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Posts posted by siniri

  1. It's weird; mine is bolded again, but earlier (when someone said Tarla was on her way out), I got the message that I could only receive 1 item per day. I know that I've received an "on the way out" prize and a "real" prize on the same day before, so maybe you just can't get more than one of either types of prizes.

  2. You're on the right track.


    Line the coins up in a row; to keep track of which is which, we'll label them 1 to 12, left to right.

    1) Balance 1 through 4 vs. 5 through 8. There are 3 possible outcomes:

    • 1) 1 through 4 are heavier.
    • 2) 1 through 4 are lighter.
    • 3) 1 through 4 weigh exactly the same as 5 through 8.

    Here's the solution for the third outcome; I'll let someone else work out the second and third weighings for the first two scenarios, which are a bit trickier:


    Since 1 through 8 all weigh the same, you know that the counterfeit coin is one of 9, 10, 11, or 12. You still don't know if it's heavier or lighter than the rest, but you can try to find out!

    2) Balance 9 and 10 vs. 1 and 2 (really, you can balance it against any 2 of the 8 you know are normal). Again, there are 3 possible outcomes:

    • 1) 9 and 10 are heavier than 1 and 2. Now you know that the counterfeit is heavier, and that it's either 9 or 10. For your third weighing, you can weigh either 9 or 10 against any normal coin (1-8, 11-12); if it's heavier, then the one you weighed is the counterfeit, but if it's not, then the one you didn't weigh is the counterfeit. Alternatively, you could weigh 9 vs. 10, and the heavier one would be the counterfeit.
    • 2) 9 and 10 are lighter than 1 and 2. Now you know that the counterfeit is lighter, and that it's either 9 or 10. The solution is very similar to that of outcome 1: For your third weighing, you can weigh either 9 or 10 against any normal coin (1-8, 11-12); if it's lighter, then the one you weighed is the counterfeit, but if it's not, then the one you didn't weigh is the counterfeit. Alternatively, you could weigh 9 vs. 10, and the lighter one would be the counterfeit.
    • 3) 9 and 10 weigh exactly the same as 1 and 2. Now you know that the counterfeit is 11 or 12, but you don't know if it's heavier or lighter! Oh no! Fortunately, you aren't required to confirm whether the counterfeit is heavier or lighter, just to identify it. For the third weighing, weigh 11 or 12 vs. any of the normal coins (1-10). If the scale is imbalanced, you know that the one you weighed is the counterfeit (and you'll be able to confirm whether it is heavier or lighter). If the scale is balanced, you'll know that the counterfeit is the one you did not weigh, but you won't know if it's heavier or lighter.



    In the first two outcomes, you've only narrowed down the counterfeit to one of 1-8, so it's a bit trickier to identify which one in only 2 additional weighings, but I promise it can be done. I'll leave it to someone else to figure it out, then post the solution if no one else does by tomorrow. (I have to re-figure it out myself, but it's easier the second time around.)


  3. Have you checked the ticket system to see the status of your ticket? Click on "help" at the bottom of any Neopets page, then choose "My Support" at the top. You'll see a list of tickets and their status, which will be one of the following:


    Open Ticket has not been addressed yet. Work In Progress Ticket has been assigned to a technician and is in process. Need More Info We require additional information in order to solve your issue. Reopened The ticket requires a revision for the solution posted. Solution Suggested A solution has been suggested for your issue. Closed This ticket has been closed.
  4. Yep, but then it would be an easy puzzle, not a hard puzzle!


    Here's a hint to get you started; it tells you what the first weighing must be, but that's it.


    Divide the coins in 3 groups of 4; weigh one set of 4 against another set of 4.


  5. Put 6 coins on each side of the balance. One side will be heavier. Remove the lighter side. Put 3 coins from the heavier set on each side, again remove the lighter side. Pick 2 of the remaining 3 coins at random and weigh them again. If one coin is heavier, there you go. If they are equal, the last coin is heavier.

