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Posts posted by siniri

  1. I did a fouturne cookie thing and ended up with a quest from the battle faerie and i cant seem to find what she wants! need help finding Aisha Warrior Sword





    I found one in auctions (current bid would be 51k).

    pluslepie Aisha Warrior Sword 1 49,141 NP

    mysticelfsong Aisha Warrior Sword 1 50,000 NP

    benben1276yeah Aisha Warrior Sword 1 54,951 NP

    caspertine Aisha Warrior Sword 1 54,952 NP

    bookrabbit Aisha Warrior Sword 1 95,000 NP

    That was ~10 SW refreshes; there were a few "no results found" refreshes, too.

  2. Thanks for that tip; I've managed to get a faction challenge before each battle so far today (I'm on my third-ninth battles now, and 3rd challenge).


    How are the other Seekers doing? Anyone need any help? We can outwit the rest, even if we can't out-strength them.

  3. What I wonder if, we seem to be able to do "our part" by losing too, does that mean we get all the points by losing too at the end? (if we are somehow able to do all those tasks as well)

    In the last several events, TNT has used the checkmark system to show completion of each stage, and you got credit or not (there were a few group-participation stages in TFR in which they didn't indicate how much was necessary, but they did tell us when battle caps were met, and the checkmark system began after TFR, I think during the Discovering Moltara event, and has been used for every event since then, with the exception of the AC, which has its own scoring system). A gold checkmark is generally for completing on the day of release (I'm not sure if it's during the current wave for the current war or is still "day of" -- can anyone who completed one of the waves before the next one started but not the first day confirm what color their checkmark is?). A green checkmark is for completing the step, but not on its day of release (has anyone gotten one of these? when did you complete the first wave?). Usually, having all gold checks earns you the highest prize.


    Plots and wars are more complex, so they can allocate points based on how much you participate on each step. So it might be that those who complete the doing your part bars "on time" (getting all gold checks) will get the max points, while others will get points depending on what percentage of each bar they fill. During TFR, there were additional challenges, but they didn't provide additional plot points (just whatever you earned naturally by completing the challenge) because they gave prizes as you completed them. TNT never tells us how the scoring will work until after the event is over, but they've been getting gradually better about giving hints with checkmarks/"step complete"/"cap reached" messages. So my inclination is to take it that filling the bar each wave indicates reaching the max points available for that wave. But of course I could be wrong; the caps could be much higher.


    The number of wins on mighty jumped from 40 to 50 from wave 1 to wave 2. I have no idea how many losses that would take, but I suspect it'd be several times that. If the required number of wins for each wave continues to grow, I suspect it will be very difficult to lose enough times to fill the bar completely. (Honestly, I really hope that's true. It wouldn't be fair to top level battlers if someone with a pair of scarab rings on level 10 was able to earn the top prize in this war. There needs to be spread in terms of final plot points so the top level prizes become valuable. TNT's been at this a while, though, and I'm sure they'll create the spread somehow. They've gotten a lot of backlash in the past for not creating spread, e.g., in that Moltaran mini-plot.)


    So if I'm right and filling your bar = capping out on points for that wave, why should you battle any extra? 1) Because no one knows if I'm right, and it's a gamble to assume that I am. 2) To help your faction. You do want them to win, don't you? I'm sure TNT is keeping track of the points earned for each faction, and that will determine who wins the obelisk (and the coolest trophies, and probably the theme of a few more of the prizes vs. the other factions' themes, though they'll all be represented). I think the faction challenges might count extra, but I'm not really sure. (They do need to be made less rare, I think.) 3) Bragging rights. Your trophy may link to your final battle record for the war, and anyone who visits your look-up can click through and see that you beat each baddie 5 million times on mighty.


    I'm hoping that once someone "wins" the obelisk, it will open, revealing its malevolent power, and we'll all have to work together to fight its power, giving us a little bit of puzzling, though I don't think TNT has ever done that in a war before. Then again, the last war was about a decade ago, I think, and they've had battles in most plots, so they might decide to throw a bone to the puzzlers, who haven't had a plot in a while, either (TFR was the last real plot).

