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    paperdoll66 reacted to hrtbrk in Altador Cup IX Begins!   
    The 9th annual Altador Cup has begun! Head off to the Colosseum to play a match now!
    Stick with TDN for the next 29 days for daily coverage, predictions, interviews and more! Show off your progress with our counters or see how far until your next rank with our Rank Calculator!

    Pass time while playing by hanging out and chatting with fellow players in our chatroom!
    Happy playing and let the games begin!
  2. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to tomeander in "Coincidence" Flashbacks   
    I've done two Coincidence quests and both had bad prizes so I don't them anymore. During the Coincidence event, I definitely didn't sell or throw anything away though. Good luck with the quest prizes!
  3. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to .Brianna. in What's your Achievement today?   
    Third place at
    Scorchy Slots!!
    I had the luckiest Scorchy Slots run EVER - I won 82k as the jackpot and 10 map pieces all worth 40-60k :happydance: oh and I got a new trophy. Woohoo!
  4. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Saxen in What's your Achievement today?   
    I got the highest score you can get in Petpet Battles... unfortunately though it's a little late in the month for gold, but I am in place for silver now so that should be awarded by tomorrow
    Hopefully gold next month :D
  5. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from .Brianna. in What's your Achievement today?   
    I won something from the Wishing Well for the first time!
  6. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from Duskitty in What's your Achievement today?   
    I won something from the Wishing Well for the first time!
  7. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from Meliss in What's your Achievement today?   
    I won something from the Wishing Well for the first time!
  8. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from cartoon_dreamer in What's your Achievement today?   
    I won something from the Wishing Well for the first time!
  9. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to siniri in What's your Achievement today?   
    Got my 35th trophy last night -- 2nd place in Splat-a-Sloth (I was really scared I was going to fall off the high score table before trophies were awarded).
  10. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from dawnshine in Happy Moehog Day!   
    This is one of those pet days where I have no idea what I would do with it, but I'm tempted to get a Wraith Moehog and that outfit.
  11. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Lady Lyuba in NC Mall Altador Cup Shop is Open!   
    Remember that gold ribbon braided wig? It was so popular and sought after I guess they decided to make team-themed ones :P Well they gotta have new gear each year....I'm not sure about these wigs though, they kinda take away the specialty that the original wig was...I'll still try and get one with a Maraqua ribbon anyway though *shrug*
  12. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in never will i understand why...   
    I agree with this. I imagine if TNT built a time machine, this is the first thing they would go back and do differently.
    I'd really like them to change this, especially since they never did anything plot-wise with it. It always felt like something that was eventually going to be changed in an event, but it never happened. I always feel bad when one of my pets get zapped a fancy Lutari color that I don't want.
  13. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to deboratibi in What's your Achievement today?   
    I finally got to 10mil NPs for the first time in my neolife! Now I have an Ultimate Riches bank account! :king:
    (And now I can start spending again hahah)
  14. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to agrinwithoutacat in What's your Achievement today?   
    I didn't really do anything except click but I FINALLY got the Forgotten Shore avatar today! Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Forgotten Shore' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

  15. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Happy Kougra Day!   
    The Woodland is a cool idea. I'm expecting the pet days to be a little less exciting for the next month or so.
  16. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from Wildbreeze in New Avatar: Aboard the Coincidence   
    I'm really excited that I'll be able to get the avatar. I missed one of the days for the first part, so I'm glad that isn't going to count against me. I should have all my pieces tomorrow.
  17. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Emily in I Hate Converted Pets.   
    A lot of us prefer the converted pets, but those who dislike them are more vocal about it :P
    People really need to let unconverted pets go. They won't be brought back. It would be like buying a computer in 2014 and installing Windows 95. I wish (and I bet TNT does too) that they had just converted all the pets rather than leaving some, because leaving a select few has caused nothing but headaches.
  18. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Mouseykins in Key Quest Disconnected Me? D:   
    My guess is your internet connection hiccoughed and that's why you were kicked from the game. It's unfortunate as you were so close to finishing.
    I wouldn't worry about being frozen or anything. Also the other person should not have neomailed you with a message like that. It could be considered as harassment.
    Key Quest is just one of those games that in my opinion people take way too seriously. I've been quit on several times, I'll grump for a minute and then just restart a game. I don't go around neomailing people accusing them of quitting. It just seems like a waste of time to me. What I do tend to do is take note of who I'm playing against and if for some reason I have to leave a game, then I can neomail them explaining that the phone rang or my daughter needed my urgent attention or whatever. :)
    I wouldn't worry too much about being frozen and you did take a screenshot so you really don't have anything to worry about. If you like you can play with people from our forums. :) Our Key Quest board is here.
  19. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Are you obsessed about a pet species?   
    I have an Aisha bias. I have three Aishas, and one lab rat that started out as an Aisha. My first pet is an Aisha, and she is also the only one that I chose a color and species for without changing my mind. Whenever I start to consider crosspainting over her current Christmas, I remind myself of how well her neutral brown fur goes with all of her clothes. My other original pets I consider a work in progress: my Lenny is going to get painted Transparent once she reaches the Ninja School, one day my Ogrin will get zapped Robot, the Faerie Zafara that I have had for years might get turned into a Royal Girl Kacheek. The Lenny and Ogrin have spent most of their life as other species. Even though there are other species that I like that I do not have yet, I continue to adopt more Aishas.
  20. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to emily_speck_15 in Deflation? Of over 2Mil in a day?   
    Sorry to upset you, but I was looking for a reason and a way to keep it from happening, not whining, not asking for handouts. At the time I accepted it, there were 5 on the tp, the lowest being 2.4Mil and the highest being 2.8Mil. Two of them were owned by the same person. On the sw, none showed up which I expected since it is an unbuyable. I will admit, I didn't check the auction house. I feel like prices there are too unstable to use as a resource. How did you come up with 69K? Is there a way to see what the price of items should be?
  21. Like
    paperdoll66 got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Happy Uni Day!   
    My first thought was that the Wraith might challenge the popularity of the Halloween.
    Knowing TNT, they probably did this on purpose.
    I really like both colors. I love the female clothing set. It seems really versatile. I'm not really a fan of the male set. It's too much of one color.
  22. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Emily in 'Gadgadsbogen!' Avatar Available!   
    Happy Gadgadsbogen Day! Don't forget that the 'Gadgadsbogen!' will be available until 11:59:59 pm NST tonight!

    To receive the avatar (if you don't already have it), visit this Neopedia page!

  23. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to deboratibi in Happy Uni Day!   
    I'm not sure how I feel about the Wraith one... But my goodness, I love the Pastel one! It's so "My Little Pony" from the 80's! :P
  24. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to Lamppost in When should I speed level for the Secret Ninja Training School?   
    Right now, as of today, red codestones average about 18,000 NP each, and regular codestones average about 4,000 NP each. That means it becomes more expensive to train with regular codestones than red codestones when you are training with 5 regular codestones, i.e., when you are above Level 100.
  25. Like
    paperdoll66 reacted to oopskid3 in What's your Achievement today?   
    Was at the pound doing some random browsing and look who I adopted! Such luck :D

    Edit: I was neomailed by the neopet staff saying I won the mystery picture competition for last week but just realized I also got this:


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