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Posts posted by siniri

  1. I already have two of my dreamies: a Pirate Ixi and a male Royalgirl Flotsam. My battle pet will eventually become an Island Mynci, but that has to wait until she reaches the max training boosts because I'm saving money and time zapping her. My newest will eventually become a Maraquan Shoyru to round out my beach-themed account.

  2. Make sure you check your junk mail folder, too. Maybe add @neopets.com to your "safe list." And maybe try accessing your old e-mail account(s), if possible.

  3. Count Von Roo appears in a puff of smoke and bites PET on the neck! Ouch!


    I've never gotten that one before. Took HP all the way down to 0. I'm thankful my current faction challenge is not timed. And that I only have 4 minutes until my next visit to the springs. Ah, well, may as well go get blasted by Snowie, too.

    Having never gotten that RE ever before in over 11 years of playing, I either got it again or another one that takes away 100% of HP. I didn't see it because I was refreshing for another faction challenge. Imagine my surprise when I tried to enter the battle and had no HP to fight! Thankfully, healing springs came through.

  4. Count Von Roo appears in a puff of smoke and bites PET on the neck! Ouch!


    I've never gotten that one before. Took HP all the way down to 0. I'm thankful my current faction challenge is not timed. And that I only have 4 minutes until my next visit to the springs. Ah, well, may as well go get blasted by Snowie, too.


    ETA: Yep, blasted! Can't take away HP from 0, so take that, Snowie!

  5. Lady Lyuba, I get that sometimes. I've started paying attention to my NP, and I noticed that it did actually deduct the NP for the play, and I still get prizes. It's a weird glitch. I sent in a ticket about it already; they're working on it.



    ETA 3/11: Neopets is completely blank for me. The page source has nothing. Not good.

  6. Is there a way to offer suggestions on beating the challengers? I know a lot of people have been training Throw Pillows to get a discount on Lens Flare, but I trained Shhh! instead (because my random faeries gave me a lot of earth blessings), and I found it really helpful to circumvent the Lens Flare used by most of these guys. It's an option for those who can't afford Lens Flare yet, or for those of us who can finish them off in one round (it lets you battle nearly twice as much in the same amount of time if you don't have to do a second round because they blocked your attack).

  7. Exactly, coltom. For this wave, it keeps them from using lens flare, ensuring that I can finish the battle in 1 round. It just means I can grind out ~2x as many battles in the same amount of time. I could see it being useful in 2p: if your opponent thought they were disabling your weapons they wouldn't defend, and you could bomb them (I only do 1p, so I'm not the best at figuring out 2p strategy though).


    I plan to get Warlock's Rage instead of (before?) Lens Flare (unless I desperately need that extra "freeze" in a later wave and don't have enough blessings yet), because I'm really liking Shhh! I guess I'm an abilities renegade; I'm not getting Icicle either because I have KBT and don't want to be so dependent on water. I'm still debating between Sear (4 fire for 2 rounds + 1 round cooldown, but my YB already deals 5 fire) and Irritable Minions (8 dark in the next round but 10-round cooldown -- I don't have any dark in my set, and given my 13 str boost, it would be an extra 104 points the round I used it). I like my battles to end in 3-4 rounds max, anyway, but I don't know how blockable (or reflectable) fire and dark are in 1p (hopefully none of them get their hands on RotL or HCC).

  8. My friend told me that stealers were disabled in previous wars/plots. I just tried my heavy robe of thieving, and like yours, it said I stole something, but nothing showed up. I think they're disabled. You may as well put it in your SDB for now and use the slot for something that will actually work in battle.

  9. I get this sometimes at the end of battle, where I don't get the closing screen and have to take an extra turn.


    I got Shhh! instead of the air-based one, hoping to get lens flare half off. But I'm liking what Shhh! does too much, and I don't need lens flare myself right now (these guys take less than 10% of my HP, and I can kill them in one turn if they don't use lens flare on me). If you've got earth faerie blessings to spare and you can't handle losing a turn to lens flare, you might want to try Shhh! You can always upgrade it to lens flare (saving the 7 light blessings), but it's handy in the mean time.


    ETA: I just got it at the beginning of a battle, while using Shh! The Shhh! worked but my KBT didn't attack, even though I selected it.

  10. Pretty much, yeah. You can sometimes find them on the money tree, but I don't think anyone's dumb enough to discard them now. Or maybe check the TP to see if anyone still has some in a "packrat" junk trade. I feel a little bad that I've sold healing potions for 5k, 3k, and 2.5k, but someone was willing to pay that much, so... *shrugs*


    Between wars, I stockpile all the ones I get for free at the springs, and then I sell (reserving just a few for myself).

  11. In previous plots, draws and losses counted towards your score (at the very least, draws did, anyway -- each draw was worth half a win). I believe the doing your part bar is a measure of your score, so it would seem losses count positively (they've never counted negatively, at least not in recent Neopets history). In the Meridell War, I got a single point. I didn't know there were Neopets fan sites and I was leery of the Neoboards, so I'm sure I had a lot of losses before earning that point (which I suspect was actually from draws).


    I'm looking at my current BD record. My current WLD (score) is 2036-32-9 (429,618) (on the main BD page). The stats at the bottom of my "records" page are 1307-32-8 (320,493). So yes, the war battles are incorporated into your overall battledome record. (This was the case with the old BD, too -- I had a ton of wins and basically never battled outside of plots/DON/avatars; they mostly came from the plots.)


    I also noticed that each challenger has a score in addition to the WLD. My current record against the Snowager is 9-10-2, but the score is 6184 (all on the "easiest" difficulty), so it looks like they have a positive effect. If other people who've only battled the Snowager on easy want to share their records, we might be able to deduce the scoring system (at least for him). We'd only need 3 (assuming they're different from mine, of course).


    ETA: Actually, there's a bit of wonkiness with the stats. My battling WLD is 723-1-1. Add that to my records, and you get 2030-33-9. I've had a few wins that disappeared from my battling page, but they still seem to have counted in my overall BD score, but for some reason my loss didn't count in my overall BD score (it's the one I got for the achievement). My score from the war is 109,125 so far. If you're worried, just compare your score on the main BD page before and after a loss and a draw.

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