If you'd come into my pub on the reg I'd have made sure you had your own comfy chair and reading lamp. Oh and I have been inspired for this round... yeah, my ability to go totally left field certainly hasn't deserted me.
  6. I'm hopeful for entering too if inspiration occurs. I may not get beyond the mindlessly-wandering-around-DTI stage though xD If think once you're past your personal out-getting-drunk-every-weekend stage it becomes a quality over quantity thing, doesn't it. It also nice to feel secure enough in yourself to not feel the need to go out every weekend. It's a shame that we can't create a complete staying in look with our pets; feet up, TV on and take-away delivered. xD I wonder what path my brain will take me down for this round... there's the entire range possible; from complete comfort to total glitz and glamour extravagance... we shall see!
  7. There's no harm in hope, it always bounced back, doesn't it, no matter how many times we really should have known better. xD This event's pretty TNTypical, isn't it, weird hints and clues that get people's hopes up, then have no follow through for days on end. At least something else has happened now. ^o^;; But there's only two more days to go x'D
  8. All gettin' a bit dark today, isn't it! Psycho Topsi, getting more violent... I tried to solve this clue myself, but I didn't think of the merry-go-round, the bit about the creator was making me think of Sloth and that threw me off entirely, i think. I got another bag. Maybe this will be our special prize Topsi promised! Like a cat leaving a headless mouse on your pillow...
  9. The snot reaching epidemic levels here? The ray is fired at Burfin... ... and he changes gender!!!! But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.
  10. Meanwhile, I FINALLY FCed again - after some motivation from a fellow ninja, and using another ninja's bets... Collect Winnings Round Bet Info Amount Odds Winnings 8017 Treasure Island: Ol' Stripey Hidden Cove: Puffo the Waister 4728 NP 91:1 430248 NP Total Winnings 430248 NP This is Serg, he is awesome. http://www.neopets.com/~_Rayita_49 He also does not trust these pirates at all xD
  11. I've no idea myself, but jellyneo might have useful info if no-one on here can help, though I'm not sure what you'd search for. Reddit would be good too, I'd have thought.
  12. The ray is fired at Burfin... ... and he loses 2 strength points Dragonas Socks shall now be known as Fritz. How nice.
  13. Just spotted Angelo's own l'il April Fool here. I know, right? I still visit Hagan despite having got his avatar, as he's good for those r90+ books; but while I get enormous safisfation from getting food away from Skarl, I've got zero wish to keep visiting him because he's just too much effort. x'D
  14. *uses @Tedhaun's link* *poker face* Well, that's definitely not yet another water jelly...
  15. Think I'm gonna be selling today. >:3 FAER (profile) 76 85 +9 39,000 481,000 3,315,000 +589.19% It was at 88 before i refreshed, hopefully it'll go back up, and I catch it! Then I'll sell. EDIT: Went back up to 88 so I was RIGHT in there! Nigel the Chia charges 20 NP as commission. Summary : You had 2275 NP. After 39 successful transactions, you have 3434255. Thank you kindly!
  16. The ray is fired at Burfin... ... and he gains 2 strength points!!!! But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.
  17. This looks SO good, and I now notice you have ghosts on there too!
  18. So I switched to Cora today, and got another water jelly, so I'm gonna say name length makes not a whit of difference. Burfin - water jelly Tatofase - water jelly my_friend_Cora - water jelly I'm just glad that I've lucked out with being stuck on a "nice" jelly, some poor devils out there will be up to their knees in dung ones by now.
  19. The ray is fired at Burfin... ... and he gains 3 strength points!!!! But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.
  20. Hehe. You know I now have to go look for it because I never saw it, don't you! x'D Oh heck, and blood splatters on his arm and face, too. xD
  21. Don't you mean brillant. That first one's really fab though, isn't it! Full on creepy stalker. Topsi totally stans the Space Fae. I see today doesn't progress things though. i got another bag.
  22. Yeah the sap's definitely rising for the stock market today, isn't it! I'll just be sat over here doin' my thing; which means either holding out and thus missing out, or forgetting about them altogether. In the meantime, my bottom line looks lovely. Totals: 942,000 12,061,000 18,834,000 +56.16%
  23. AHA! Coming on here earlier in the day means I DO get a different jelly today! *switches to Burfin* *poker face* Well, that proves a whole lot of big fat nothin', don't it!
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