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Posts posted by siniri

  1. I don't usually do that with the monthly freebies. Though it says I've collected my freebies for this month . . . but it's the first of the month o_O Consider me confused . . .

    In Neopia, it won't be the first for another ~7 hours from this post. Try again tomorrow. ;)

  2. This seems like a good idea! We should ask TNT if they'd consider paid name changes for usernames and pet names! I once took a survey for them that asked "Would you pay to have a 5th pet?" Granted, it was referring to real money as opposed to NP but it's not a bad thought... If people reeeeally are attached to their pets (or accounts) but don't like the names anymore, they should be allowed to change! In MMOs like WoW (showing my nerdiness here) you're allowed to pay money to change the name if you want. So that seems like a good idea! =)

    I did suggest it by submitting it through their help>suggestions page. :)


    But if others suggest it, maybe they'll seriously consider it. For me, it's an internet security issue, since I've heard of people trying to hack into e-mail accounts to get people's Neo info -- but who knows what else they'd steal while they're in there? And frankly, it'd be a lot easier to change my one Neopets name than to change my e-mail account for all my contacts, online bills, etc., etc. I suggested it as a new user perk, for accounts of a certain age (whatever threshold TNT chooses), single use only, with a high cost, so that only people like me who really, really want it would do it -- which means that even if it's a change that TNT would have to make manually, it shouldn't substantially increase their workload.


    I only got the generic "thanks for the feedback; we consider all suggestions but can't personally reply" message. But if more people suggest it, it's more likely to reach someone at TNT who goes "That's brilliant!" and fight to implement it. They're looking for more NP sinks, after all...

  3. It's very nice! If you want to make it more "Xweetok" and less "Wocky," I think you could slant the eyes a bit (bring the inner corners down), to give more depth to the face, and make the bottom of the ears attach a little lower. No need to add the neck ruff since it's not actually visible, anyway. If those changes are too difficult, I like it the way it is, even if the species is a little ambiguous (though I think the mohawk gives it away).


    For the background, I could see her running out of a burning building (or maybe leaping off one) on a dark night -- maybe just add a little purple to make the black of her clothes more visible.

  4. I don't think it's necessarily true that "the majority of Neopians" completely hate the new version. I think a very vocal minority intensely dislike it, but many are ambivalent about it. I've seen a few who actually prefer it, but they're less likely to be vocal about it.


    I know I disliked the old game intensely; so much so that it took me at least 2 full AC's to get even halfway decent at it, because I couldn't even bear to play it enough to learn it. Even after I learned it, I found it monotonous: swoosh and click with the mouse, hit space, lather, rinse, repeat. The challenges last year made it slightly, slightly more interesting, but still, the game was basically at Pacman-level (memorize a few patterns and play them out -- except the YYB patterns were even shorter to memorize than a Pacman board). And so the AC was a simple endurance test: who wants to spend the most time on their computer?


    I don't know yet whether I'll find the new game an improvement. Of course it's more difficult now, but a new build is coming out. I don't think the opponents should be able to strip the goalie of the ball (in what real sport is that allowed?), but if they fix the player-hopping and lag issues (seriously, the lag even before the Cup has officially started is horrendous!), it may not be so bad. And people might have to actually apply a little bit of strategy in the game, rather than relying on muscle memory and pattern recognition.

  5. I try to travel light; usually, that's just wallet, keys, and chapstick (in my pockets) -- oh, and a jacket, even in summer (I get cold very easily). I usually have a knee brace, too (I have patellar tendinitis, so I need it if I have to walk far or its hilly). If it might rain, I like to have an umbrella.


    If I'm going to be out for a while, I may bring a bag with a pen and notebook, reading material, water, food, and a folded-up plastic bag. Spare socks if it might rain and I'm going to be outside a significant amount of time. If I'll be exercising and far from home, I'll bring a cooler with ice for my knee (so I can ice it as soon as I'm done; I can strap the ice on with an ace bandage and ice while I drive).


    In my car, I always have a local map, emergency cell phone, paper towels (for checking the oil/cleaning the windows if needed), CD's, and an umbrella in the passenger cabin, and a spare tire, jack, jumper cables, mini tool kit, a quart of engine oil, reusable shopping bags, and a blanket in the trunk.

  6. I agree with Kittyn in that it would be extremely unfair to those who have either been saving for years to get expensive items or have just bought an expensive object for those things to suddenly deflate, similar to the way Faerie PBs dropped after the plot. People who had paid, in cases, 3 mil or more were furious that they are now worth, in some quicksale offers, only a few hundred thousand. It's not fair.

    I could have bought 2 Faerie PB's at the higher price for the amount I lost buying my pirate PB just before the AC last year. Had I not saved up *quite* so quickly for my goal, I'd have been better off. But Neopets isn't fair. You can anticipate that TNT will include a paintbrush as a prize for plots and the AC, so if I had remembered KI had won the previous AC, I would have held off (though many people suspected they would not release such a "high-value" paintbrush as a prize). The people who bought Faerie paint brushes during the plot could have anticipated that it might be a prize, too.


    Really, it's on you if you choose to drop a huge amount of NP on an item. You wouldn't spend that much if you didn't think it was worth it. Of course it's frustrating to see the NP value drop substantially shortly after your purchase, but you just have to remember that you thought it was a fair price at the time.