  4. My first war, I got a single point as a Meridell peasant. And I worked really hard for that point, but I just hadn't trained or invested in weapons. The first few plots with battling I participated in, I made sure I trained (continuously, not just during the events -- most of the time, it was just once a day) and slowly upgraded my weapons (winning ones in the plots helped a ton), and I did better each plot. TFR, I was able to cap against all the baddies, though it did require some of the items TNT gave us during that plot and quite a few losses while figuring out the best strategy (or just getting lucky).


    I've spent years and millions of NP training and equipping my pet. I want the hardest baddies in a war to be at least as hard as the hardest baddies were in the last plot. If people are willing to put the time and NP into becoming better battlers, it's only fair that their efforts are rewarded in BD-related events. Just like people who practice games tend to do better in DD and GMC, or people who do lots of puzzle-type things might do better in puzzle-based plots.


    I'm not a battler. I pretty much only battle for plots and wars, though I completed DoN for the trophies and tried out the new BD so I'd understand it for the next plot/war (and then made it a daily once I realized there were loot drops). My battle pet is at the 600 str and def boosts, but that's not even the max. Nor do I have top-tier weapons. I'll be fine with it if I can't cap out; if I do cap out, I hope I at least have to struggle, because I still have room to grow as a battler, and it'd only be fair to those with stronger, better-equipped pets than mine. If I can easily beat all the waves, there'd be no incentive for me to continue training to reach the last few boosts or to upgrade my weapons for the next event.


    If you don't want to train, don't. But just know you won't do very well in wars or plot battling. If you want to do well in the next event's battles, train regularly even after this one ends, gradually upgrading your weapons when they're not inflated. Meanwhile, do what you can with what you have, balancing your other goals with how well you want to do in this war, and keep your war goals realistic based on the amount of effort you put in beforehand.

  5. Haha, yeah, I was thinking the same thing as I posted that -- the reason the BD coders can't "fix" things like no HP increases for later waves of this war is that they're busy adding abilities to the regular challengers. And I've heard rumors that stances will be making a comeback soon, too. Plus... whatever this obelisk unleashes on us. Personally, I'd love to see agility factor into the BD (a chance to strike first or avoid an attack), though I know others would be very against that.


    I do wonder how the abilities will be changed, though. I went ahead and bought Shhh! because I had enough bottled faeries for it (I cashed in my unidentifiables and got a ton of earth), and today I earned enough light blessings to be able to switch over to Lens Flare. I haven't done it yet because I'm still bug-squishing, and I don't want to "waste" the blessings in case things change.

  6. I finally got a challenge at ~35 wins or so. Then I got a timed challenge of 6.2 minutes and finished it with 4 minutes to spare. The lag was pretty nail-biting, but it'd gotten much better by the time I got the challenge.


    My pet is such a good Seeker; she decided the lab ray should turn her Tyrannian today so she'd blend in better during battles.

  7. TNT has changed their answer on this over the years (i.e., in one editorial they said it was not okay, but in all others before and after that one, they said refreshing manually, using your own power, was perfectly okay). For completeness's sake, here are the relevant editorials, in chronological order (hiding repetitive ones in spoiler tags)*:

    Issue 219: Some people say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. For example some avatars people say you can only get from refreshing and they say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. Is that true? ~ x_tammeh

    Just like many things in Neopets and life, there is a line. Let's clarify. Basically, anything that plays the site for you, and requires no effort on your part, is considered a "bot" and will get you frozen. Even your "cat." This includes auto refresher functions in browsers, or putting a weight on F5 to do things the old fashioned way. If you don't do any of that, you don't have to worry.
    - Hitting refresh repeatedly for a few minutes, allowing the page to load. ? Great
    - Holding down F5 for 10-30 seconds at a time, checking for the avatar/challenger, then trying again if it has not been achieved ? Still
    - Holding down the F5 key for 20 minutes ? Okay, but try to take a break for your mental sake and ours.
    - Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key while you make a sandwich. ? Not good.
    - Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key all night while you sleep ? Bad.
    - Using a program that refreshes for you at the same rate as a human ? Frozen!
    - Using Opera to open 100+ pages and hitting "refresh all" ? VERY frozen.

    Basically, anything that plays the site for you, and requires no effort on your part, is considered a "bot" and will get you frozen. Even your "cat." This includes auto refresher functions in browsers, or putting a weight on F5 to do things the old fashioned way. If you don't do any of that, you don't have to worry.



