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MysteryAF last won the day on January 22 2021

MysteryAF had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About MysteryAF

  • Birthday 06/23/1997

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  • Interests
    Disney movies, binging shows/videos, spamming, listening to music, being in the rain, drinking water, dark gray and orange colors, birds, and sleep.

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  1. Yeah I only have 1k shares of SHRX, so either it hits 80 or I'm not selling. I wish DROO would do something, I have 13k of those.
  2. It's too cold in the midwest US. It's gotten as low as -18F/-28C in the morning. Absolutely brutal. I want spring back so badly.
  3. Finally, an interesting result. The ray is fired at Umbredor... ... and he changes colour to Faerie!!
  4. That outfit is perfection. Like, seriously. Perfection. Goes perfectly with Shadow as well. I'm probably going to ditch my Flotsam and go for it. I was trying to get rid of my pets that had numbers and/or underscores anyway.
  5. I picked Chocolate Blossom and Spring Slorg, cause... I love flowers and spring. I think I already established that already.
  6. Kass Basher is incredibly laggy for me on Chrome and Firefox, even on my gaming PC. Hopefully they do something to fix that.
  7. I chose Peaceful Park in Spring, cause I miss the spring. It's my favorite season.
  8. It's pretty easy for me to remember, as it's only 2 hours behind for me. 2 AM is at midnight NST for me.
  9. Asparagus Yogurt... delicious.. bleurgh.. I'd love to.. *gag* have some! Hopefully they deliver with the colors and outfits this month.
  10. Ugh I keep forgetting to do the battles
  11. I forgot what year I did it in, but I was on the top 5 for all users that joined Shenkuu during one of the AC's. Definitely had to have been beyond quad maxing. I don't have the wrists or the time to pull that off again.
  12. Why does it always surge up another 10 points after I sell?! >.<
  13. Next up: What's your favorite random event? Tax Beast, Pant Devil, Cackling Ghost, or Evil Coconut?
  14. Transaction Result 1 1000 shares of MYNC Sold 1000 shares of MYNC for 75000 NP. 2 1000 shares of MYNC Sold 1000 shares of MYNC for 75000 NP. 3 1000 shares of MYNC Sold 1000 shares of MYNC for 75000 NP. 4 1000 shares of MYNC Sold 1000 shares of MYNC for 75000 NP. 5 1000 shares of MYNC Sold 1000 shares of MYNC for 75000 NP. 6 1000 shares of MYNC Sold 1000 shares of MYNC for 75000 NP. 7 1000 shares of MYNC Sold 1000 shares of MYNC for 75000 NP. 8 1000 shares of MYNC Sold 1000 shares of MYNC for 75000 NP. Nigel the Chia charges 20 NP as commission. Summary : You had 9865 NP. After 8 successful transactions, you have 609845. That's good enough for me, I'll take it to the bank.
  15. Saving Dacardia was atrocious. I don't think I participated in the other three. Eeny meeny miney... Festival of Neggs.
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