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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I think the fire Yooyu is the overall favourite...but the most hated is a toss up between Darigan and Fae...howveer personally, I can get the Darigan in one out of three tries, whereas I just can't seem to get the faerie in!! And it annoys me that I have to try but waste so much time in trying - I tend to get them very early in the game!

  2. I'd like to change my vote after 6 days of playing - I change it to the 'none' vote. I'll just sit here do nothing and watch everyone get more ratty as they play themselves into oblivion!


    This kind of suggests that I'm already fed up with the four games available although at least Yooyuball has some degree of change in it!

  3. My hint is stop playing. Really, why bother? b)


    Surrender to the powerful Tyrannia (Who will lose again this YYb match :laughingsmiley:)


    Lol, why do I believe that is the voice of bias speaking!!!!? And you never know, your team have lost so many YYB they may get their backsides in gear and really push to win...


    I have to admit I'm concerned about the side games with Tyrannia

  4. I've always believed that it's six a one, half dozen another so Israel cannot be held entirely to blame. What we all need to remember about Israel is that they have spent their entire time defending their country against enemies all around - they may be overly aggressive on occasions, but equally if they lose one then they will be assimilated into their opposing countries.


    Sorry, I'm kind of too tired to actually argue/debate properly (I have to be up in less than 6 hours - this is what the AC has done to me!!!!). I'll probably come out with more sensible comments tomorrow after workness is finished!


    BTW - should this possibly be in debates rather than random?

  5. I wouldn't mind if I only got one occasionally, but the last 3 games or so now I've had TWO per game and I don't think I've had a game yet in which I didn't get one. Why the heck can't they leave me alone and go bug some other poor player, I must have the equal to 4 players allotment of Faerie balls here surely!??????


    They are driving me completely insane...

  6. I find it difficult to play them... I dont like it


    I'm glad I'm not the only one! I realised the main reason I was struggling is because I'd created a strategy for the defense and 2+2 which was the same for both and seems to work, but it doesn't work for the offensive enemy! I also wish the game would stop giving me faerie balls...

  7. TNT has stated that freeloaders do absolutely nothing to hurt a team. However, TNT's definition of a freeloader is someone that joins a team and doesn't play the games. The user's definition of a freeloader is different: someone that joins a team and plays very few games. It's the latter that hurts us. The former does not.


    I also recall TNT saying that scores depended on how "active" users do or something like that. :/


    How can people who play very few games hurt the team? I would have thought that even their few scores would do something to help their team? For example I've been fairly active over the weekend and bank holiday but as soon as tomorrow comes around I've got work and stuff to do, and I imagine their are many people in that boat who have come to the conclusion that any effort they put in will help their team so they might as well try even if they don't have the time to do much.


    Not so cute once they eat away 45 seconds of your darn time! :grrr:


    Darigan anything may get the 'bad boy' image, considering the origins... but the truly evil ones tend to come from Faerieland.



    I completely agree - the faerie ball is far more evil than the darigan ball! I have now managed to get it in using this method though so I'll just keep trying and practicing!

  9. Cool thanks. I don't seem to be quick enough off the mark and let too many goals through whereas normally I rarely let one through. I've found if I get to the back quickly I'm fine!



  10. I'm really struggling in Yooyuball against the offensive side Tyrannia - I've been fine all previous days but this is the first offensive team I've played. Does anyone have any tips for how to play against an offensive team?

  11. I'm doing my best this year but I know I don't have anywhere near the sort of time or energy to make a massive difference to my team! My highest rank before this tournament and I'd been in two before was the starting beginner, but I'm at rank 3 now which I think is quite good for me! I'd quite like my goal to be rank 10 or above but I doubt thats possible for me!!!


    But yeah, so I am somewhat of a reformed slacker!!!

  12. lol i cursed when i sold a lab map for 115 neopoints :P


    @ OP: i get that you're pissed but its kinda useless now. start a new account and enjoy the site anew :laughingsmiley:


    LOL - you should hear me cursing at Yooyuball!!!!! I've even taught myself some new swear words!

  13. Last year I was rank 3. I started AC V as a beginner again. What gives about that then?


    Because you always start each AC as a beginner and have to gain the rank from the beginning. If you started on the same rank as you finished last time it would firstly be unfair to the newcomers and secondly it wouldn't be a seperate competition.


    Blurrz - sorry, I wasn't trying to judge, I was massively impressed and was wishing I was anywhere near as good!

  14. If it was four years ago then it probably has been deleted due to being inactive for too long. You are better off creating a new account.


    I didn't think censoring a curse word yourself was against the rules?

  15. Not humanely possible. those are from last year



    These are from last year, it's not that insane....


    You obviously have never seen an all star.


    It says 2010 in the address bar at the top which definitely suggests this year.

  16. Lol, I didn't understand a word of that, my maths is awful! I just assumed they have a program which keeps track of all scores above minimum requirements and so it was kind of highest overall score wins or something along those lines! Because even people only playing once or twice a day help towards the overall effort even if not by a lot.


    Granted this is probably a very stupid comment, but I don't do maths so I over-simplify everything to allow my brain to comprehend it!

  17. It was a choice between Yooyuball and none as I quite like watching chaos ensue! But Yooyuball won out probably mainly because I'm so much better at it now so it's far more enjoyable. I'm not sure I could play it non stop though!


    Slushie Slinger I find to be tedious - I used to love it but it isn't half long winded! Showdown Shootout I enjoy but I use it as a rest between YYB and SS, and Make Some Noise hurts my fingers!

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