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Everything posted by Tedhaun

  1. My Petpet Lab Rat keeps getting all the better zaps in contrast to my Neopet Lab Rat, I don't even know if want to change my Petpet Lab Rat after this. Got a Hoagie Kadoatie zap on my Petpet Lab Rat (formerly a Cloud Barbat before today's zap). The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired... Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. You should come back tomorrow and try again! - The ray is fired at Flootenkerp... ... and she gains 5 maximum hit points!!!!
  2. On October 18th of 1985, the western equivalent of Nintendo's Famicom and known savior of the video game crash of the 1980s, the Nintendo Entertainment System (or NES for short), was released in North America. This October 18th marks the 35th anniversary of the beloved 8-bit powerhouse that revolutionized video gaming for many years to come. Do you have any fond memories of the original NES back in your youth? Are there any NES games you've enjoyed from the console's heyday or even today? Any NES accessories or other NES-related memorabilia you own? Feel free to share and discuss if you choose to do so. Now get on out there and play some games of Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and any other NES games you know and love from the console's library and also watch The Wizard if you want as a way to celebrate the NES's 35th anniversary. Now you're playing with power, Nintendo Power!
  3. @mokusei4 I was checking around the Neoboards, and one user from this thread suggests adding this to your My Filters list on your uBlock Origin if you still have trouble getting Flash games to work on Neopets: @@||cdn.playwire.com/bolt/js/zeus/embed.js @SimplyTragic If you go to your AdBlock Plus settings, click on "Advanced", scroll down until you see "My Filter Lists", copy the above code and paste it in the text box that says "Search or add filter(s) (e.g. /ads/track/*).", and you should be good to go. I had to install Adblock Plus and replicate this for myself. @Angeló Thanks for the alternative route for those not getting cdn.playwire.com appearing on the website list. I apologize for all the ruckus and confusion from earlier, and I'm taking back the more complex fix I posted Monday and redirecting everyone here to this post for the quicker fix.
  4. @enigma_of_fandoms By any chance, are you using uBlock Origin as your adblocker? Users of that have had problems recently getting Neopets games to load. Most of these problems are caused by requests from cdn.playwire.com being blocked by certain extensions. I posted step-by-step instructions in an earlier thread to get Neopets games working again for uBlock Origin users without having to uninstall and reinstall uBlock Origin. If you happen to use Privacy Badger and if that's blocking cookies and requests from cdn.playwire.com, allow/greenlight cookies from cdn.playwire.com if those happen to be blocked by Privacy Badger. MAJOR EDIT: I finally came across a powerful fix from a fellow user from this thread on the Neoboards. Add this code to your My Filters list on your uBlock Origin to get Neopets games working again: @@||cdn.playwire.com/bolt/js/zeus/embed.js If you use Adblock Plus, this code will also work if you add this to your My Filter Lists (found under Advanced in the Adblock Plus settings page).
  5. @WhiteWolf Sorry to bother, but by any chance, are you using uBlock Origin as your adblocker? I posted some instructions to get Flash Games on Neopets working again for uBlock Origin users without taking the risk of uninstalling and reinstalling uBlock Origin a few posts ago. I had this issue myself just yesterday. MAJOR EDIT: I found an easier fix that'll work for not only uBlock Origin users, but for Adblock Plus users too. Found right in this post linker here:
  6. To anyone with uBlock Origin, you can use Dynamic Filtering (available when you check the "I am an advanced user (required reading)" option on the uBlock Origin settings menu) to greenlight requests from cdn.playwire.com if you're getting a grey screen on Neopets games if the standard enable Flash method doesn't work. Here's the guide for to enable Dynamic Filtering on uBlock Origin. I'll post a step-by-step process on how I did it for those having the grey screen error on Neopets games caused by uBlock Origin. 1. Click on the uBlock Origin icon on your browser's extensions bar and open the dashboard. 2. Checkmark the box for the "I am an advanced user (required reading)" option in the uBlock Origin settings menu. This will enable Dynamic Filtering. 3. Go to any game page on Neopets where you're receiving a grey screen, click on the uBlock Origin icon on your browser's extension bar, keep clicking "More" until you see a list of websites appear on the left of the uBlock Origin mini window. 4. While you have the website list on the left open, press the Ctrl key twice to make the Allow option available. 5. While you have the Allow option enabled, scroll down through the list of websites until you find "cdn.playwire.com" (or playwire.com if cdn.playwire.com won't appear), and turn the second box (the one with a minus symbol in it) green by clicking on the left side of it. Doing so will allow requests from cdn.playwire.com (or playwire.com if cdn.playwire.com won't appear) to go through on Neopets. You can also make the first box green to allow cdn.playwire.com (or playwire.com if cdn.playwire.com won't appear) requests on all sites if that's what you want. 6. IMPORTANT!: Don't forget to click on the lock icon that's left of the power symbol of the uBlock Origin window to make your changes permanent (they'll be temporary if you don't and you have do the process again). After you made your changes permanent, refresh the page. 7. After you did all that, you should be play Flash games et al on Neopets again. If that doesn't resolve things, allow/greenlight cookies and requests from cdn.playwire.com on any other extensions you have (Privacy Badger for example) that can cause issues throughout select sites. Happy gaming! EDIT: I'm taking back what I said earlier with these complex instructions I posted, I apologize tenfold. An easier alternate fix is found here (works for both uBlock Origin and Adblock Plus users):
  7. I haven't got three Ummagines in a while either. Another Poppit for my Grey Faerie Quest stash.
  8. Today's October 9th, and you know what that means? It's Leif Erikson Day! Hinga Dinga Durgen! Quick info from TimeandDate.com: Here's a relevant clip from the SpongeBob SquarePants episode Bubble Buddy, where most people have heard of Leif Erikson Day in the first place. It's not a made up holiday contrary to what the narrator said from the start of that very episode, but it isn't a federal holiday either sadly.
