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Posts posted by siniri

  1. CONFUSION (3,0,6)

    OBFUSCATE (0,4,5)

    EXTREMELY (1,1,7)

    EAGERNESS (1,1,7)


    (It's indirectly your fault I picked this word, elbandito; it popped in my head as I was looking at your message telling me I got the right answer. Not that it's directly related to anything in that post, mind you -- my brain makes connections that even I don't understand sometimes.)

  2. Oof. I've managed everything until this wave quite well with just 140 HP, level 51, Ylana's Blaster, Hanso's Charisma Charm, Downsize and a Blue Scorchstone, and Static Cling and Lens Flare. But I'm completely useless against the new wave. Can't manage a single one of the faction leaders, they just finish me off immediately in the second round. And I've tried using muffins, but it still doesn't help. Don't know what else to do, and I certainly can't start investing in a shield or some other form of protection right now, the prices are huge. Guess this is where the fighting ends for me. Sigh.


    Still, there's the second achievement. Anyone want to throw some junk my way and then I'll send it right back? I'm with the Seekers.

    Adina, you could use jade elixirs and/or thick smoke bombs (1-use full healer and full blocker, respectively) to help you beat each of them once for the first achievement. It would probably cost you ~150k if you had to use both for each battle, but you might get by with just one or the other (so maybe 50-75k). (And that's based on yesterday's prices; I think they've dropped today because mine stopped selling.) If you have a freezer, you could wait until your freezer works to help ensure that you don't waste too many of them.


    And I'm a Seeker, too, so sending me something won't help you.

  3. Sometimes TDMBGPOP will make them hungrier, but more often than not, it will make them less hungry. (It used to actually decrease hunger from bloated to fine/satiated, but I think they've fixed that. Either way, it can't really hurt if your pet is already bloated.)

  4. I had that wipe story happen as well :( Fortunately, I was playing on the lowest difficulty and only got halfway through. When I discovered what had happened, I didn't touch the game for years afterward since I was so ticked off. Eventually managed to go back and start again (and eventually finish for a bronze trophy!), but it was really disheartening that it got wiped. Siniri, I'm not sure what I would've done if what happened to you had happened to me >_< Did you ever play again to beat that difficulty?

    I did start again after a year or two, for the avatar(s?) I had missed, but with my now-active pet (the other one had an at-the-time very expensive paint job -- for me, anyway -- and I didn't want to spend so many clicks with her active), on normal. And I only played up to wherever the avatar was... but now I make sure to log into NQ and NQII on my birthday and around New Year's. I finally finished that game a few weeks ago* -- it was active for probably 4 or 5 years! I should play it again on evil and insane before I paint my current active pet (my battle pet whom I lab to help her train faster; once she reaches the max boosts, I'll stop labbing -- she's got at least a year or two left, I think, though I should do that math).


    *Funny story: the end page with the video glitched on me, so I refreshed it, and it took me back to the empty fortress with no enemies. I couldn't leave the Two Rings and I thought my game was stuck forever, and I didn't want to have to play normal again. I even sent in a bug report and was told there was nothing TNT could do. Then I found a FAQ on IDNQ that told me all I had to do was click the "options" button. Phew! It was gut-wrenching until I found the solution. I would have probably never played again if I had really had to start over on Normal again.

  5. You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
    and now your pet is a little stronger thanks to Turmaculus!!!

    Sadly not my battle pet. The Island Candychan and Fleaf just aren't worth risking. Thanks for the alert!

  6. It depends. Maybe. How many HP are they taking away more than you have left in the final round (look at your HP before submitting, then see how many you lost, down at the bottom of the combat log -- subtract the first from the second)? Also, how much overkilling are you doing? (You'll have to use one of your weapon slots that round on the healer, which means you'll lose the weaker weapon. Will your main weapon still finish them off that round?) If you can kill them using a single weapon (+ static cling), and you're being killed by less than 25 HP "extra," try the lesser healing scroll that was given out in an achievement.


    If you're losing more than 25 extra HP, a jade elixir would definitely work (it heals you back to full HP), especially with your high HP, but at 13k apiece, that would get expensive to get the achievement (65k). It'd still be cheaper than overpaying for a greater healing scroll (which heals 50), though (they're ridiculously inflated).

