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Posts posted by Secre

  1. Please help again i cant get the avatar counter to show can you help me please?


    You may not be able to get it to show because I think you're using the HTML code not the forums code. I may be wrong there but it's worth checking.

  2. I'm just gonna reiterate what others have said.


    It's not really our place to say what to spend it on as it's based on what you enjoy. Recently I've been spending alot on painting my pets and on petpets, as well as training for tdub. But that's become my personal fascination. But paintbrushes are often rather expensive...


    Otherwise, find something which you like collecting or hoarding or saving for inflation; stamps, codestones, books, gallery items or avatars. Once you've found something you won't have any problems spending all your hard earned np!

  3. Well, you can merely enjoy a day away from the computer today... if you don't want to send scores towards the practice round for NPs.


    Yep, that's gonna be todays aim - as many nps as possible to try to make up for the fact that with playing very few other games during the AC cup my np earning has diminished massively!

  4. Yesteday I got a Scroll of Greater Healing from the Wheel of Knowledge which I've sold for 49k



    Excitement: Pant Devil

    Mediocrity: Fireballs, but my fire pet isn't effected

    Knowledge: A stupid hint

    Slime: 125np


    Not a good day on the wheels.

  5. I have far more trivial good times:

    -Getting to rank 1 - I was over the moon as it's the first time I've really played

    -Getting out of wooden shields - that made my day even more!

    =Reading some of the very amusing forum discussions based around it

    -Looking forward to the next shield


    My low points would be:

    -Missing yesterday due to overtime at work and then a pub meet which lead to

    -Having to play stupid amounts today!


    Overall though I'm really enjoying this cup and have probably got a little too addicted to it.

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