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Nielo last won the day on October 10 2023

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About Nielo

  • Birthday 05/30/1989

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  1. Hi guys, Sorry for completely disappearing for so long! I hadn't intended to quit TDN (and Neopets) completely, but I guess I really needed a break. (I abandoned my Animal Crossing island around the same time and haven't dared going back since. ) I did see all your messages come in, but I didn't really have the time or energy to answer them. My apologies! I don't really have a concrete update on the future of the Runway yet, but I'll see if we can work on getting it up and running again, perhaps in a slightly altered form. I'll (try to ) keep you all posted!
  2. And then I forgot to check the thread (despite seeing the messages come in. (In this case it was a more a copy/delete that I forgot to do though, as #3 didn't have a description.) Agreed on the entries, they are all really creative, and everyone went in a completely different direction. Congrats to our winners, and thank you all for entering! Not just this round, but the 152 rounds before this one as well. I'm not sure when (or even if) the Runway will be back yet; so I want to thank you all for all the pretty, funny, creative entries you've sent in over the years, and for making this contest fun to run. (If anyone is interested in running any future rounds of the Runway, let me know. )
  3. Thank you for these lovely replies! I haven't quite decided what I'll do yet, but perhaps just doing them less frequently could work; I like that idea.
  4. I've finally managed to put up the round; sorry it took so long, everyone. See this thread for an announcement on the future of The Runway. As we only have 3 contestants this round, I've decided to deviate from the norm, and only allow each person one vote this time around. I'm going to leave voting open for 2 weeks, as I can imagine people might have stopped checking to see if the new round is up, so I'd like to give people some more time to find this thread again. Important note: Voting for yourself is NOT allowed. Doing so will result in disqualification. Please double check your votes before submitting them, to avoid mistakes, because they can't be changed afterwards. Current theme: Looking Back Description: Create 2 entries: one old photo, one new one. Perhaps it's the same pet, all grown up. Maybe one is a picture of a (great) grandparent, and the one other of their (great) grandchild. There has to be some relation between the pictures, but you can get as creative with it as you want. (Very broad theme, I know, but my brain is mush. If you need more clarity/guidelines, just tag me in this thread, and I'll try to provide them.) Entering period: Monday, December 19 - Sunday, January 8 Voting period: Monday, January 9 16 - Sunday, January 15 22 Monday, February 20 - Sunday, March 5 Be sure to check out the links to the animated entries, although with Flash gone (and pre-HTML5 conversion) you'll only be able to see the still image. (Still worth checking out, as it'll be bigger than the one in the thread, so you'll be able to see more details on it.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voting is now officially closed! And the winners are... 1st Place LemonToner Jake Sully from Avatar 2009 Animation link 1: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2740979 Animation link 2: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2741000 "A paraplegic Neopian dispatched to Lutari Island on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home. Now available in IMAX 3D and NeoD theaters everywhere!" 2nd Place aleu1986 Neopets 1999 / Neopets 2019 Animation link 1: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2746211 Animation link 2: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2746214 3rd Place GlitchtaleLover Dreams Of Space Exploration! Animation link 1: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2740481 Animation link 2: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2740518 "One day I'll be up there! I'll go find new planets and stars!!" / "First day on the job up in the Space Station. It's even prettier than I imagined!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #1 GlitchtaleLover Dreams Of Space Exploration! Animation link 1: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2740481 Animation link 2: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2740518 "One day I'll be up there! I'll go find new planets and stars!!" / "First day on the job up in the Space Station. It's even prettier than I imagined!" #2 LemonToner Jake Sully from Avatar 2009 Animation link 1: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2740979 Animation link 2: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2741000 "A paraplegic Neopian dispatched to Lutari Island on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home. Now available in IMAX 3D and NeoD theaters everywhere!" #3 aleu1986 Neopets 1999 / Neopets 2019 Animation link 1: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2746211 Animation link 2: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2746214
  5. Hi all, First of all: my apologies that I still haven't put the most recent round up! I'll try to get around to that this week. Then on to the main issue: in addition to the fact that I've been very busy(/tired) lately, interest in The Runway also seems to have gone down quite a bit, which makes it challenging for me to keep it going. I definitely need a little break, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to motivate myself to pick it up again later. I guess that partly depends on whether or not there's enough interest in it. So, if anyone knows of ways to generate more interest in The Runway (and is willing to help out/take charge in actually implementing these ideas), I'd love to hear it! Also, if you're interested in taking over running The Runway from me, please let me know. Some fresh eyes and energy might be just what The Runway needs. Anyway, let me just apologise again for the complete lack of updates in recent weeks! Time kind of got away from me.
  6. It might be; I've never looked into it. I'll still probably take a break from the Runway though, but if someone else wants to take over - and look into this - I'd definitely encourage that. Also: I promise I'll get around to posting the round/a message about the Runway's future soon, but I've just been swamped with work.
  7. Hi guys, unfortunately I haven't received any additional entries. I'll probably put the round up sometime this week anyway, but I think it might be time for The Runway to take a little hiatus after that, as interest seems to have waned, and I've been quite busy with work, so I haven't had much time (and energy) to put into it either. (I'll probably create a proper thread about this later, just wanted to give you a little heads up.)
  8. I probably should've followed my instincts and posted a reminder here at some point, because I only received entries from three people so far. I'll extend the entering period by one week, to see if we can get some more entries in.
