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Posts posted by siniri

  1. Boochi. He got my pet once, though I always keep my labbed pet active, so it wasn't a huge deal. Still, a fierce fighter does not look good as a baby! And eventually, all 4 of my pets will be painted to match my gallery's beach theme: male Royalgirl Flotsam, Pirate Ixi (I already have these first two), Maraquan Shoyru, and Island Mynci. Which of those am I supposed to risk?

  2. Unfortunately they seem to process account freezings in batches, and I know it's taken most people a month (at least) to get theirs back. Have you made sure you get e-mail updates regarding the ticket? Or logged in to see what the current status is? (You can see if TNT has even read the thing, or if they've closed it without comment... which they shouldn't have done, but it at least lets you know where in the process it is. Go to "help" and then click on "My support" to view your tickets.) I hope you get the account back soon. Just keep trying. TNT's customer service is notoriously bad regarding things like freezings; they've gotten better for a lot of other things, but I guess it takes more manpower to review and reactivate accounts, and it seems like they're always backlogged (thanks to them being in constant battle with cheaters, who waste time appealing legitimate freezings, and hackers who steal accounts, which need to be returned to their rightful owners). Since you're at that 1-month mark, hopefully you'll hear soon!

  3. Nah, I filled all my bars and got all my achievements, and I didn't get a message. Some were saying it's on their Mysterious Outskirts page, but I've cleared my cache, restarted the computer (incidentally, due to a security update), etc., and Professor Lambert is still goading the Seekers on in battle, despite that we have a nice "defeated" stamp and all the fights are grayed out.

  4. The battling is over. We may not be doing anything, but TNT is calculating scores, etc. They need to make sure there's a good spread. And since everyone had a chance to win, they need to finalize the ending (or next step) to reflect the results.

  5. I suspect the faction part might be over (or maybe even the whole thing), so TNT has to tally scores and such. They've got plenty to do, even if we've got nothing. Plus yesterday was Sunday, so they may not have wanted to update while no one was in the office. I'm sure they'll communicate with us in the news. Here's hoping it's a hint that there's more to come (though I doubt it -- trying to keep my hopes low so I don't get myself disappointed).

  6. All 6 are defeated, right? Maybe it'll update tonight. I had two dreams about it tonight; one was that the obelisk was just a prize shop, but there was a catch -- you had to "discard" NP and/or items to get the prizes. I don't think that'll actually happen...


    The other was that someone found the war tally page accidentally, and it revealed that we still had several other events left -- a puzzle step, then more battling... and actually there were 3-4 sets of that. Obviously that would make the event too long for TNT. They've already moved DD, and we're closing in on the AC (I do hope we have stuff to do until AC starts).


    I don't think either dream will happen. But I hope this obelisk is worth it. Maybe its power will change Tyrannia, creating the new map. Another event we didn't get this year was the free quest/day (though I suspect TNT made that a NC-only event with the cookies), so maybe the faeries will help.

  7. Balance, you should write for TNT! That was amazing. Maybe expand it a bit into a story for the Neopian Times?


    *wipes tear* So proud of the Seekers right now. For truth! And hieroglyphics! And group hugs!


    I just checked out my BD total, and I'm fairly certain the "win" against Apathy counted towards my score; my total was 770-something thousand, and now it's over 781k. I fought 1800 times in the old BD, and I'm already over double that in the new one -- with over 2300 of those coming from this war! Come on, puzzles. Or something fun.

  8. Did Apathy just fall? I got the new achievement Float and was trying it out. Even though it didn't show in the log, Apathy did 408 damage to me, but the top showed I was at full HP. Next round, I used Shade but was possibly frozen because my attack weapons didn't work. Apathy healed w/ JS and used burrow, and my Shade went through, so we both lost 0 HP. Then the win message popped up:


    For besting your opponent and proving your might in battle, you have earned the following rewards:

    300 Neopoints blacktradingcardback.gif
    General Crustygums

    Your wares can be admired in your inventory.


    I'll take the win! :D Even though I wasn't the one who earned it...


    EDIT: Yep, Apathy is GONE! Yay, Seekers! Now to elbow those ruffians out of the way so we can examine that obelisk. After all, we're the only ones who could possibly understand it. ;)



    Yes, but I have to stop and refresh on the turn right after stealing. Only the Jade Stone and Sword of Water are that useful, but then I have two pretty good weapons.


    Also, at some time between 2 and 3 EST there will be a small window when people will be able to beat Apathy. Since I have W Rage and Lens Flare I can sometimes get multiple hits against him, so I might have a 1/2 hour window. Should I stay up?

    The Prismatic Mirror is awesome since it reflects damage, both protecting you and attacking Apathy. And some of the others would be better than people might have in a beginner/intermediate set.


    He's fading fast, so try to lose as fast as possible on mighty if you're filling your bar still. Supposedly the thieves are already done. I'd just keep an eye out. I hope I'll be around when he gets down to a few thousand, but I suspect someone stronger than me will finish him off before he's weak enough for me to try. Plus, I've gotta get my jig on today! If he's defeated while I'm still out, ah well. I had a good run.

  10. Great. I now have all of 16 minutes to come up with a Red Kacheek Morphing Potion if I want the Illusen avatar. Fantastic. So far, it looks like the only place I might find one is the Trading Post, and that's never taken less than a day in my experience. *sigh*


    I don't suppose anyone out there has one they'd be willing to part with in the extremely near future?


    Edit: Time's up. Nevermind.


    Really not fair that she would ask for an item that doesn't exist anywhere in Neopia on the one day that can net an avatar.

    I thought you could try every 12 hours? If so, you should be able to get another one done today, and at least now you'll get an easier quest. Sorry that happened to you. :( I was asked for an accidentally unreleased item one quest before I would have gotten a honey potion. I know how it feels.

  11. I don't think that it's timed; I think it's dependent on a certain number of wins before his HP are reduced. At one point yesterday (when there was a lot of lag), it reduced on every fight. Now it seems to reduce every other battle for me (though there was a big jump at one point when I had a longer battle and got a lot of hits on him). Plus his HP didn't reduce as fast overnight (when presumably fewer people were battling) as it did in even a couple of hours yesterday.


    Even if they are reducing based on time, TNT has said our efforts matter. Seekers, at least, should be smart enough to listen to TNT and keep trying to win this war. The other factions can get filled with apathy and try to skate to victory, but we Seekers know that Apathy is our enemy. :P


    I kind of just assumed that there weren't any faction challenges this round (because how could there be? "Lose to me 8 times" and "Lose within 8 minutes" aren't really challenges), but I haven't been refreshing or even checking in very often at the Outskirts. Still, has anyone gotten one?

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