    Issue 276: Hey guys you rock! I rock, too, by the way ^^ I read that you can't open tons of windows with a page and reload it because it will get you frozen, but what if I do it to get a BD challenger on just one certain page? ~marivenezuela

    Sorry, it's a BIG no-no, even if your intent is to get a BD challenger and not Random Events or other such things.
    Here's some things to keep in mind while refreshing for BD challengers:
    ~Hitting the refresh button repeatedly or F5 to refresh the page is a great way to do it.
    ~Don't place items on your F5 key to refresh for you.
    ~Don't use programs or multiple windows to refresh at faster rates anywhere on the site.

    Issue 276: On one of the editorials you mentioned that refreshing 100 pages at the same time will get you frozen faster than you can say Gerapitiku. BUT! What if you are a restocker and refresh continuously in different shops? Will I be at risk of being frozen because I restock at a lot of shops at the same time? ~berri_gallery

    This is just fine. You can have a bunch of different shops open in several different windows that you can go through and refresh individually. Basically, we don't allow opening up a large number of pages and hitting "refresh all" so that you refresh them all at the same time, because that is something only a computer can do, which means you are using a program to aid you in playing Neopets.




    Issue 277: You have frozen many, many honest people for what you call "cheating" by having widely available browser ActiveX plug-ins that refresh screens automatically at preset time intervals. Refreshing a screen isn't cheating. It isn't a "program" that buys things or plays a game. How rottenrottenrotten of you. ~[removed]

    Wow. Umm... where to begin? First, Neopets itself is a game. It's played by visiting a series of pages in a web browser. So, technically, having someone else (whether it's an automated program or a person) refresh pages for you means that they are playing a game for you, which you agree is cheating. But let's forget that for a minute and use your other example.

    What is the difference between using a program to outright buy an item, and using a program to help you click on that item and buy it before anyone else even sees it? Not much. Despite which of you actually did the final purchasing, the program is giving you an advantage no one else has, right? This is exactly what auto-refreshing programs do. If you can refresh a shop every two minutes using a program, that greatly increases your chances of getting an item. It's more precise than a human, and you can be off making Neopoints at Scarab 21 in another window while waiting for the shop to refresh. How is that fair? The same can be said about refreshing for avatars or Random Events, too. You are not doing the refreshing, so how can you say that you are the one earning the rewards?

    So basically, none of those people were "honest," despite what you (or they) claim. They broke the rules and were frozen for it. Everyone should start on equal footing on Neopets, and while we have no control over connection speed, we do have control over whether or not we allow third-party programs. How well you do on the site should be determined by skill (and a bit of luck, of course) and not by how well you can download programs and install them on your computer.

    By the way, a program being "widely available" does not make it okay to use. There are lots of things in the real world that are the same way. ;)


    Issue 278: Hi, I have sat for 8 to 10 minutes at the faerie furniture store and I can't get any items. I refresh the shop every time the minute changes, but still no luck. I would refresh it more often but it was said that that could freeze your account or something like that. I want to follow the rules and get stuff fairly, but I want to get the stuff too! What can I do? ~isithrade1

    You can refresh as often as you like! The only time you'd be frozen for refreshing is if you used a program to do it for you. Legitimate restockers need only worry about temporary "shop bans," which limit how much a single person can restock (it happens to every restocker). You will not get frozen for manually refreshing the page repeatedly. As for the eight minute thing, it's a rough time

    span. :) It can happen at six minutes or ten minutes, so you'll just have to keep a close eye on the shop. If you find you're not seeing
    anything at all for very long periods of time, it may be that you've reached that shop ban. It will clear on its own and you'll be able to
    restock again soon.

    Issue 323: After a lovely discussion about refreshing at the Advent Calendar for a Christmas paint brush, we all know that your have a fairly good chance of getting one if you explore around the Terror Mountain area. So I think it is wrong to solely sit at the Advent Calendar and do nothing but hit F5 waiting for a paint brush to fall into your lap. I don?t care about being wrong; I'd just rather be more informed on this topic. Please elaborate and clear this up. ~krystalsalerno