  7. Go to the abilities tab on the BD page. Click on static cling and activate it (it's free). Then when you're in a battle, select it in the third box before each round. There you go, 3 extra icons per round, for free. The others require you to raise your level, so yes, go train. But do consider raising the strength boost if you can afford it.

  8. I love Shhhhh. I got it because I cashed in my random bottles and had more earth faeries than air (I was going to use the trick to get a discount on lens flare), but then I started using it and really liked it. I think it depends on your battle strategy and relative boosts.


    In my case, as long as I can get my hits in, I can kill them handily in two rounds (three if they use a JS), and I've got pretty high HP and I'm not too worried about dying. So I just want to end the battle as soon as possible, plus I already have a freezer. I can use Shh and turn off their Lens Flare/Warlock Gaze for a round, ensuring my hits go through and ending the battle a round sooner. If I had a bomb, I'd be even more inclined to lean towards Shhh, because you could use a freezer round 1 (or 2 or 3... whenever they let you use your weapons), then use Shhh + bombs to decimate them round 2 in a 100% guaranteed attack (they can't use an ability or any weapons to block).


    Lens Flare will stop you from getting hurt for a round, which is useful if you've got low HP. But it doesn't stop them from using it on you, so they could just cancel each other out -- but they get to use it again, and you don't. At least with Shhh, you can guarantee an attack for that round (unless they use a TT, of course, but I don't think they all have TTs).


    I think earth faeries are still cheaper than light, so you could get Shhh, try it out, then "upgrade" to Lens Flare if you think you'll prefer it. It'd probably be a bit more expensive than going from Throw Pillows to Lens Flare (which is the cheapest way to get Lens Flare b/c it becomes half-price once you have one of the other two), but Throw Pillows is worthless, whereas you might decide to stick to Shhh and not have to pay for Lens Flare (the light faeries are much more expensive than the others; they'll probably go down after the war).

  9. What's your level? You're two trainings away from the 85 strength boost and 1 away from the defense boost (in each case, you'd be able to attack/defend 20% more with the exact same weapons at the next boost). I would recommend strength over defense. There are alternatives to training if your level won't let you: altadorian strength potion/bubbling fungus/armoured negg/faerie quest (there's a cookie you can get in the mall to guarantee one quest per day on top of what you get randomly, but it's random which faerie you'll get. You may get lucky.).


    Do you have any abilities? Static cling is free and deals 3 extra icons per turn; icicle does more damage per turn and isn't too many blessings. Shhh can stop them from using an ability such as lens flare (once per battle), and you could combine it with a strong attack. The 15-icon muffins are fairly cheap (stone, water, darigan, robot, brain, smelly dung, golden, icy, I think -- you'll want to check their icons; radioactive is a bit more -- but maybe it does more damage?). A healer would be useful; you could look for species-specific ones or borrow a greater healing scroll from someone for a short time, maybe. Jade elixirs heal 100% but are one-use. Thick smoke bombs (also one-use) block all damage for a round. A scroll of freezing is a fragile 100% freezer, or you can get a green frost cannon, which has a 20% (?) chance of freezing. Freezing combines well with Shhh against these guys; once they're frozen, use Shhh to guarantee that your attack will go through, and then bombs away (e.g., use double muffins).


    How you decide to approach it really depends on your budget, time, and inclinations (defensive? offensive?).

  10. I've already deposited 500k in the bank today, from shop sales (mostly jade elixirs, thick smoke bombs, muffins, and healing potions), and that's net -- I've been buying more healing potions and jade elixirs as often as I can, and I've trained twice, bought 15k NP of stock, and done my dailies. Yay, war inflation! And access to the Secret Ninja Shop!


    ETA: Now over 750k. Can I make it to 1M in 1 day?


    ETAA: Just deposited another 250k, and I still have over 50k out, which should be more than enough for my last training. I'm not expecting much more; sales on TSBs and JEs have dropped considerably. I'm nearly out of JEs; they sold much more quickly than the TSBs did. Still, Woohoo on 1M in a day!

  11. At least they don't tend to use the most damaging of attacks after throwing out lens flare or warlock's rage.


    It's annoying when you have them set up perfectly for a frozen/undefended GKB/anagram attack and they use a freezing ability on you though! *laughs*

    Get and use Shhhh for that turn, and they won't be able to use an ability, either.