  9. Thanks for the great entries, everyone! And congrats to our winners! The info on next round can be found in this thread. (You'll have more time to enter because of the holidays, but you do get to make 2 entries this round. )
  10. Be sure to check out the rules if you're new to this contest (or if you simply want to refresh your knowledge of them). They can be found right here. If you want to send me a screenshot of your entry (instead of the image DTI provides), but don't know how, check out this guide. I'm going to assume - based on previous years - that most people will have plenty of things to do at the end of December, and creating an entry for The Runway probably won't be all that high up on your to-do lists, so I'm extending the entering period by a week. You get to make 2 entries though! (Check out this round (among others) if you want to see what a round with 2 entries per person looks like.) Current theme: Looking Back Description: Create 2 entries: one old photo, one new one. Perhaps it's the same pet, all grown up. Maybe one is a picture of a (great) grandparent, and the one other of their (great) grandchild. There has to be some relation between the pictures, but you can get as creative with it as you want. (Very broad theme, I know, but my brain is mush. If you need more clarity/guidelines, just tag me in this thread, and I'll try to provide them.) Entering period: Monday, December 19 - Sunday, January 8 Voting period: Monday, January 9 16 - Sunday, January 15 22 If you have any questions about this round, or the Runway in general, just post them here, or send me a message*. *And if my inbox happens to be full (again), just tag me in a post here and I'll get right on that.
  11. Thank you all for getting back to me so quickly! As you'll have noticed, I did not actually get back to you. Sorry about that; I have no idea why I so optimistically said I'd try to get this done throughout the week, considering I could've (should've) known I'd neither have the time nor the energy to do that. The round is (finally) up now though. Sorry for the delay!
  12. It's (finally) time to vote for your favourite entries again! Important note: Voting for yourself is NOT allowed. Doing so will result in disqualification. Please double check your votes before submitting them, to avoid mistakes, because they can't be changed afterwards. Current theme: Fall Festivities Description: Pick any pet you want, and create a fall-themed entry. Entering period: Monday, November 14 - Sunday, November 27 December 4 11 Voting period: Monday, November 28 December 5 12 - Sunday, December 5 11 18 Be sure to check out the links to the animated entries, although with Flash gone (and pre-HTML5 conversion) you'll only be able to see the still image. (Still worth checking out, as it'll be bigger than the one in the thread, so you'll be able to see more details on it.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voting is now officially closed! And the winners are... 1st Place gypsyknees The Autumn Faerie Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2717393 "Blink and you'll miss her. Amongst the golden leaves you just may be fortunate to catch a glimpse of The Autumn Faerie adorned in leaves, berries and fungi. She camouflages herself between branches and bushes and uses her wand to bring about the warm light and amber hues to Neopia. If you've never heard of her it's probably because she doesn't like the limelight. After all, lime isn't really an autumn colour..." 2nd Place Aimee Dormisse, Spirit of Dormancy Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2712602 "With the fall harvest safely tucked away in silos and barns, with the blooms of late summer flowers blown away in the wind, a cold sense of rest floats through the air. The cold wind calls you to rest, to find solace in the quiet, to reflect on the year as winter draws near. If you listen closely you can hear the gentle steps of Dormisse as she floats across Neopia's northern hemisphere, singing a soft lullaby to all living things. 'Rest, now,' she lilts, 'for Spring will come in time.'" 3rd Place aleu1986 Autumn Adventure Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2713235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #1 GlitchtaleLover Fresh Fall Air Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2710741 "Ahh, nothing better than a fresh apple cider, feeling the cool breeze of Fall and... Well, a few leaves never stopped anybody now did they?" #2 aleu1986 Autumn Adventure Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2713235 #3 gypsyknees The Autumn Faerie Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2717393 "Blink and you'll miss her. Amongst the golden leaves you just may be fortunate to catch a glimpse of The Autumn Faerie adorned in leaves, berries and fungi. She camouflages herself between branches and bushes and uses her wand to bring about the warm light and amber hues to Neopia. If you've never heard of her it's probably because she doesn't like the limelight. After all, lime isn't really an autumn colour..." #4 Aimee Dormisse, Spirit of Dormancy Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2712602 "With the fall harvest safely tucked away in silos and barns, with the blooms of late summer flowers blown away in the wind, a cold sense of rest floats through the air. The cold wind calls you to rest, to find solace in the quiet, to reflect on the year as winter draws near. If you listen closely you can hear the gentle steps of Dormisse as she floats across Neopia's northern hemisphere, singing a soft lullaby to all living things. 'Rest, now,' she lilts, 'for Spring will come in time.'" #5 memyselfand_ty Hiding in the Pumpkin Patch Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2718990 "Much like a turkey with Thanksgiving, this Kiko has a very different opinion about Halloween than most; and would rather NOT be anyone's first choice!" #6 coopermae Hibernation Hideout Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2710618 "Little known fact, some Korbats choose to hibernate during Winter! They spend most of Autumn harvesting and hoarding food for the following months. So the next time you see a Korbat with a rucksack the size of an Eyrie, lend a hand, spare a Grenanna. It might just let them sleep in for one more morning."
  13. I hate to do this again - especially because I did receive more entries (thanks everyone!) - but DTI is acting up (not showing a couple of entries), and I'm missing at least one image/screenshot, which I can't get now, due to the links/images not working. I'll message the people whose entries/images aren't showing, and I'll keep trying throughout the week to see if the images are visible again and I can put the round up. Sorry for yet another delay!
  14. I've only received 3 entries so far (I'd like at least 5 to make it an interesting contest), so I'm extending the entering period by one week.
  15. Poogles have always been my favourite pet, but they can be pretty hard to customise, so I loved seeing all these great entries! Thank you all for entering, and congrats to our winners! Click here to check out next round's theme.
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