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Posts posted by Secre

  1. 200k is a lot of money, but the same is true of every avatar item. It'll prob go down in price in Sept etc as there won't be the demand for it that there is now.


    Extra question: do you get to keep the book or does it get turned into something else through the mixing process to get the avatar?

  2. Is the NC mall on sale then at the moment (sorry, can't check as I'm at work and as a gaming site it's not allowed - don't know how on earth I can get on here!). I may have to check when I get home as I have some spare (free) neocash...

  3. I only know normal but from what I've seen buying weapons is a waste of time once you have got the boss ones as they have the status upgrades and are stronger over all. I buy alot of potions, but tend to use the haste and slowing from abilities not potions...

  4. It's more annoying now because they didn't warn us they were turning it US only so I couldn't use at least what flags I had as I was expecting to be able to collect more. And although TNT may not have ultimate control of it they could put restrictions on which companies they use (as in the ones that are willing to do outside the US).

  5. In the editorial it says:

    'Hi, TNT! *throws mr.coconut at you* I was just wondering: how long will the Six Flags sponsorship stay on the site? I'm asking because I really want to be able to get the Faerie Petpet Paint Brush and I wouldn't want to rant when I find out that Six Flags is gone and I wasn't able to get my paint brush. Thank you! :D ~weirdo_gandingan35

    You have until September 2nd to collect all of those flags and get that paint brush. :) '



    'Boo Hoo!


    Sorry, Six Flags has been taken off the site, we hope you enjoyed playing it! Why not play some of the other great games Neopets has to offer by clicking the button below!'


    I'm confused...

  6. Lol, it sounds like you've been mega busy! It sounds like the last month of studying for me when we all suddenly decided that we ought to actually do some work! Sudden madness and a lot of all nighters trying to complete last minute revision and coursework! At one point I was living off expresso coffee, red bull and caffeine tablets...and lots and lots of chocolate and cigarettes!

  7. I have now got paranoid to whack a pin on almost everything, and to write down all my stocks, friends, safety deposit box items, basic details, closet items and battledome items on tdub along with pets which I have previously had or have been moved to a side.


    I have to admit, if I lost this account I wouldn't start up from scratch. This has taken too much time and effort and I'm to attached to my pets...

  8. I've never really thought about it with other people's pets but theres always a connection with mine.


    My lupe HarmBoer is named after my foster father.

    My kougra tdub is named after part of my favourite teachers email.

    My Uni FaithfulDarkness is one my friend named and in a way that ties me to the past.

    My Shoyru ackorn is a kind of a muddle of my initials.

    My Peophin (on a side) TeaAddict is named after my foster mother.


    All of my names have a meaning. I don't know how many other people do that though...

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