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Posts posted by siniri

  1. PLATEAU (0,3,4)

    TAILORS (0,3,4)

    CHOICES (0,2,5)

    SPECIAL (1,1,5)

    SEVENTY (1,2,4)

    ETHICAL (1,2,4)

    SPATIAL (1,1,5)

    REMODEL (0,4,3)

    DREAMED (1,3,4)

    STUMPED (1,3,3)

    SERIOUS (0,4,3)

    ERUDITE (7,0,0)


    Awesome job! I didn't think anyone was close.

  2. I went to use the SW and had a pesky faerie stopping me -- the Battle Faerie, asking for an Orange Sloth Cake. I must have missed the RE, but at 2k for 9 stat increases, I'll take that kind of pest any day! Not quite as good as the 5 trainings I got for 10NP apiece thanks to SW-sniping, but 111NP/training is still amazing!

  3. Oh, I think everyone's expecting new artwork, trophies, and prizes. I expect a full-fledged prize shop with a well-rounded points system, though the "doing your part" bars has me a bit worried (sorry, I don't think you should be able to get full credit for losing, no matter how many times you do it -- you don't get full credit in plots if you can't solve your puzzles, and battling is just as much of a skill). If we all get the same thing, I'll be extremely disappointed, and the upper level battlers will feel betrayed.


    TNT specifically addressed the fact that we'd all get the same experience, regardless of what faction we chose, in the editorial, as much as I'd love Seeker-only puzzles. The Tyrannian map is rather old; I suspect we'll get a redrawn Tyrannia, with maybe one or two new things (maybe a new Obelisk daily, since there aren't enough dailies already)-- it'd be awesome if it was a whole new subsection, though!

  4. If you guys are really losing every single battle, is there any point in healing back to full health by battling the easier opponents? Why not just heal to a few, go get squished by the big guy, heal, get squished, etc.? It would save you half the battles. I know it can't be pleasant, but in previous plots/wars, losing didn't give you any credit. You guys have the opportunity to get max credit (if doing your part = max credit) and potentially qualify for the best prizes. All by doing 230 1-round battles. (Plus your faction is probably helped by having more people do their part, as well as by overall victories.) If you can't afford the cheapest healing potions, try to buy the more expensive ones at the healing springs every half hour; selling one should get you enough to buy 7-12 of the ones you need, and we do have ~3 days/wave. It's doable, unless you're really time-constrained.

  5. Well, it's a war, not a plot. They're different. It's been a long time since there was a war, and I didn't participate in site events until the Altador mini-plot (I missed out on LDP even though I was aware of it, and I got a paltry 1 point in the Meridell War because I knew nothing about training or the Battledome).


    My friend who participated in past wars said there's often a Big Bad to fight at the end, and it only makes sense that the power is 1) some evil, uncontrollabe being that was locked in there for a reason, or 2) guarded by a powerful guardian who's not going to just hand it over. I think there has to be a winner of the war, or else people will be disappointed that they worked so hard for their faction when the faction didn't matter.


    In past wars, there have been no puzzles. However, it's been a long time, and puzzlers always complained that there's considerable battling in plots but no puzzling in wars. So... maybe TNT will have something else planned. I really hope so, because this stage has gotten a bit tedious, and I'd be disappointed if there were only digging and battling. The symbols on the obelisk certainly lend themselves to the idea of a puzzle -- it'd be cool to have to unlock it (go Seekers!) before unleashing the Creature of Doom. But it had to be decorated somehow, so maybe I'm just getting my hopes up.


    Regarding who I think will win, I always battle based on a faction challenge, not doing any extras until I want to even things up at the end. I suspect the challenges may not be random, but may instead be based on who is currently in the lead, because in the earlier waves, my challenges were heavily skewed towards one or two factions (Brute Squad and Order, if I recall correctly), but they've slowly evened up. I suspected that those might be the factions in the "lead," but I could have just been an extreme outlier in the randomness distribution (extreme because in one round, I had 58 wins against the Brute Squad and less than 10 against the Awakened, and very few against the Thieves).


