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Posts posted by siniri

  1. 1) nothing

    2) 25K

    3) nothing

    4) +10 training boost (worth ~375k)

    5) 100,001 NP

    6) 25k

    7) 100,001

    8) 50k

    9) 25k

    10) +10 training boost (worth ~375k)

    11) 50k


    I'm up about 25k, I think. Still need to spin today, but I've already sunk 725k (net) into those trainings, and my bank account's not too happy with me, so I'm waiting to earn at least the 100k it costs to spin before spinning.

  2. Thanks again, sintralin! The Merge Method worked, and it didn't take long at all! (I tried the trick of moving the storage in my "new" habi, and I only had to delete ~10 empty storages from my bag.) I was given permission from TNT to try this method using my side account, and I deleted the items from my side habitarium and donated the NP once I was done.


    It's even laggier than I remember, but at least I can earn some NP from it again. Thanks again!

  3. Oh wow, that really sucks! I just started playing Habitarium and would just die if I got locked out D:


    I read about a possible solution on another TDN thread that the TNT has been telling people about "unofficially", since it doesn't work for all users -




    Pasted a link to a guide that details the method described. Just Ctrl+F "Merge-Method" and it should show up.


    Good luck getting back into your Habitarium!

    You may have just made my day! I've been locked out since January 26th, and I really want to try this Merge Method. I did submit a ticket first to get permission to try on a side account. It'd be worth losing *all* the items in my bag to get my Habi back!

  4. Wow, you guys actually bother to make a speadsheet for it! I gave up on it. I wanted a magma buzz but I guess it's not really important.

    Anyway, congrats for your lucky day! laughingsmiley.gif I would say my only lucky day was getting FFQ during the Faerie Festival. After 9.5 years, like finally! lmaosmiley.gif

    I know some people have been playing for even longer and haven't gotten theirs, I wish them all the best and don't give up! (:

    I did not get any special faerie quest during the Faerie Festival -- not even a Faerie Queen, much less FFQ. Making the spreadsheet makes it easy to track your times, for worms and/or the Magma pool guard. Basically, whenever you have time, sit down with a timer and fill in the times you don't know about yet. You can leave it for weeks or even months, and come back without losing any info. I get a free 1k+/day from my moltite, and that's for less than a minute's worth of work. And any time the lab gives me a really ugly color, I can just wait until Tuesday to fix it.

  5. 1) nothing

    2) 25K

    3) nothing

    4) +10 training boost (worth ~375k)

    5) 100,001 NP

    6) 25k

    7) 100,001

    8) 50k

    9) 25k


    Down 200k over 9 days, for just over 21k/day loss. *sigh* I just keep getting more and more in the hole! I need another item/training win. I'm jealous of people who've gotten multiple days of good prizes.

  6. What kind of feedback are you looking for? If you seriously want to improve your poetry-writing skills, I recommend a site such as The Poetry Free-For-All. If receiving brutal, crushingly honest feedback isn't your thing (one of my poems was once compared to ones written by "the worst poet in the history of the English language"), you can still learn a lot by reading various articles in their "Blurbs of Wisdom".


    Honestly, I could sense your poem is very heartfelt, but since I don't know the story behind it, it didn't do much for me as a reader. I'm sure it would mean a lot to you and the person to whom the poem is directed, and if that's all you're aiming for, that's perfectly fine.

  7. Just make sure that when you discard eggs you discard them while they are out on the field, not from the bag like you do for nests. Discarding eggs directly from the bag doesn't give you any points.

    Actually, that's not true. You will get XP from discarding from the bag, but they'll be added to the XP you get during your next resource-harvesting XP (rather than showing up right away). It's a big time-saver, being able to discard directly from the bag. ;)

  8. This is one of those avatars I refuse to believe is actually possible (at least right now). I've spun this wheel every single day since it's come out (barring very, very few days when I had no time to get onto Neo at all), as have most of my Neofriends, and none of us have the avatar. People who do have the avatar all seem to have gotten it years ago. So is it broken? I heard the other wheels were for a while. At any rate, I still spin every day, but I don't look until it's done, and never hopefully.

  9. Cloning is forbidden for a reason, if cloning were to be allowed, then what's to stop the clones from interbreeding with the non-clones? If this were to happen it could cause the end of the human race as we know it. Evolution would cease, new disease could potentially arise from the mixings of artificial DNA and natural DNA. How would we distinguish the differences between the clones and the original copies? They both would have the exact same finger print and tongue print. I believe cloning needs to stay illegal and all funding whether it be private or public should be ceased and outlawed.

    There's no such thing as "artificial DNA." Allowing clones to "interbreed" would not cause the end of the human race nor of evolution. Nor would clones have the exact same fingerprint and tongue print. Look at identical twins, who have the same DNA -- and yet they never look completely identical, nor do they have the same fingerprints, retinal scans, etc., etc. (though I suppose some may have similar enough "face prints" that they could be misidentified, but that's true with other people as well). Clones would also be younger than their "parent" (since they would age at the same rate as any other human), which would also limit the possibility of misidentification.


    Clones would still be human beings; their bodies would be made of human cells, derived wholly from another human. Therefore, they would still rely on human proteins for their cellular reproduction, allowing mutations (and thus "evolution") at the same rate as any other human being. The easiest way for them to have children would be with another human partner (although more clones could be made).


