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Posts posted by Secre

  1. Considering how much effort you've put into doing this for us I think just about everyone would agree that you deseerve to get some extra credit for it and the art gallery would be perfect! It means that everyones happy!

  2. Faerieland lags point blank with me. It drives me insane. And the new wheels both lag on my own computer - they run perfectly on my boyfriends...except for not being able to play WOE every two hours...although at that price I'm not sure I'd want to!

  3. I don't seem to be able to spin it more than once a day...although at 500np a shot I doubt I'll want to. Once I get the avatar I doubt I'll be spinning this again. It's pretty, but when I'm on my own computer the new wheels are really slow and this is far too steep.

  4. I have a pact with myself which is that I will never spend real money on virtual items, however, I am also never one to turn down a freebie. To cut a rather long winded explanation short a dutch friend of mine has an american friend who thought she still played neopets and bought her $5 worth of neocash. To cut things short, she's posted me the card and I now have 500 neocash.


    Does anyone have any ideas on what I should spend it on? Preferably wearables as I don't have enough of them...

  5. The Fountain Faerie wants you to get her 'Desert Peophin Plushie'!!


    Please, and Thank you C:

    I'm hoping to paint my Gelert something Nice with this...


    Lucky you getting a FFQ at all and something so cheap! Congrats.


    And thank you maldoror.

  6. Congrats on getting it up and running...and I have to admit the puppy/kitty eyes were very cute. I have to admit I'd never really considered Draiks before this group...after looking at them now I have fallen in love with them. So it's become one of my (many) goals...

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