    We could have sworn that somewhere in another Editorial we said that refreshing solely for the purpose of gaining wealth through Random Events was a no-no. Also, to make sure people don't get the wrong impression, refreshing in Terror Mountain will not shower you with Christmas paint brushes. It's a fairly rare Random Event. {Note: The writer of this editorial was incorrect about past answers, and later editorials also contradict this answer. This is where my own hesitancy about refreshing came from, but now I'm less worried having seen that all other editorial answers contradict this one; see below.}

    Issue 361: Hello! I just bought a Cooty for my pet, and I am trying to get it to attach. Someone told me that I can just open a large number of tabs with my inventory in them, say 30, and then just (manually) use the "refresh all tabs" option in my browser until it attaches. I know that auto-refreshers are against the rules, but is refreshing multiple tabs at once bad? Thanks! ~tip_of_the_iceberg


    Ack, yeah, please avoid doing that for the safety of your account. Just refresh the old-fashioned way of pushing F5 or clicking the refresh button in a rational manner. :) {Sorry, this is part of the spoiler, and I've triple-checked and moved the spoiler tag, but it keeps messing up.}



    Issue 362: I'm trying to get the "Drackonack eats cheese" avatar, but my Drackonack refuses to eat the cheese! Is it lactose intolerant? ~loadingplzwait
    Just keep refreshing, and good luck to you! Unlike Neopets, Petpets aren't too picky about what they eat.

    Issue 378: Hey TNT, I've been hoping to get the Lab Ray Scientist as a Battledome challenger for months now and haven't had any luck. What are the odds of getting him as a challenger when you go to the Lab Ray page? Is it against the rules to refresh a few times in the hope of it happening? Could you remove my username if this gets published? Thanks. :) ~[username removed]

    You're welcome to give it a reasonable amount of refreshes. Just remember though, please no coffee mugs carefully balanced on your F5 key, automatic refreshers, or mass refreshing. Just tap tap tap. ;D

    Issue 379: On my side account, I've received a number of Random Events yielding some nice items (like codestones). Could I send them to my main account? I mean, you can't disable Random Events, since they just randomly pop up. It's not profit
    purposely made by the player. Please remove my username if this question is published, by the way. Thanks. :) ~[username removed]

    Yes, as long as you aren't attempting to abuse the system (refreshing for Random Events on multiple accounts/browsers) or anything

    like that, sending items you receive as Random Events to your main account is fine. :) {emphasis added}

    Issue 440: I recently saw someone post on the Neoboards that they found a Turmac Petpet at the Rubbish Dump! I LOVE those cute little Turmacs, and I was wondering if this was truly possible? It seemed as though it was, as the person had the items in their trades. I wanted to ask first, though, before I went completely loony refreshing and searching for a Turmy! BTW, I don't have cookies, but I have a lot of appreciation that should bring some warm fuzzy feelings! 0:) ~tipherz84

    Yep! They've been known to rummage around at the dump on rare occasion. Thankfully someone usually snatches them up before they make too big of a mess, though. Good luck on your search! :)
    Issue 521: People seem to be taking what was said in Editorial 446 (and any other Editorial that may be similar to it) as an okay to go ahead and refresh any page on the site just for the sake of refreshing in order to get Random Events. While I doubt that was actually your intention, would you mind clarifying again whether or not refreshing just to get Random Events that have nothing to do with avatars or Battledome challengers is allowed? ~esomera
    You're welcome to refresh the site where and however often you like, as long as YOU are PHYSICALLY doing the refreshing without the aid of your cat/mug/water bottle/robot butler sitting on the F5 key. So, if you want to sit at your computer pressing f5 for 6 hours straight, that's acceptable, though we wouldn't advise it for your own well-being. (Also, to clarify, using any "refresh all" browser functions and the like are also off limits. Again, you must refresh each page yourself or we consider it using an outside force to aid you.) [This one in particular seems to directly contradict issue 323.]

    Hi, TNT!!! Yay! You answered my question! *throws confetti* So, I had a friend of mine tell me that I can place an object over my F5 key to have continuous refreshing and maximize my chance of Random Events. This seems fishy to me. Can't you smell it? Can you please confirm that this is against the rules so that I can rub it in my friend's face? ~_ginganinja_

    Placing objects on your F5 key to refresh for you is considered cheating. Please don't attempt to abuse the system, as it may get your account frozen.

