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Posts posted by siniri

  1. I'm allergic to both (specifically, the caramel coloring in both, other dark sodas, and even some other drinks, sauces, and foods). My high school cross country coach wouldn't let us drink soda, and I lost my taste for it. I'll have it a few times a year, but I prefer milk, water, lemonade, etc. (Except Club Lemon. That stuff is AMAZING. I'm glad they don't sell it here, except occasionally at Irish dance competitions if someone smuggles a case on the plane.)

  2. Hmm, actually, I bet this'll be the last general wave since they have a 'defeat all challengers' achievement in place.


    Wouldn't surprise me for a boss to appear though, maybe from the obelisk itself which has been 'waiting patiently' this whole time? Hah, maybe it's a transformer!


    And oy! Explorers! Is that thing even Battledome-legal? Looks way too modified to be squeaking in under the law. :P

    Aww, I really hope you're wrong because there's another cask. I want at least one more wave. Plus a boss.


    And you guys are really cruel. Any screenies of the awesomeness anywhere for those of us who don't get to see it? Pretty please?

  3. - is it worth the money? I'm barely over 2 mil now so that would be major set-back np-wise.

    Absolutely, depending on what you're using it for. I use it to supplement training, and it will pay for itself in under a year in stats alone (net, even factoring in the occasional losses). It seems like the big losses in level happen mostly to lower-level pets (below 40), so you may want to train a pet above that before using it. More important than saving money, it saves considerable time in training, so that you can be more prepared for the next plot/war. I've saved millions of NP off the cost of training (I calculated that I'd save over 6M by the time I got to the Secret Ninja Training School, and I started at ~2-4 codestones in the training school -- I'm now on the second level of SNTS training), and I'm probably 1-2 years ahead of where I'd be if I didn't zap, with ~3-4 years of zapping.


    Other things you can get from it: avatars (if you get lucky and get an avatar pet -- this has only happened to me once or twice, though, in years of zapping; but I think there's also a lab-ray avatar), the Lab Ray Scientist as a BD challenger (she can change your pet's gender -- I say "she" because I stole her weapon that did this and used it on her once, and she was zapped from female to male -- this allowed me to paint my boy Flotsam Royalgirl, which has much nicer clothes and coloring than Royalboy, in my opinion, and then change him back to a boy. I can't remember if the Lab Ray Scientist is part of DoN or not), and clothing for your other pets (this is more common: I've gotten disco and Halloween Mynci for when I stop zapping my battlepet and change her into an Island Mynci, and Zombie and Christmas Flotsam; and then loads and loads of clothes for other species that I don't have: Island Bori, Peophin, and Chia; Halloween Korbat; Baby Aisha dummy; Aisha collars; Bruce bowties; Robot Bori, Uni, Tuskaninny, Hissi, and Cybunny; Snow Chia; Disco Lutari -- so yes, four useful sets of clothes over years of zapping, but I already have the species and paint job picked out for all my pets -- if you were more flexible, you could use more of the clothes).


    - what are the most common changes? Do the pets mostly just change colours and up- or degrade in stats, or are there a lot of species-changes aswell?

    It's most often stat changes; the net effective is very positive on HP, moderately positive on strength and movement, and slightly negative on defense and level (these are more than offset by the gains in the other stats, and it's very easy to keep a pet balanced if you train as well as zap). If I get a species change, it seems to always also come with a color change as well, but I do get color changes alone, as well. My pet has changed color twice since the plot began; I think the average is at least once a month (probably more like once every two weeks or even once a week), though it's not regularly spaced -- I've gone months without one, and I've also had one a day for over a week at a time. The species changes slightly less often; maybe after every 2-3 color changes? I know a lot of people track every single zap, but I don't know where (some do on their petpages, and apparently SN has a tracker); looking at their records would give you a better sense of frequency.


    - would it be better to get a side-account and move the pets I want to zap over?

    Probably not? If you collect avatars, battle the Scientist, or get clothes for your other pets, wouldn't you want those on your main? You can always transfer a pet to another account if it has pb clothes for a species on that account, then strip it and send it back before zapping it a new color. I wonder why would you want to move them to a side account; I can't come up with any advantage to having it on a side (unless you want the petpet lab for pets already on your side, or have all the pets as you like them on your main already, but you asked specifically about moving pets from the main to a side just to zap -- and my answer to that is that I can see no advantages but several disadvantages).


    Should I just try to get each piece seperate then?

    Absolutely: if you have the time, you can save a bundle. Plus you can have mini-goals, saving for one piece at a time, so it's not so overwhelming. I waited until I had most of the pieces, and then bought the last few. There's a trick for searching SW for them -- hover over a shop, and notice that the item ID changes based on the piece. So when you're refreshing, only record prices for the pieces you actually need (and try to price-check all -- or at least most -- of the letter groups for each piece if you can because prices can vary widely). You can also rarely win them from KQ.

  4. Apparently JN found 5 casks, and we've already seen 4 of them. I hope there's something after the fifth wave, maybe the Monster of the Obelisk... Because I'm still killing these guys in 1 round (90+% of the time) with minimal damage to myself on mighty. Even if they double in difficulty next round, I think I'll still be able to beat them on mighty (at least most of the time, maybe with a few draws). Unless I feel challenged, I won't feel incentivized to train or upgrade my set anymore, and I feel bad for the top-tier battlers who aren't getting challenged in their first war in a decade.


    I wish I could see the Seeker challenger(s), too. I got my stats up to 100 each for the first 3 rounds, except I accidentally went over on round 1 for 1 of them, and for round 3 because of faction challenges, so I'll be bumping them up to 125 each (unless I mess up again...). I should do more, but I just don't have the time (well, I obviously have the same amount of time as everyone else, but I have other things I need to do).

  5. Lesser Healing Scroll for defeating all opponents once


    I lol'd fighting against the Seeker... It shouldn't be allowed to bring a inventive creation in the Battledome XD


    And the Brute opponent is epic :O

    Aww, I can't see him because he's on my team! Yay for him being inventive and creative, though.

  6. Also, level up to 50 and get the faerie ability Lens Flare, or another faerie ability that counteracts Lens Flare. (I've heard there's one out there, but I don't remember the specific one right now.) I anticipate Lens Flare being a staple in 2-P, so you should manage it by either disabling it somehow.

    It's Shhhhhh, 15 earth faeries. And you could always still get Warlock's Rage, which right now is identical to Lens Flare.

  7. TRANCE (1,0,5)

    SNAKES (0,1,5)

    SOIREE (1,1,4)

    BLONDE (1,2,3)

    ERISIM (0,1,5) {wow, I never noticed that extra "i" in the name before; my eye glossed right over it because "ism" is such a common ending}

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