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Everything posted by Mouseykins

  1. You could try using display: hidden; and see if that works. I've never really tinkered with my shop code.
  2. She is so cute! Enjoy the puppy stage, it doesn't last long! I miss when my big guy was a cute adorable little puppy. Now he's a giant horse. Your Corgi is adorable too!
  3. If it's the last pet you're transferring you won't be able to. There needs to be a pet left on your account in order to transfer. Hope that makes sense.
  4. Oh, hmm. I'd have to test it then and see what the trouble is. Something in your code is probably causing the glitch. Can you put the entire thing in here and I can try and test it. Your background is pretty, however, the flashing animation is the issue I have. It may also be an issue for those that are photosensitive. Just my two bits, but its your lookup and your choice. Thanks! Took me a while to get that completed, then I had to tweak it when we got more pet slots and after photobucket broke everything lol. I'm glad you like it, I even won lookup of the week for it years back. I do need a new one but I broke my photoshop and haven't had the time to fix it. I'm a graphic and web designer so this is one of the things I have in my portfolio.
  5. Try removing this: .content div a img, .content div b { visibility: hidden; } Also, your backround is a bit much and really hard on the eyes and distracting. Something you may wish to change later on.
  6. Welcome to the forums! If you would like any information regarding pet chains, let me know. The alp site should be fairly self explanatory, but just in case, you know who to ask. When you apply, if you could kindly send me a message to ensure I've received your request, I'd appreciate it. I sometimes forget to check in on the ALP pet lends with my crazy busy life these days. A little nudge will make sure you don't get missed.
  7. You can also attach a file from your computer directly to a message on the forums. If that still doesn't help, send me a PM and I'll give you my email address and you can send it that way if it's easier.
  8. I am a religious person, but I follow my heart and do what's right for me. I've had friends who were very very religious. I respected them and would tone down my usual antics. The way we behave around home is not always how we can behave around our friends. At home, often we curse a bit, even around our kids. I'd rather them hear these words at home and know not to repeat them then learning them from others. When I'm around others, I don't curse and respect that different houses use different words. If you want to remain friends I think maybe it might be wise to have a conversation with your friend. Let them know you respect their beliefs and their choices and they are not for you. I would ask that if anything you say or do around them is offensive to their beliefs, that they kindly let you know and maybe explain why. Then when you're hanging out in the future you can avoid that and not offend them. It works both ways. If you don't like talking about a certain subject etc. let your friend know. In order to maintain our friendships, we need to be open, honest, understanding and respectful. We are all different and unique and that's a good thing. My religious friends, didn't appreciate the fact that I didn't accept their religion as mine and did not want to completely change my beliefs. We stopped talking, her kids never came over to play with mine or help babysit anymore. The saddest part about it is my girls lost a few friends. But that's the way things go sometimes. People change and they do grow apart. Do what feels right for you.
  9. Recently we bought these crayola tablets that change the bath water different colors. You'd think they'd want to take a bath more often, nope lol. Plus usually after a bath they get ice cream or a popsicle.
  10. Friday my dentist gave me two gift certificates for local businesses in town. I chose the flower shop and the artisan loft. The kids and I picked out an artificial orchid for their grandma for her birthday from the flower shop. At the artisan loft they got colorful mini bath bombs. They've never had bath bombs before, so it was a fun bath night for them!
  11. Well Said! I ended up with over 8k points and bought 2 stamps. One for myself and one for a friend. Spent the rest of my points on a few other things. I really would have liked the gown from the shop this year though. But if I want it that bad I can always buy it at a later date. For me to have gotten it would have been an insane amount of game time and that's just something I don't have. I was lucky to get to All-Star an hour before the AC ended.
  12. Whoops! Must have missed that! Which is odd because I double checked everything. Thanks for letting me know. I'll go get that fixed up right away.
  13. Results have been posted for this year's Altador Cup. The anticipation is over! Head on over to the Altador Cup Prize Shop to spend your points. Remember, they will expire when signups begin net year. The Staff Tournament has also concluded with the release of it's prize shop. These points will also expire next year when signups begin. For more information, you can check out our guides. Prize Shop Guide Staff Tournament Guide
  14. I've never tinkered with the neohome module before, but you can give this a try. Play around with the height value though. #userneohome a img { visibility: hidden; display: table-cell; height: 40px; } Remove the 'a' from the top row if the image doesn't link. Then you have two options. One is to just insert an image and align it to that spot. The second option, which is probably your best option is to use it as a background image for your neohome module. I would take a screenshot, crop it nicely and add your image on top of the broken area. This way you get the size and positioning correct. The code to insert a background for the module is: #userinfo .contentModuleTable { background: url("IMAGE URL") no-repeat; } Let me know if the top code doesn't work.
  15. SOSD can be played with your mouse now! Thanks to FLUFF for that little tidbit. Slushie Slinger, I"m getting about 800 per game which is pretty good. Yes, I play until I die rather than just past the minimum required score.
  16. Thanks for the reminder! I still had points to redeem. Usually I spend my points right away, but I guess last year I didn't.
  17. I deal a lot with copyright and fonts. The general rule of thumb is if it's for personal use, you can use it for anything personal as long as you are not selling your creation or a product with that creation. Fonts for commercial use allow you to use them on anything you design or sell. If its a font you've downloaded, you will need to check with the terms of use for that font.
  18. That's right, you heard me! There's madness going on in the NC Mall! TNT has not only released one Retired Mystery Capsule, but 3! Wait, that's not even the best part! If you purchase a MME Retired Mystery Capsule 5-Bundle, you get an extra one free. With a 10-Bundle you get 3 free MME capsules. What are you waiting for? Head on over to the NC Mall and get in on this deal and the fun! These MME Retired Mystery Capsules are only available for purchase in the NC Mall until April 4, 2021. Remember to check out our complete guide for all items available from this retired mystery capsule. MME RETIRED MYSTERY CAPSULES GUIDE
  19. TNT is changing how they handle tickets. I would send in a completely new ticket to them. You can do that here: https://www.jumpstart.com/support/np-classic I hope TNT is able to solve your problems and get those items back to you.
  20. Welcome back to Neo and to TDN! The Advent Calendar is currently happening, so don't forget about that. I hope you decide to stick around longer this time!
  21. Weebly is a fairly good option too. W3Schools has amazing coding tutorials and if you're ever interested.
  22. Two brand new Baby Mystery Capsules have crawled into the NC Mall. The Baby Bash Retired Mystery Capsule is only available until November 18th, 2020. While the Baby Bubbles Mystery Capsule will be available for purchase until November 30th, 2020. We have a guide with all the possible item available from the Baby Bash Retired Mystery Capsule here.
  23. I'll make a proper news post when I'm all finished. Thanks for editing your post! Official News Post is Here Please continue discussing these capsules there. Thanks!
  24. The Baby Bash Retired Mystery Capsule is only available until the 18th of November. The Baby Bubbles Mystery Capsule is the one that's available until the 30th. I'm working on a guide for the retired capsule as we speak and should have it up within the hour.
  25. Which would suck horribly because I've already opened all of mine and got nothing decent from them. I never have any luck with these things and should honestly just sell them from now on.
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