    Now that we've gotten some science straight, I will say that I agree cloning should be illegal. I believe that human rights should extend to all humans, regardless of their stage of life, ability to reason, etc., out of respect for our species. Cloning is inherently dangerous, resulting in early death and painful abnormalities, especially in early stages of cloning for a species.


    Science must obey certain rules, one of which is to cause no harm to subjects -- unless there is the potential for greater good to result for the subjects themselves (e.g., cancer patients can help test harmful chemotherapies that might cure their cancer), and the subject is capable of providing informed consent (or assent in the case of minors, with consent from their parents), without coercion or inappropriately large compensation (c.f. the Willowbrook Hepatitis study).


    Clones cannot consent to experimentation on themselves. The idea of "therapeutic cloning" -- creating a human only to destroy them so that someone else can have a better life -- is utterly repugnant to me; it is a violation of the clone's human rights.

  10. ffgurl, do you have your computer set to hibernate? If it does, your habi will go off-line, and you won't collect any gems while it's not up on a computer. The other thing is to make sure you have mostly workers and have enough storage out for them to keep harvesting -- rest them before you leave and then put them to work harvesting while you're gone. Make sure you never fill your board completely with gems and then leave the habitarium (this includes getting accidentally disconnected) or else you'll get locked out.

  11. I rarely, rarely take items in place of NP -- the only exceptions have been when someone offered me the equivalent in codestones for a full petpet lab map. Plushies are much harder to sell than Secret Lab Map pieces. Because of the new wheel, prices are falling on map pieces, but if people are smart, they shouldn't fall *too* far since the wheel costs 100k/spin. Then again, this is Neopia, and some people will sell for a loss out of fear of further deflation. Even taking that into consideration, I'd still rather wait for a pure NP offer on the map piece than try to sell a plushie.

  12. None of my captions were picked. The two I thought had the best shot were:


    Lutari: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet -- if I could actually smell it!




    Shoyru: They should have called the avatar "Bless you, Lutari."



    At least the ones that beat me out were good. I hate when I come up with (what I think is) a good one, and something really lame (in my opinion only, of course) gets picked instead.

  13. Congrats!


    I've been locked out since January 26th, right after I leveled up to 50, because I had a ton of storages out (trying to create an "Army of Ents" look). It happens when the screen gets completely full of gems and you leave it -- or your computer crashes or you get momentarily disconnected. TNT will not reset locked out habitariums, so you'll have to wait until they fix the glitch... which they've not been able to do in the past 4 months. So be very, very careful leaving it running while you're not there. (No, I'm not bitter at all about the literally millions of NP I've lost out on... [/sarcasm])


    You can also get locked out by having too many items in your bag, so discard extra neggs (gives you NP anyway) and extra storages. I've heard the limit is ~1000 eggs.

  14. I dont' know. I actually wanted to battle ghost lupe. When I went their Boochi suddenly 'fired' my poor little pet. *sigh*

    Just keep your bori as the active pet and wait.

    Btw does painting your baby pet with a starter PB turn them back to normal?

    Yes, it should. As "normal" as a blue or green animal can be, anyway. ;)

  15. Thanks, that list is highly helpful! Going to create it now, so that it'll be old enough once I'm ready to start borrowing pets. Thanks again!


    ...Or actually I won't create one now, since both usernames I tried were available when I tested them, but once I created a password, accepted the T&C, and clicked "next," they spontaneously became unavailable (these would not be popular names, and no users exist by either name now). I was in Chrome at the time, but Flash blocker was completely disabled. Obviously I don't want to lock up even more decent usernames... anyone know if there's an issue creating accounts in certain browsers?

  16. I'm interested in potentially borrowing pets to get some of those more elusive pet avatars after years of zapping to no avail. However, I do have (in my fourth pet slot) a labrat I adopted from the pound that I've grown semi-attached to, and I'm not sure I want to give her up permanently. I figure the easiest thing to do is transfer her to a side account, but I've always avoided having multiple accounts. I know you're not supposed to earn NP or items in any way on a side -- I'm assuming this also means no bank account? But you can still use the Soup Faerie and the Movie Central free feeding? I don't anticipate doing anything else on the side besides hopping on and feeding her (and maybe sending over a toy from my main to keep her happy, too).


    When I create the side account, do I need to let TNT know it's a side? Or will they just figure that out based on the same e-mail and me not doing much on it? I know I'll have to wait for the account to age a bit before I can safely transfer her -- I'm assuming I'll need a different pet on that account in the meantime. Can you adopt instead of creating a pet? Any other things to be careful of?

  17. I heard the guard was only awake once a week for people. I lucked out; I decided to make a spreadsheet and just fill it out as I remembered. On the first day, I found my timeslot after only ~15 or 20 checks over a few hours. I'm not sure I ever tried a different day, and today's my "day," so I won't be able to check the "every day" thing until tomorrow. But making a spreadsheet really helps; you can take as long as you like to test and still remember what you've already checked (a timer helps you remember to switch over and refresh).

  18. Z -


    Today was cloudy and overcast; but it never sprinkled -- just a short but fierce downpour that did not bring a warm front behind it, making me lament the loss of spring (summer, really, 'twas over 85 F/30 C just a couple of days ago).

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