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Posts posted by Secre

  1. Thanks, that makes me feel much less paranoid!!! I'd been trying to figure out if I'd changed anything on my computer! I hope you manage to sort it out!


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  2. I seem to be having periods of several hours a day for the last 3 days or so where I can't access TDN dailies or forums - it says that TDN is being too slow to answer or something like that but the rest of my internet including neopets is working fine. I was wondering if you had been doing site maintenance or if it's my computer being a moron...

  3. Do they not have Kraft mac and cheese in other countries? I don't understand why the companies wouldn't want it to be available to other countries.


    Nope, we don't, like many other things neopets do it's US only and therefore rather annoying...

  4. The Neopian Times laid it out just like I have said many times. It has to do with the sponsor companies, not Neopets itself. It's unfortunate, but there you have it.


    I know but it still grates as I've been a member for 6 and a half years and being left out due to the fact that I'm in the UK just peeves me...a lot!

  5. http://www.thedailyneopets.com/altador-cup/rank-calculator/


    Or if you have played nothing then to get to the next ranks:

    * Win 50 games of Yooyuball.

    * Draw 150 games of Yooyuball.

    * Play 100 games of Slushie Slinger.

    * Play 600 games of Make Some Noise.

    * Play 600 games of Shootout Showdown.

    Please note that low scores in Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise do not contribute to your ranking (only a score of 285+ and 3000+ count, respectively).

  6. I'm 19 so I really wouldn't worry about age! You'll find that a lot of people here and on neopets are late teens-twenties and older!


    I went through the same feeling of 'What the heck!?' when I came back to neopets after a fair break, but once you get used to it most of the changes are major improvements...

  7. I can't remember who bet gold would be one of the colours but -- how on earth did you know??? I have to admit that I really like the fishing gear...and the gold koi! It wouldn't persuade me to have one, but they're still really pretty!

  8. Where can i buy a blue floor tile? Or any floor tile for that matter? Any time I do a Illusen's Quest and I she request a neohome item, I do not know where to go buy it. Any help would be great! Thanks


    With Illuens Quest you can use the shop wizard.

  9. TNT says 5, it's 5 :P


    You cannot doubt TNT when they make such a promise in a FAQ!


    Thanks, I did think that but I thought I wasn;t entirely sure so thought it was better to ask!


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  10. This is an interesting challenge, but my challenge this year is just to get a rank - I'd never played properly before last year (although I picked a team the year before), and I didn't really get how it worked so I didn't even get a rank...this year I'm determined to get a decent rank and actually work for my team! I think this probably means playing everything, but probably focusing on slushie slinger and shootdown with some yooyuball as I'm not very good at it!

  11. During the altador cup how many times are you allowed to send scores for the games? Does this include Yooyuball? I'm actually planning on playing Yooyuball as for the first time ever I've managed to win a game of it, so I suppose practice makes perfect...


    EDIT: What I probably mean sorry is how many can you play and it still count towards your rank...

  12. Do you really win anything from it? I mean, I have, like, played it a billion of times, but never got a single NC. Oh well, looks like you are luckier than me. :laughingsmiley:


    I've won NC once - after playing daily for ages so it is possible...just rare!

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