  9. A welcome back from one former TDN staffer to another. This is Neomysterion by the way, or D-Pad Doc as I'm known as on many trenches of the net these days, and I was a Global Moderator here back in the early 2010s. Nowadays, I've been reduced down to a lurker. Congrats on graduating uni by the way. All is well on my end, it's just slow with all these current going-ons is all.
  10. After almost 2 weeks of turbulence during the event, I have ended this years Charity Corner with: I had a cartoonish lot of spare items sitting in my SDB that have been piling up for almost a decade. As for prizes, I ended up getting:
  11. As per Question #14 of the Saving Dacardia FAQ, the prize shop will remain available after the event is done. I wouldn't be surprised if this year's CC prize shop will stay open until next year's CC (if there'll be one that is).
  12. Final Mutant pet until they decide to introduce a new Neopet that is. No offense, but I was expecting something more gross and sinister like some of the legacy mutants. This looks more like one of those monsters that'd be more at home in a 60s or 70s Saturday morning kids show if anything.
  13. Not to mention that they won the Altador Cup three times within a five year time span and robbed Meridell from the gold they deserved this year. Last item I remember them stealing from me was a copy of Neovian Darkfall I got from Grave Danger months ago. If they didn't steal it from me, I'd have 6 extra CC points. Apologies for sounding harsh, but I am going to get my revenge on them next AC for stealing an Everlasting Apple from another member on here and to the unlucky fella on the Neopets Subreddit who was robbed of his Kanriks Blade. If they ever even dare to steal any chocolates and colourful sweets that I'm about to buy and gift to an old friend of mine for her gallery on her birthday next month, I'm not messing around anymore when AC XVI comes around.
  14. Since Comfort Rock Companions, like other AC and AC Staff Tournament Prize Shop items, are r101, they give out 1 point each. EDIT: Apologies for the ninja, Jellysundae.
  15. I had a cartoonish amount of stuff to donate (around 30,000 items or so) I've been hoarding for practically the past decade or so with spares of r90-r99 Battledome item drops (mainly from Neocola Centre and Dome of the Deep), stuff won from dailies and old site events among other things mixed in. It took me 6 days (with all the hiccups during the first week of the event included) to burn all my spares. I'm still doing my dailies and especially the Battledome for extra CC points.
  16. That is a Brilliant Sun and Moon Potion. It was given as a final prize for those who participated on Team Moon in the Sun Vs. Moon Games Master Challenge back in 2013. It increases your Neopet's intelligence by 7 points if used. Here's its Not So Brilliant counterpart that was given to Team Sun, which is more darker and cloudier in appearance and increases your Neopet's intelligence by 2.
  17. Outside of using one as a DVD player, The Darkest Faerie is one of the only reasons for me to own a PS2 despite me being a Gamecube kid back in the former half of the 2000s. Sincerest apologies. With that aside, welcome back to Neopets and welcome to The Daily Neopets and their forums Kat. The name's D-Pad Doc, or Neomysterion or The Plushie Ultimatum as some may remember me back in the early 2010s, and I am the resident chocoholic and master of disguise over here and yet another longtime Neopian. Make yourself at home I'll be seeing you around the forums.
  18. As of around 10:11 AM NST, this error decided to show up: Error 543 The origin web server is not available There have been 502 Bad Gateway and 504 Gateway Timed Out errors minutes prior the Error 543. I was in the midst of donating stuff for CC when this happened. CC this year has been nothing but a shipwreck. EDIT: Ninja'd
  19. Thanks for the heads up on TNT on doing something with Sticky Snowballs, by nerfing the point value of them due to them being the easiest r100 item to acquire (mainly via the Healing Springs shop). I knew that they'd tie up this Sticky Snowball loophole one way or another. Heck, I got other r90 to r100 goodies I can chuck in for Granny Hopbobbin and Captain Rourke, mainly 6 and 8 pointer Battledome item drops and stuff from dailies unless if any of those got nerfed. I tested a few Itsy Bitsy Tiny Snowballs (r98, Battledome item drop from the Winter Arena), and they still gave me 8 points each at the time of this post.
  20. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, customizable Invisible pets are a thing. Then again, I'm placing my bets on a newer colour that hasn't been used on Draiks yet like Oil Paint, Burlap, or Marble.
  21. Actually this upcoming Tuesday at the earliest since Monday is Labour Day, a national holiday in the US. TNT doesn't normally post news on US national holidays. While I wait, I'm going to scope around my SDB for r90 to r100 items I've piled up from dailies, Battledome fights et al to donate to Granny Hopbobbin or whoever's manning the Charity Corner this year. In addition, the Ever Stocked General Store is closed for the duration of the event. Everything there will net you chicken feed in terms of Charity Corner points anyway.
  22. 0. 6 is scared of 7 because... heck, everyone knows it.
  23. I just want to say congrats on the Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water snag from the Fishing Vortex Coolmusic_Girl! I know this happened during my hiatus from here, but I did manage to score a Mysterious Swirly Potion from the Fishing Vortex a year or two ago. I'm on the fence of selling it since I haven't a real use for it.
  24. Another longtime Neopets player Scratch that. I meant to say three longtime Neopets players making a comeback. CoconutDragon, MysteryAF, and MildVermillion, welcome back to Neopets and I also gladly welcome you to The Daily Neopets! Mind my disguises, I'm not really Tedhaun (or whatever my display name and profile pic is). You can call me D-Pad Doc (or Neomysterion as I used to be known as here back in my early years here), I am also a longtime Neopian and the resident master of disguise around here, but I'm more of a lurker type these days opposed to around 10 years ago.
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