    *Note: I used JellyNeo's editorial database and searched for the word "refreshing." I then looked up issue 446 since it was specifically referenced but didn't show up in the search, though it was repetitive:


    Hey guys! First of all: thanks for creating the attic! My dream of having a Draik one day is now closer than ever. :D There have been, however, many discussions about whether using the F5 key to refresh the site is allowed. No one knows, but there are rumours that you can get frozen for that. There's no other way to refresh, though, since there is no shopkeeper! We're confused. ^^ Aaah! *running around in circles* Hugs! ~ oomagicwitchoo
    o___O That's a rather bizarre rumour. Using the F5 button to refresh is a perfectly fine thing to do. What you can't do is lay your cat or some other weight on the F5 button and refresh for Random Events. You need to push the button yourself.



    P.S. What does TNT have against cats? Dogs are way more likely to stay on the refresh key than a cat. The only way to get a cat to sit on it would be if the cat thought you didn't want it to sit there.

  8. For people stuck in the battledome (who are told they can't heal because they're in battle): Go to the "challenges" page of the BD and see if you're still in a fight. Sometimes it glitches. If you've still got HP, go ahead and complete the fight. If you can't re-enter because you lost all your HP, you can do 1 of 2 things:


    1) Withdraw from the fight by clicking the appropriate button on the challenge page.


    2) Try to gain some HP. You can't use the springs, but you might heal from Wheel of Knowledge (1/day), Wheel of Excitement (every 2 hours), TDMGPOP (1/day), or training HP (however long a training session takes you, from 2-24 hours).


    After you finish the battle, you'll be able to use the Healing Springs again. I once got stuck-stuck (each battle I withdrew from made another battle pop up, until I got worried about my win record with so many withdraws/losses against easy opponents) and submitted a bug report, and TNT fixed it for me -- but this was in the very early days of open beta. I think they've fixed that issue, but just in case, I thought I'd mention it.

  9. I think we'll have several more waves, not just one. We had more waves during TFR, and that was a plot. This is a war, with no puzzles (so far... a girl can dream, right?). I understand that for people who haven't trained much (and I was there in past events, I understand the frustration), this seems like a big jump, but when you look at the scale of training boosts, it's only an increase from 0.75 to 1.5 (up 3 boosts, or double the difficulty) and still very low on the scale of absolute difficulty. For those who have been training for years hoping for another war, they're still squishing bugs. It'd be rather disappointing for them if they never saw a challenging opponent. I think TNT's doing a decent job of trying to keep everyone engaged -- you can still "do your part" by losing, as demoralizing as that might be (if you're stuck doing this, make sure you go to the healing springs and both heal and buy a potion every half hour -- just compare SW to springs prices before buying to make sure you can't get it cheaper -- or buy the better potions at the springs and resell to fund buying cheaper potions for your pet). And even if you can't complete every wave, it's just motivation to train, buy better weapons, and practice battling before the next event. Everyone started at the beginning (unless you managed to adopt a well-trained pet, I suppose...).


    Regarding the timing, I think TNT has done a decent job addressing lag. I was annoyed this morning, too, but they're working on it constantly, and it improved relatively quickly. Knowing there will be lags and malfunctions, factoring in that players come from every timezone and that some will struggle in each wave to finish doing their part (while some will have limited computer time each day), I think the length of time per wave is reasonable. I especially like that they gave a head's up when the next one would start so people could plan in advance. (During ToW, the last activities hit during grad school finals for me; by the time I was ready to finish, it was over, with no real warning. Not TNT's fault, of course, but it was still frustrating to be in the middle of a task, submit it, and find out it was too late.) Part of the fun of events is not knowing what will happen next and trying to anticipate. I think TNT's doing a decent job balancing the desire for information with leaving room for surprises.

  10. You can only link to Neopets official fan sites, and you can get warned for trying to link to any other site. Spritzie's right, the best way is to embed the link into your petpage using HTML, and then link them to the petpage. Seems silly, but dem's da rules.

  11. PILFERS (0, 2, 5)

    LOAFING (0, 3, 4)

    MYSTERY (0, 2, 5)

    TERRORS (1, 1, 5)

    ORANGES (1, 2, 4)

    VARIANT (1,3,3)

    THAWING (1,3,3)

    TRIVIAL (1,2,4)

    TSUNAMI (7,0,0)


    Great job! I didn't think it'd be guessed so quickly.

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