    (Things I learned as a child from "Cyberchase".)

    Incorrect. You don't know if the coin in question is heavier or lighter; you just know it's different. If the coin is lighter, you'll run out of scale usage.

  6. My favorite riddle is what is the difference between a boxer and a young lady?


    It is a terrible and inappropriate answer.


    One boxes in a ring, while the other has rings in a box?


    I'm assuming that's not the answer you were going for since it wasn't that inappropriate.

  7. Uhoh, time for me to stockpile reds before all the regular trainers figure this out!


    You can indeed win reds from Tombola, KQ, etc.; they're just much rarer. I think there are just so many more people training with regulars, and it's only very recently that it became cheaper to train with reds. When I started with reds less than a year ago, the price was a bit more than 8 regulars, on average.

  8. There are two ways:

    1) Click on the third icon from the left on the top row (the one directly to the left of the font box), then choose "spoiler" from the dropdown box.

    2) Type "[ spoiler ]" before the spoiler text (remove the spaces and quotation marks so the code will work), then "[ /spoiler ]" (again, remove spaces and quotation marks) directly after the spoiler text.


    Your solution is not correct because you don't know if the coin that's different is lighter or heavier -- you just know it's different somehow.

  9. Prizes used to take weeks. Now it's usually just a day or a few. Patience, grasshoppers. With a 6-way competition, I'd rather have TNT make sure it's fair with a good spread in points, and confirm that nothing is glitching. (I never did receive my proper prize for MegaSuperb in the second(?) Daily Dare competition; TNT never fixed it when the prizes glitched; eventually they sent us "participant medals," which was a slap in the face since we beat AAA in every single competition, but regular bug reports on that glitch got a "we're working on it" for years, until the last one said "too late, we're just not gonna fix that." So yeah, I'd rather wait and make sure something like that doesn't happen again. I still get a sick feeling every time I see that "participant medal" in my SDB.)

  10. I've seen the message appear after I'd seen the bolded one several times. I think it's "Tarla is busy with other chores today." I've also seen it still be the bolded message after other people have gotten drops, so I think maybe there are a certain number of drops per day (ranging from 0 to a few?), and the busy message appears after the last drop.


    Oh, wow!

    "Lucky you.
    Tarla dropped a few things on her way out.
    Alien Aisha Myriad Stamp"


    Thanks for bumping this topic!

  11. I got regular prizes, and all my regular challengers are still there (I don't think I've had the Neggbreaker since the Festival of Neggs ended). Regarding the getting pulled back into a boss fight, sometimes the BD glitches and thinks you're still in a battle when you're not (you'll get a message at the healing springs when this is the case). It sometimes pulls you back into the fight once you try to start battling someone else. (You can check whether you're stuck by going to the "challenges" page in the BD.) Did you win the battle? I was fighting when Apathy was defeated, and I got a win when his HP suddenly plummeted to 0 (getting NP, a General Crustygums, and the BD points for the victory). I hope you got a free win from the glitch (and not another loss).

  12. My guess was also

    "tomorrow" or "the future"



    Here's one that I was very proud to solve:


    You're captured by a weird group of people for trespassing on their land. They've got a dilemma, and they'll let you go if you solve it for them; otherwise, you'll be their captor for who knows how long. They received 12 coins identical in appearance, except that one of the coins is either heavier or lighter than the others (but they don't know which). Along with the coins, they received a simple balance, but it can only be used exactly three times before it breaks. You must figure out a foolproof way to determine which coin is different from the others in only three weighings.

  13. Maybe because "teddy" is a type of lingerie? I've gotten stuck on "accumulated" before. And "kill" (though "murder" is fine) -- I was referencing making a killing in my shop, not the deaths of people or even Neopets (though seriously, on NQ or in the BD, I sometimes say I "killed" someone instead of "defeated"). Other websites have much smarter filters; it's time TNT joined the 21st century.


