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Posts posted by siniri

  1. That's about where Apathy is, Xandria. Unfortunately I can't give you an exact value right now because I caught a disease from one of my dailies. *sigh* King Hagan made me laugh, though: "The easiest battle to win is one your enemy doesn't know about." Ha! No chance of that, but thanks for the advice, o wise one.

  2. Well, the Altador mini-plot wasn't a plot... it was a mini-plot. Same with AotA. Just like the KI thing last year wasn't a plot, either. My friend who participated in all the prior wars said that it usually ends with a big "surprise" boss battle when you think it's nearly over, and that's it... then you get the new world/whatever reveal. But the last war was so long ago, and TNT's allowed to change the "rules." So I'm trying not to be too hopeful, but the digging at the beginning was already a little different. Plus the teasers about going inside... but that could just mean a new daily for only those who completed everything (or not even a daily, just a one-time prize shop!).

  3. Yay green! Such a peaceful tranquil color. The background looks nicer than some NC backgrounds. I still need the avatar too!

    I just assumed it was NC from the picture, until I scrolled down and saw people wishing for it to come down in price. It's gorgeous.

  4. They did promise we could enter the obelisk soon... So I'm still hopeful. If this is all it is, I'd be a bit disappointed after all that hype (months of teasers). Especially since this is the first major event (major event = plot/war) since TFR. I expect there to be something once we're inside the obelisk itself, though I don't know if it will be puzzles. A lot of battlers would be miffed if there were suddenly puzzles thrown into a war, but as others have pointed out, battling is always included in plots.

  5. You fill the bar faster on mighty. He has fewer HP in the easier rounds, so I think TNT factors that into how much credit you get. I would suggest filling your bar on mighty (just to make sure you do; it's faster two ways: 1. you need fewer wins on mighty and 2. each battle takes less time on mighty), then play any extras on whatever difficulty is most fun for you. But if grinding them out on mighty is boring/frustrating, of course you could choose to battle them on an easier difficulty and take longer, if that's more fun for you -- after all, it is just a game, so it should be fun!


    That play-again button is really helping; he's down to 1.2M. Going to battle in 15 min. chunks today, I think. How many depends on how I'm feeling, though I'll be gone most of the day. I'm off to do my first one.

  6. You should have started hording last night!


    My two today were only in the 6500-7000 range, which is good because I am supposed to train Tiggie up to use a Heavy Robe of Thie.,.,

    I was too busy battling without my RFFR and KBT (I loaned them to friends, which meant it took more rounds per battle for me -- I didn't even make my goals for waves 4 and 5). Vux was at 9k this morning. It's okay, the BD will be back up soon enough, and then I can build my hoard. It's not like I need to rush to the next boost for this war; I have a feeling we're on the final-final stage for real.

  7. Well, we can still fill up our Doing Your part bars. I THINK the more damage you do the quicker your bar fills. I am not certain of this. It'll take more testing though.


    Back to battling! :D

    A Seeker poking my nosy head in to say that I thoroughly tested that theory, and it is not correct. Don't want anyone else wasting as much time as I did. (I'm pretty sure it helps the team kill him faster, but it does nothing for the individual bars. It's 300 losses on mighty, regardless of how much damage you do -- stealing Apathy's prismatic mirror and attacking him with it for over 3000 HP one battle did not give me any extra credit vs. me being lens-flared and one-rounded and not getting a single hit on him.)

  8. If you're not getting the first achievement and you have any kind of stealer (no matter how low the percentage), try to steal and survive first round. Eventually you'll succeed in getting one of their good weapons, and you can get more attacks in and hopefully unlock it, whatever the exact formula is. For Seekers, stealing the prismatic mirror works really well (not that you get to choose what you steal...).

  9. Frostfire, I just responded in the other thread, but since it's relevant to Seekers, I'll respond here -- yes, it happened to me. I think the fan is glitched (it's supposed to defend physical, but seems to act more like a TT, though not appearing in the log). It didn't work that way for me when I stole it, though. :(


    I think Apathy started out at 2M on difficult, though that's just a guess (TNT likes round numbers). It hasn't changed much since I started battling... 6 hours ago (I did take some breaks in there, but still... sheesh!), so I can imagine that in the first 5 hours, it only went down ~200k or so. I think each battle helps a bit; my suspicion would be that since it's easier to do more damage on easy, TNT has created a formula that equates it to the damage you would have done on difficult. I've noticed that when I go back in, his HP are often slightly higher than they were during the last round I beat him, though not as high as they were at the start of that round. So maybe each loss takes off a chunk of a certain size (the size being ridiculously small, and larger for difficult and smaller for easy). Or maybe it takes off everything but doesn't count your last round if you die.


    He used Positive Thinking and healed 86446 HP on me. Two rounds later, he used his JS and "healed," but it brought him back down to his beginning-of-that-battle HP. It's definitely funky.


    Good luck to those still battling. I finally filled my bar a little while ago; now I've got to get back to real life stuff.

  10. Yay! Finished doing my part! I might battle a little more later because Apathy still has 1733830 HP, and I want us to at least beat him, even if we can't be first. We might (probably?) only have today, since two of them have already been beaten. Don't worry, I can barely ding him, so I won't be taking anyone's chances to do their part.


    Frostfire, the fan is supposed to defend against physical, but that's not showing. Perhaps it's glitched and acting like a TT instead? (And just not showing in the log.) Too bad it didn't work like that for me when I stole it.


    (Okay, played 1 more and managed to steal the mirror; his final HP were 1730800. That means I managed to take off 3k HP! Of course that's barely a dent...)