    I do think most of the big battlers probably gravitated towards either the Order or the Brute Squad, though a few might have chosen other factions based on personality (Thieves Guild and Seekers, specifically). I also suspect that the Awakening, Thieves Guild, and (to a lesser extent) Seekers and Order might have attracted more of the "this looks fun" people who've never battled before (and so who won't get as many points because they just won't have the time or be able to handle the bigger enemies). So if it's similar to the AC, where it doesn't matter how big a team is, but more how many wins per member, I think the Brute Squad may have an advantage. (Yes, they have the Princess Bride reference, but I think that will appeal to older players, who often have older accounts and know more about the site in general, and probably are better trained.)


    Of course I want to say the Seekers will win, and I'm doing my part to help them do so, but scholars aren't necessarily the best fighters, even if "wit is a weapon, [and] it's not nice to attack the unarmed." (Don't you just love the Professor?)

  6. This is what they said in the email;


    "You have received an official warning from the Neopets Team for violating the Neopets Terms and Conditions. Pet names, account names, shopkeeper names, chat signatures, or pet/user descriptions with profane, sexual, or other inappropriate content are not allowed.


    If you continue to break the rules, your account will be permanently frozen. To see a list of Neo Rules, please visit http://www.neopets.com/chatrules.phtml. Please do not reply to this NeoMessage."


    If "Johnson" really is slang for genitalia, then that sucks. It seems so random though; do they really have filters for obscure slang like that? Ugh Neopets :(

    Send in a ticket asking what's wrong with the name. It might at the very least get the warning taken off your account if a human being looks at it and realizes there is nothing inappropriate with that name (even if they won't restore your pet). TNT's filters need work; I've had issues because of words like "accumulation" and "killing" (in the context of prices, not people or even pets, though a BD context would make sense, too -- apparently "kill" is taboo but "murder" is okay).

  7. Thanks for the alert! He rolled over on my petpet. I got to try again, so I dumped cold water on him, but he still did not wake up. I wish I could use my battle pet if you can get stat boosts, but she has a (zapped) Island Candychan that matches her destined paint job (Island Mynci), and I don't want to risk it!

  8. Coltom's post reminded me of a poem/song from the early 19th century. Supposedly, the author's fiancée wrote to him while he was travelling abroad, to let him know that she had been scarred by smallpox, asking if he could still love her. His response was "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms."


    Physical attraction is important; it's actually based more on genetic diversity in immunological genes (which is important for survival of potential offspring) moreso than appearance. For me, someone's physical attractiveness changes considerably once I get to know them (it's changed in both directions). So personality (not intelligence specifically) influences physical beauty, at least for me. I suppose my answer is "both, but the former is dependent on the latter, so personality is much more important."

  9. Nope. If she didn't give them back in good faith after you had an agreement, you could report her, and that would be considered scamming (= frozen account for her), but you wouldn't get them back. But if you're friends, it should be okay. I lent a friend a GHS during TFR, and I also lent him my robe of thieving to try out or to get an avatar or something (can't remember exactly). I've even offered him my KBT and BoHD for an hour or two next wave if he needs it, but we've been friends for years, and I trust him. Just be careful.

  10. Each participant needs to decide how much they want to do. Some people have several hundred wins against each; that's too much for me. My 100 each could be too much for a lot of people (for me, the first three waves were single-round battles, and even the fourth wave is ~90% single-rounds). I spread the wins out over several days as I went along. I certainly wouldn't stay up all night battling.

  11. I think the bar = the cap for individual prizes (but not for the team), but it's just a guess, and I know I'd kick myself a lot more for not participating extra and losing out on fantabulous prizes than I would for doing "extra" that only counts for the team and not myself. So I'm trying to get some extras in, but I'm not going crazy (well, maybe some consider it crazy); so far I have 100+ mighty wins for each opponent in the first three waves, and I should get there for wave 4, eventually.

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