    Another thought: technically, if the name is copyrighted, it would be a violation of the ToS. Usually they don't enforce that, but if they received a Cease & Desist from the copyright holder, they would have to comply, which would mean freezing (and eventually deleting) the account since they won't change account names. Or maybe, because of the craziness of copyright lawsuits recently, they've gotten stricter with new accounts -- as they change the ToS over the years, some account names have been grandfathered in that violate the new ToS but didn't at the time of creation (because that wouldn't be fair), but since it's a new account, they'd enforce the current ToS, which definitely mention copyright infringement. This might fall under "fair use," and a google search for "Ashley Cochran" told me nothing about the book, so I would think the author would want someone to advertise a bit for them! (By the way, what is the book? Just curious.)


    Anyway, keep checking on the tickets/e-mails, asking why it was frozen and re-iterating that this is not your own name. (Don't even mention the copyright thing, since you don't want to give TNT any ideas...), but as Spritzie said, don't duplicate tickets. (In general, the ticket system is the way to get help, so just keep checking the status.) I hope TNT at least gives you an explanation.

  14. I'd say Pirate Ixi. The Pirate PB is cheapest at 'only' 600k, plus the baby Ixi is adorable. :yes:

    Don't tell me that! I paid 12M for my pirate pb. I'd rather not know the price is now 5% of what I paid for it. :( And noooooo. I don't want a baby pet, especially my oldest and first pet! That would just be wrong (it took my friends months and months to convince me to paint any of my pets anything, and pirate was closest to her original blue). Plus I have this weird issue with wanting pets to be anatomically feasible (it's why I don't like Peophins, because my scientific brain sees them trying to drag their big bodies along the beach using their fragile horse legs, and their legs are just not designed for water), and that poor baby Ixi would be face-planted on its gigantic head with its itty-bitty legs kicking helplessly in the air. So no thank you, Boochi. Keep your stupid zappy thing away from my pets, thank you very much.

  15. hmmmm i never knew that.thanks! i didnt realize that all a robot pet was were its clothes tho either....kind of an expensive get up.

    Nah, they have robot inner-casings under the outer-casings. When you remove them and dress them in other clothes, they still look "robot," just with more wires and lights visible. They can be pretty cool. Check out Dress to Impress, and you can see what the robot pets look like with and without the outer casing.


    When you dress a non-robot pet in robot casing, the eyes can still give them away, depending on the pet (see, for example, robot clothes on a regular Flotsam).

  16. The message came up for me when I went to the Mysterious Outskirts page, following the link in the News. What happens is: The page loads, complete with Prof. Lambert and his quote, but then an alert box comes up on top of it with that message, and a link at the bottom saying "Survey the Scene". Clicking the link (or clicking the X in the corner) just makes the alert go away and lets you look at the Mysterious Outskirts as usual, with all the Fight buttons grayed out.

    Ah. Since it was a pop-up, I checked my NoScript and saw it was blocking something that hasn't been permanently blocked or allowed yet. The pop-up comes from zencdn.net. Weird, TNT. Very weird. Thanks for the info, though.


    Wouldn't it be funny (in a terrible, not-funny way) if the Obelisk simply led to another Nick games site?

  17. You can discard junk items before your basket fills to increase your chance of getting better items (just pay attention to your number of clicks so you don't get kicked out before you fill it). But in the long run, most of the berries are so cheap it's still not worth the cost. The only day I go is St. Patrick's Day, to collect shamrocks. Er, Illusen Day/clovers. I sold a 4-leaf clover from last year for 70k (and a 5-leaf clover for several k) a few days ago, so yeah, it was worth it. The 3-leaf clovers don't sell for very much, though. All I got was 3 3-leaf clovers this year, so I likely lost money this year. I tend to sell them in the lead-up to the next St. Patrick's Day, when people are shopping for them but there aren't a lot around in the shops.

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