  12. I disagree, you are trying to justify the glitches/bugs by saying it is suppose to be hard. Abilities that should be only be used once a fight (or for use once a day), should not be used multiple times in a fight, let alone multiple times in a row. And if it would not be a bug/glitch, they should have informed us.

    But... it's not a glitch. It's the way it's always worked. And TNT did tell us in an editorial, which someone quoted. It may not be "fair," but that's why they're challenging. This is where BD skill and strategy come into play. {The previous is a response to essiw; the rest is a general discussion.}



    I have 58 wins on mighty, 0 draws, and 0 losses. Since BD beta started, I've been participating, mostly to earn daily prizes, but also to hone my skills, choosing to fight the harder opponents and not just the easy guys, especially once hints of war started. I bought a BoHD soon into BD beta, realizing I'd long outgrown my GHS. I bought a KBT on HT discount day just before the war started. I've been training steadily since ROS, which let me get farther in each of the next two plots' battles. I've spent years and millions of NP getting ready for this. In prior plots and wars, when I wasn't as prepared, I didn't do as well.


    These are the bosses. They're supposed to be hard. The well-prepared are not struggling (I have a friend who's still killing them in one turn). You can choose to use the difficulties to inspire you to train, upgrade your set, and practice battling to hone your strategy. Or you can choose to toss up your hands, say it's not fair, and rage-quit. It's up to you, and no skin off anyone else's back, whatever you decide. (There is the third option, too: use muffins, jade elixirs, and thick smoke bombs to "temporarily upgrade" while you practice various strategies using various combinations of weapons and abilities against these guys until you find one that works.)

  13. This last round was not double the previous in difficulty, thank goodness, but they are tough. I'm averaging 3-4 rounds per battle, though I have made it in 2 a few times. Still haven't lost yet, after more than 50 wins (combined, not each) on mighty. I still haven't gotten wave 4 to 100 wins each (they're only ~1/3 of the way there), and I don't think I can get wave 5 to those numbers. Maybe 100 wins total.


    How are you all doing? I'm finding Shhh very helpful against these guys; I use RFFR + KBT + Shhh round 1, which guarantees I'll hurt them that round (unless they use a TT), and if I'm lucky, I can avoid damage round 2, even if they can, too (using lens flare). Then I just keep trying to attack with all guns blazing, so if I finally get a strike, they'll be finished (unless they used a jade scorchstone), keeping an eye on my health (switching to BoHD as my 2nd if it starts to get too low).


    If you're trying for the first achievement and don't have a full healer, you may want to try both jade elixir and thick smoke bomb.

  14. Azeruth, that's part of the challenge. Can you go down to an easier difficulty? I haven't lost yet on mighty, so maybe your pet just isn't strong enough for this wave or you need better weapons. Or maybe focus on the challenger that doesn't have Lens Flare (I forget which one that is). Someone said this is how it worked in the old BD (1p opponents being able to use 1-use abilities more than once), so it's probably not a glitch.


    Do you have a freezer? Shhh is very useful against these guys. I use my KBT + RFFR + Shhh, and half the time they're incapacitated the next round with most of their HP gone (unless they used a TT). Then I keep trying to attack, and eventually they won't use lens flare. This way I've got a guaranteed attack round 1, and a 50% (would be 100% if I had a better freezer) chance of not taking any damage round 2, even if they do block my attack. Using my KBT + YB + Shhh also works on round 1, but I can usually finish them off in two rounds even with the RFFR in 1, and the RFFR stops the use of a TT or JS in round 2.

  15. The second achievement is not filling your bar or getting (up to 47) wins in a row on mighty. It's also not winning a faction challenge (timed or number). It might be winning a faction challenge against each faction? The Brute Squad still hasn't challenged me, so I can't finish testing it. Based on the name, here are some hypotheses:


    1) Damage yourself somehow (but none of them see to have reflectors...).

    2) Lose a timed faction challenge.

    3) Put on a wearable "weapon," and maybe battle with it. (but for the last round? I can't test unless I manage to catch my Magma time today, because my pet is currently Maraquan)

    4) Open the obelisk and unleash the power within, which turns out to be a lost Baaba.


    It would be amazing if we went inside the obelisk and found an underground labyrinth and awesome puzzles, but we had to continue battling other factions as we navigated.

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