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Everything posted by jellysundae

  1. Ray must SURELY be running out of ways to troll you with this, Angelo. This is, admittedly, the biggest one yet, but he's backing himself into a corner with this, he's gonna have to give the right zap to the right pet eventually.
  2. It'd be a sensible option for swamp Gas pets, wouldn't it... OH! Speaking of which! Check out this beauty! GarbageJuice
  3. That catches me out every time! Not used to NC stuff having its own page now.
  4. What the heck? xD How many single words have you got a prize for now, @Angeló?
  5. Wat?? *tries* HAHAHAHAHAHA That's so much better than the heated cushion that the Magma Usul Bow becomes. xD
  6. It's dropping like a stone now isn't it! SSS (profile) 73 55 -18 I'll patiently wait until (I notice!) the next rise! xD
  7. I think the easiest answer is: because - neopets. Also though, you are judging by human food preferences there, our pets might positively love a lot of the gross food. x'D MMM, slime! Actually, quite sure that's one of the gross food's description. xD
  8. It's pretty frustrating, isn't it, those items that troll you on DTI. I discovered a funny one a few days ago... Something's not quite right with this stealthy outfit...
  9. Haha, Mythant's custom looks all set for a caption contest xD They're looking pretty mad about their fish there. xD MINI ME! That's just adorable! >:3
  10. Ooh, that looks very romantic, is he on a date?
  11. The ray is fired at ruojk... ... and she gains two levels!!! OOH! Or should I say ARR! Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  12. That expression!!! HAHAHAHAHA. The ray is fired at ruojk... ... and she gains 3 defence points!!!! But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.
  13. I sent Burfin back to the pound as they got a cool zap, so time for a newbie! I thought I'd not be able to pound 'em with their zapped petpet attached... am I mixing that up with transfering?? Anyway, please be welcoming ruojk, the currently acara, my new labby! The ray is fired at ruojk... ... and she gains 3 defence points!!!! Just giving her a petpet... Er, what you and I think is a success, do not appear to be the same thing, TNT... ruojk says ' Wow! I am very happy with my new Gruslen. ' That's better! noname shall now be known as 1337. How nice.
  14. Maybe TNT were being super thoughtful, and providing people with something to complain about for an entire year? Because, you know, there clearly won't be any other ire-generating things going on. *poker face*
  15. This is a better prize than last year's dress, I think. The Steampunk one was very cool, but tough to use. Though... having taken a closer look at this one, it's maybe just as difficult. Fun for winter looks, though not so much for the pet! Dx My ninja buddy Mario just sold his two days ago for 13.4m, nice to see the value rising. @___@ There's someone on the TP with 3 of them?? UN beginning with Ch... *investigates* Probably cherry, isn't it! I know not all people use the AbsoluteCorruption page. But it's not very likely that there's another quad-maxer out there with a UN that starts with the same letters. Wow... Those are the worst rankings out of all the teams. But Tyrannia still got 9th place? So... does that mean, I dunno, hardly any heavy hitters, but a lot of people who manage All-star? I am really quite confused. xD
  16. The leftover points are gonna annoy on various levels, aren't they! They're gonna drive people with OCD absolutely nuts! TNT seems to have done the website equivalent of a government getting rid of a country's copper coinage. xD I joked on the boards that it was a hint that CC's not gonna be happening again, haha.
  17. Some people just need a massive kick up the behind and that's all there is to it. The entitlement of some people is... just... *speechless*
  18. That's a big gob! The ray is fired at Burfin... ... and he changes colour to Camouflage!! Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. SLORGCLOPS!!! Ray been in the sugar?? I mean all change for everyone!
  19. The ray is fired at Burfin... ... and he loses 2 movement points!!!! Puppup shall now be known as 1337. How nice.
  20. I'm pretty happy too, I wonder how dodgy the prizes will be this year xD
  21. That's because, there is no link to it any more, so no need to feel silly at all! You need to alter the url to get to it now. On the main boards page: http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/index.phtml You need to change index for preferences. http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/preferences.phtml Voila!
  22. Ah! Now this should be interesting; more of a challenge for me because I'm not fond of myncis, so I wonder if I'm more likely to go for something daft rather than pretty... Who am I kidding? That's my regular method. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. Thank you for liking Rosie! I'm glad the tennis guy won, his caption made me laugh so much; the deadpan stuff about his beard, and wearing red.
  24. The ray is fired at Burfin... ... and he doesn't change at all Nothing looks different about Puppup but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 3
  25. Well, this is what Jollyquag has to say on the subject! FYI, she is 63, so not actually old enough to be my mum, but definitely for an awful lot of Neopians, which I think is just fabulous.
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