    I think TNT should release a few more of certain rare items. The only ways NP leave the economy are through pay-for dailies (wheels, Lever of Doom, wishing well, etc.) and TNT-run shops and auctions (well, and RE's, stock bankruptcies, etc.). It's important to find a balance between the number of active players and the number of each item in the economy. Selling very rare items through auctions could be a way to help a little with their cost without deflating them too much.

  7. I often play against my friends so we don't have to deal with quitters, and we chat via IM, so if someone's having computer issues, we know (they'll often be like, "please win ASAP so we can both get keys").


    I have quit intentionally exactly one time. The person cheated by skipping their turn when I used a lintball on them, and I felt it was worth sacrificing my (soon-to-be silver) prizes to keep them from getting gold prizes (I had gold clinched had they not cheated). Petty, I know. It was an impulsive decision, and I regretted it immediately afterwards, since I didn't feel I could report them for cheating after I quit.


    Other than that, even when the game glitches for me (e.g., skips my turn repeatedly or doesn't let me play minigames), I still leave it open, hoping my opponent can get to the finish before I'm kicked off completely, giving me at least a silver key. Usually, I get kicked off too soon, but it's usually fairly obvious I ran into unavoidable issues.

  8. Got a copper nerkmid today! They're only worth about 125k now, anyway, so I'm saving it for the first to get the avatar.


    If this had come out earlier in my Neo "career," I would not gamble away more than 1% of my bank account, especially if I weren't training at the level I am now. I certainly wouldn't spin it if it were 10% or more of my bank account, even if I earned the NP to spin everyday. It would just hurt too much to get the goose egg. I guess I'm just very risk-averse.

  9. just saw 'RandomxxxStuff' a blue flotsam in the pound, definitely not an acceptable name, given I actually know a few kids who use the site.

    I'm an adult, and I'm not getting how that's not an acceptable name. Would kids really get it?

  10. All of my pets have first and last names, and yes, I used underscores to separate their names. (My 3 created pets share the same last name.) It let me use the names I wanted without having to change the spelling or add numbers to the end, and it shows they're siblings. I just wish TNT allowed accented characters (since their names should properly have some accents). My adopted lab rat actually also has a first and last name in the same format (different last name, of course).


    I think the worst names are "xxooIloveJoshforeverooxx" because the person who named that pet likely doesn't even know what love is, and seeing their pet after they stop "loving" Josh will just remind them of how silly they were to think Josh was The One.


    When I'm in the SW, I try to take note of "cool" usernames, maybe because mine is so horrible (it was the same as my assigned alphanumeric e-mail address in college). I *really* wish you could change your username, at least once. I'd pay a million NP to do it.


    Some names that might seem lame might actually be in code. A pet named Morse written in Morse code, or a checkered one named binary (written in binary, of course) would be very clever, in my opinion. Someone might even be able to pull off a good ironic 1337 name, though that'd be like trying to beat Poe's Law.

  11. Congrats, Rachany! Once interest becomes a significant source of income for you, it makes it easier to save more -- and the more you save, the higher your interest, to a point. You can also invest in the stock market, which gives much better return on your NP than the bank does (one simple rule for stock-investing: buy 1000 shares of something at 15 every single day; sell all shares that are 60 and above). One of my friends makes enough in interest to buy her stocks every day.


    Keyquest can be a good source of NP since it gives item prizes (including paintbrushes and secret lab map pieces) that can be sold. Try to play 2-player, 5-key so you're guaranteed at least a silver.

  12. I put them in the trading post to get NP. You might get more NP when you put them in the trading post than when you sell them individually.

    And lately I've been buying from the TP, because some people accept less than the SW's going rate. I get a lot of rejections, but it's worth it. It's funny that you can save/make money both buying and selling on the TP.

  13. If you mess up, you have to leave the page and come back; it won't reset until you do. Use a timer to make sure you do the steps precisely, and use a guide to make sure you know which treatment goes with which pose (sick and hungry looked backwards to me).

  14. Unfortunately, it really varies based on what the subject of the ticket is. I submitted one for my locked out habitarium Saturday and got a response late Monday, but I had one linger about my 2008 Daily Dare MegaSuperb prize linger for months and months. Check the status of it; they don't send neomail, and you may have missed the e-mail about it. Maybe it'll at least have changed to "read."

  15. Yay! So glad to know it's possible. I've been spinning that wheel every single day (give or take a day or two, of course, when I couldn't get on-line) since it came out, and I thought it was broken. This gives me renewed hope!

  16. I'd be happy if they had a version where you are NOT LOCKED OUT. It's sooooo irritating that they STILL haven't fixed that problem! :grrr:

    Actually, there is a fix you can try yourself, as posted by sintralin in another thread. It's explained on this petpage. Since I don't know anyone in my town who plays Neo, I submitted a ticket asking to try on a side account and was given permission. Moving the storage around made the merge happen pretty quickly (~10 items or so). If you do want to try it on a side, I recommend submitting a ticket so TNT doesn't think you're trying to earn NP on the side, and make sure you delete all items from the side's habi and donate NP earned to the money tree after you're done. After nearly 4 months, I'm back in!

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