  11. Yes, fight on mighty, because it fills your bar faster (300 vs. more than 300). Also, make each battle as short as possible, but also attack as much as possible while you're battling (to balance individual goal with team goal).


    Apathy's slowly getting knocked out; he's down to 1.78-something million now. I'm taking it in groups of 5, then taking mini-breaks, with longer breaks after every 25. I've got 34 more sets of 5 to go.

  12. I can confirm that your bar fills the same no matter how much damage you do to him, and it fills faster on hard than medium or "easy" (most misnamed "easy" I've ever seen). I wasted a ton of time trying to get the mirror and last, but honestly, in the long run, I can do just as much damage with full-attack mode, dying faster, and repeating, as I can trying to stay alive, and it fills my bar faster. I'm scared some elite is going to ruin it for the rest of us the way the Sway and Brute factions' elites did.


    P.S. I'm fighting Apathy on two fronts; my bar is only 1/4 full because I wasted too much time trying to really hurt him, erroneously thinking it was filling the bar faster. This is cruel, TNT; stop telling me to quit, that it doesn't matter! And stop trying to hypnotize me/make me fall asleep with the pajamas and soothing colors...

  13. Uggghhhh. How did you guys do this for 2-4 waves? The mind-numbing excess clicking is so much worse in the new BD.


    I can confirm that it doesn't matter how much HP you take from him, you get the same amount of bar filled up for the same difficulty level (so play on mighty and go out with all guns blazing -- don't be defensive). At first I thought that I had filled more bar by stealing the prismatic mirror and getting a lot more damage in, but I must have forgotten to refresh before that battle, so it only looked like I'd gotten double the XP. It simply wasn't true. It's sad, because it'd certainly make a lot more sense to get more credit if you take a larger chunk out of them, and I wasted a lot of time trying thinking that was the case.


    Now I'm battling Apathy on two fronts. Because I kept drawing out the battles, my bar's not even a quarter full yet, and I just don't wannnnnnnnnnna. I want to eat breakfast and do the actual work I had planned for today, but I'm scared some elite is taking him down in secret and he'll go poof.


    A small consolation for those who couldn't meet their opponent: I suspect the ones who beat him didn't fill up their bars, either, if they needed 45 victories like the last few waves. Hopefully TNT won't count it against you. Haven't they learned by now that 1) Timezones and 2) EVERYONE is beatable by somebody?

  14. I just had a good run on mighty. I used Shh + Downsize! + heavy robes of thievery and stole his prismatic mirror. Then I used my BoHD + mirror + static cling, followed by RFFR + mirror + static cling, followed by 3 rounds of KBT + mirror + static cling. The mirror alone was dealing him 200-500 damage, which was awesome. Going to just keep trying to steal his good stuff (though he sadly has a lot of junk, and he can kill me in one hit on mighty, so even jade scorchstone doesn't help much).


    The bar seems to fill faster on mighty, so I'll fill it first, then try to take more HP on the easier levels (assuming it works that way? I don't know if it's better to lose faster on mighty or draw the battle out longer on an easier level, which would let me deal more damage Does anyone know?).

  15. CONFUSION (3,0,6)

    OBFUSCATE (0,4,5)

    EXTREMELY (1,1,7)

    EAGERNESS (1,1,7)

    EARPHONES (1,2,6)

    OVERBOARD (0,3,6)

    PHONETICS (1,3,5)

    SOMUCHNOP (1,1,5)

    EDUCATION (4,1,4)

    ELEVATION (4,2,3)

    BATTALION (9,0,0)


    Congrats! Sorry, was away from my computer all day and couldn't check in. I got stuck on "battle" from elbandito's signature, but I thought that was a little too obvious, so I switched to the first word that popped into my head, then realized it was a little long, but by then I had some guesses, so I went with it. Sorry! Hope the challenge was fun.

  16. CONFUSION (3,0,6)

    OBFUSCATE (0,4,5)

    EXTREMELY (1,1,7)

    EAGERNESS (1,1,7)

    EARPHONES (1,2,6)

    OVERBOARD (0,3,6)

    PHONETICS (1,3,5)

    SOMUCHNOP (1,1,5)

    EDUCATION (4,1,4)


    A small hint if you'd like it (if you wouldn't, just don't open the spoiler) -- it's the same one as before, for convenience, and it's still true:

    All but 3 of the letters in the final word have been guessed at least once, and 2 of those not yet guessed are doubles of ones that have already been guessed.

    A more specific hint regarding multiples of any letters:

    There are only 2 letters that occur more than once.

  17. I've started hoarding my codestones to sell during the next event already. Reds have risen pretty dramatically over the past few days. Earlier today, I was trying to buy a cui for training, and the 2 at 5700, the 2 at 6000, and the 1 at 6125 were all snagged before their shops loaded.


    I know I haven't gotten any from battling lately (maybe that's just my bad luck, but I've heard others say the same), and I know a lot of people trained quickly with items, so demand might have increased a bit as well. Give me my Koi Warrior back, TNT. I was going to try to build a mini-stock of them today, but competing against snipers (possibly autobuyers?) is no fun.

  18. CONFUSION (3,0,6)

    OBFUSCATE (0,4,5)

    EXTREMELY (1,1,7)

    EAGERNESS (1,1,7)

    EARPHONES (1,2,6)

    OVERBOARD (0,3,6)

    PHONETICS (1,3,5)

    SOMUCHNOP (1,1,5)


    A small hint if you'd like it (if you wouldn't, just don't open the spoiler):


    All but 3 of the letters in the final word have been guessed at least once, and 2 of those not yet guessed are doubles of ones that have already been guessed.


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